Out For Justice Quotes

Out For Justice Quotes


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the poor have no right, they cannot afford justice because they have no money


Explanation: This quote helps us to be awake on society's current situation. Justice is in line with wealth nowadays. If you are rich then you'll find justice, if your not then, unfortunately you'll receive unfair treatment. We shouldn't be tolerating this kind of scenario because it slowly affects different societal aspects. So as early as now, we should be observant and vigilan so we can try to redirect this wrong action.

2. Create a quote/opinion about justice ​

My Quote

"Justice is the unwavering will to give each person his due.""Injustice occurs when justice is delayed.""The dead are unable to scream for justice."

My Opinion

For me, justice is a moral ideal based on ethics, equity, and fairness, as well as the right of all people and individuals to equal protection under the law.


I can say justice is a system where people has equal access to economical resources, as well as the tools and assistance needed to obtain these resources.


I added an image to help you visualize my point. Hope it helps.


3. In the "Ace Attorney" series, what is the relationship between Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright?


Trucy Wright's oldest known relative is Magnifi Gramarye, her grandfather. Her father is Zak Gramarye and her mother is Thalassa Gramarye, better known as Lamiroir after her "death". Trucy has never been informed of her parents' whereabouts or about the fact that Apollo Justice is her half-brother through her mother

Step-by-step explanation:

Trucy Wright is a character in the Ace Attorney series. She is Apollo Justice's assistant and half-sister, and Phoenix Wright's adopted daughter in the fourth game Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney.

4. “There is a higher court than court of justice and that is court of conscience. It supercedes all the courts."- Mahatma Gandhi what is the meaning of the quote?​


on Fri Feb to get to see the place hays ewan

5. Explain the quote in relation to social justice. "Peace is the fruit of love, a love that is also justice. But to grow in love requires work-hard work. And it can bring pain because it implies loss of the certitudes, comforts, and hurts that shelter and define us.."

explaination diko ma explain tulad ng feelings ko sayo yieee d jk

6. Interpret and explain the given quote. “COURTSHIP BRINGS OUT THE BEST. MARRIAGE BRINGS OUT THE REST.”


Courtship brings the best results. In other words, every couple should experience courtship and courtship before starting a relationship. This is the best way to maintain a happy relationship. As a girl, you first have to give him a task, and that's courtship.

Marriage begets everything else. That means, if you're already married, everything you want is in you. You will have the happy family we all dreamed of. Be with the one and only man/woman you love always and forever. A happy relationship and the rest can be done with a smile.

pabrainliest thanks

7. What can you say about the quote below? "Many of our most serious conflicts are conflicts within ourselves. Those who suppose their judgements are always consistent are unreflective or dogmatic." A quote taken from his book "Justice​


Pki sagot


Need ko po ng answer

8. Can you give me your own understanding to this quote:"Justice is giving every man his due."​


read the explanation..


My understanding is: its paying him back by giving the man justice yea its kind of hard to explain.

is it right?

9. Reflect on the quote: "Working out of cause and effect is eternal" (Deepak Chopra)Thankyou❤️​


Hope it help. God bless

10. In your local community, do you think the idea of justice is being practiced or lived-out?​


Before I answer, I would like to just point out that if we look within everything justice isn't needed. The world was made to be fair until someone decided they were better.

Justice, in its broadest sense, is the principle that people receive that which they deserve, with the interpretation of what then constitutes "deserving" being impacted upon by numerous fields, with many different viewpoints and perspectives, including the concepts of moral correctness based on ethics, rationality, law, religion, equity and fairness.

11. Quote:You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated- Maya AngelouGet the message of the quote above and write an analogy out of it.​


It is one of the reasons for living our life. We are meant to face challenges. And to learn from them. I think the first way in not allowing ourselves to be defeated is by recognizing challenges will occur.


please let me brainliest

free to judge



12. Are love and justice possible in our society today? How can the wisdom of the prophet Amos help us live out the values of love and justice?


Love and justice can exist in society today, but achieving these values can be a challenge due to the complexities and flaws of human nature and the systems that govern our community. Love and justice require effort, compassion, and a willingness to confront and address injustice and inequality.

The wisdom of the prophet Amos can help guide us in the pursuit of love and justice. Amos was a prophet in the Hebrew Bible who spoke out against social injustice, corruption, and oppression in ancient Israel. His message was of righteousness and justice, and he called on the people to repent of their wrongdoing and seek a closer relationship with God.

Some key themes from the book of Amos that can help us live out the values of love and justice include:

Social justice: Amos spoke out against the exploitation and oppression of the poor and marginalized and called for fair treatment and equality for all people.

Righteousness: Amos emphasized the importance of living a righteous and moral life and called on the people to turn away from their sins and seek reconciliation with God.

Mercy and compassion: Amos called on the people to show mercy and compassion to those in need and to act with kindness and compassion towards others.

Repentance: Amos called on the people to confess their sins, seek forgiveness, turn away from their wrongdoing and seek a closer relationship with God.

By following the wisdom of Amos and seeking to embody these values in our lives, we can work towards creating a more loving and just society.

13. "Globalization could be the answer to many of the world's seemingly intractable problems. But this requires strong democratic foundations based on a political will to ensure equity and justice" ANALYZE THIS QUOTE. #BRAINLIESTWHOCANANSWERTHIS​


In its current form, globalization cannot be sustained. Democratic societies will not support it. Authoritarian leaders will fear to impose it.


Correct me if i am wrong

14. own quote about criminal justice ...pls answer ;(​


You'll never find justice if you are seeking justice at the wrong place.

Take action in achieving justice or you will lose justice just by entrusting it to theirs only.

Justice should be "Just" just like from the word itself.


I hope it will do good:>

15. . What common line of thought did you find out in the quotes?patulong po!!​


salamat @po ang sagot ha

16. give your OWN quote about justice and fairness. please po need lng. ​




“Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.”


pa brainliest naman po pls ◉‿◉

17. Explain the quote of Immanuel Kant, "Give me matter and I will construct the world out of it."

It's a tricky one 
so basically all things that have mass(me, you, my teammates when we are playing), and all mass have matter. So if we explain that quote, Kant is basically saying that matter is the construct of the world since if you build a building it will have mass thus having matter.
"As long as you have mass, You matter" 

18. explain the quoted line "supposing is good but finding out is better"​


Supposing is good because you are following what your gut feels. However, you are not sure if it is true. Finding out is way better because you found and know the truth.

Hope it helps, pa brainliest naman po. Hihi

19. what common line of thought did you find out in the quotes?​


what quotes?


where are the quotes??


asan po yung quotes?


kailangan po n a quotes

20. is it necessary that the administration of justice must be carried out fast and smooth ?​


It depends because even it is fast and smooth we don't know that the strategy used is not in a good way,will if its in a good way yeah its necessary so the problem will solve easily and faster

21. Relate the message of the quoted statement below with the topic that has been discussed.Peace must be built on justice, on integral human development, on respect for human rights, on the protection of creation.-Pope Francis​


The right to self-defense is an irrevocable right of ... a threat to the peace, any breach of the peace or a ... An invasion or attack by the armed forces of a state on ... associated with the principle of human self -determination, ...

22. the justice define the atom matter is made out of atom


brainly po #brainly 10000000000points

23. Interpret and explain the given quote. "Courtship brings out the best. Marriage brings out the rest."​


Courtship bring the best because in courtship yoy should do everything just for ur girl that's why it brings the best while when you both get marriage, all lacking during the courtship time brings out the rest




25. Remember your favorite quotes that makes a point. Then, get the message of that quotes and write an analogy out of it.

hi ayaw ma send ng sagot in text form so i did it like this nalang hehe

26. II. Write one quote for: (Q-5 points each) PEACE- JUSTICE-lPLS NEED A ANSWER​


Never forget who you want to become


hoping it helped:)

27. it is part of the israelites justice system which metes out a just penalty for an evil action​


Answer: Biblical Justice


thats the answer

28. Explain what is the meaning behind the quote."There is a higher court that court of justice and that is court of conscience. It supercedes all the courts." By Mahatma Gandhi​


1. What are the two ideas compared in the texts

2. When it comes to family relationship, which living environment is more

preferred? Why?

3. According to the selection, which is stressful Farm ffe or city life? Prove your


4. What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this texts

5. If you were given a chance to choose, which do you prefer, farm ite or city

life? Explain your answer.

29. Explain the given quote."Courtship brings out the best.Marriage brings out the rest".​


for me, courtship is when a person who pursue you shows you the best of them, the part where they show you how sincere and pure their intentions are. and marriage is the part where finally, the both will spend the rest of the history together.


I hope this helps I'm not rlly sure if I explained it well :<

30. what can you say about the quote stand out​


The world accommodates you for fitting in, but only rewards you for standing out. “The louder the dogs bark the less a lion feels threatened.” The world is already full of critics; to stand out, be an encourager. Don't run with the crowd; fly with the stars.

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