Campaign Against Cyberbullying

Campaign Against Cyberbullying

As a media and information literate individual, how will you contribute the campaign against cyberbullying?​

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1. As a media and information literate individual, how will you contribute the campaign against cyberbullying?​


1.create digital citizens.

2.educate yourself.

3.discuss bullying.


5.teach students it's okay to report abuse.

6.establish firm policies.

7.encourage active student participation in decision making.

what is the purpose of cyberbullying campaign

our online campaign is aimed at teaching children when they see bullying get out of line,not to be afraid to intervene.teaching them to offer support and show sympathy.showing support can make a huge difference for the person being bullied.


pa heart po please thanks


pa brainliest o mamatay ka

2. As a media and information lirerate individual, how will you contribute to the campaign against cyberbullying?​




ito ay masalamhh mgccjg f



3. Cyberbulhang is rampant nowadays, everyone should raise awareness to stop cyberbullying As a media & information literate individual, how will you contribute to the campaign against cyberbullying?​


basically, I will give the pleasure to all the victims by making a short film or a simple video that can open up their eyes not just to fight on the bullies but to fight for their rights.


sabihan ang mga bata o mga magulang na bawal magbully dahil may bayad ito na higit 5 libo o pataas pa


dahil kapag nagbully ay may bayad na mahal kaya hindi na sila magbully kung hnd sila makapagbayad na 5 libo o pataas basi sa kung pilang tao ang iyong na bully

4. 15. The main theme of the article is: A. how to cope with cyberbullying. B. doctors who are against cyberbullying. C. psychological risks of cyberbullying. D. treatment of cyberbullying victims. ​


The main theme of the article is;A. How to cope with cyberbullying

5. What are the effective solutions in fight against cyberbullying?

-we have to respect each others right and obey the rules at using social media . we also need to think before we post something in social websites to avoid bullying .*Be empathetic, ask yourself how would it feel if you were in someone's shoes who get bullied. We all have differences that make us unique and who we are. Think before you click. Respect everyone so they will also respect you.
*Get away with social media, overusing it won't do you good.
*Propagate the cyberbullying law.

To those who get bullied, "haters don't really hate you, in fact they hate themselves because you're a reflection of what they wish to be".

Hope this helps.

6. create an awareness campaign against water pollution? ​


Don't throw trashes at waters it can cause water pollution.

7. Cite the importance of promoting a campaign against early pregnancy.​


The National Campaign seeks to improve the lives of children, families and communities by helping to ensure that children are born into two-parent families. The goal is to make sure parents are informed about the challenges of raising children and are committed to the task.


Don't Give Up On Your Dreams.

Keep Sleeping.

8. Should the government impose strict measures against fake news and cyberbullying?.


Absolutely, since it's one of the things that needs to be done right away. False rumors lead many people to be misled and go astray. Bullying calls for harsh measures in response since it makes young people miserable and makes them lose hope as a result of mockery from others.

9. create an awareness campaign against water pollution?​

actual making tarpulin dis question

10. Effective solutions in the fight against cyberbullying?

ignore or try to ask help to your teachers

11. With the current campaign of President Duterte’s War on Drugs, are you in favor or against the said campaign? ​


Campaign is drugg So don't take it

12. how to stop cyberbullying?.#notocyberbullying campaign.​

To stop cyberbullying, please to all of the people who’s bullying some of their classmates or etc, please change your attitude, that’s the fastest way to stop bullying.

13. gumawa ng isang social awareness campaign tungkol sa kampanya laban sa cyberbullyingpaki answer po plleaasseeeee​


wag mang api dahil ito ay masama at wag patulan para Hindi na lumaki Ang pang bubuli sayo.


yun napo answer ko Pa heart and rates nalang po salamat po

14. as a student. how will you fight against cyberbullying? ​


As a student who is against bullying, I will take a stand when I see others being hurt or harassed by someone, whether it is online or offline. 


sana makatulong:) ...


Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a type of tormenting or provocation utilizing electronic means. Cyberbullying and cyberharassment are otherwise called internet harassing. It has become progressively normal, particularly among youngsters, as the computerized circle has extended and innovation has progressed.

The effect on each part of a kid's life can be expansive. With the computerized age, many children don't simply need to stress over being tormented in the schoolyard. All things considered, with the innovation accessible today, menaces can arrive at our children at school, after school, and surprisingly in their own rooms. With PDAs, PCs, tablets, and cells, menaces can venture into a youngster's life and influence each part of it. Harassing and cyberbullying are presently not a straightforward matter of facing the harasser and having a go head to head. It's as of now not a basic matter.

Harassing and cyberbullying is turning into a significant issue that has stood out enough to be noticed throughout the most recent couple of years, as an ever increasing number of teenagers are confronting the issue. The outcomes have been destroying. With youngster self destruction on the ascent, demonstrations of viciousness expanding, and more casualties being recognized, it has impacted their own lives, yet their schooling also. Cyberbullying, be that as it may, might be especially damaging.

Which is worse? Cyber Bullying or Physical Bullying


15. In what ways can you show unity in fighting against cyberbullying among the youth?


They are woman and human too not a toy for your own happiness needs to respect them because they deserve to be respected therefore almost thousands of people know this particularly person who suffering from this kind od discrimination, "If your truelly a man you know how to be trusted by your own girl".

16. Create an awarences campaign against water pollution​


Try to avoid using too many plastics. ...

Plastic waste is not only damaging to the water when broken down, but due to the harm done to marine life, it can also spread death and decay in the water.

Reuse things where possible. ...

Try to opt for recyclable and reusable options.

17. MagBigay ng pang Caption sa Slogan about sa take a Stand against cyberbullying?​


first nouns bullying second nouns given

18. slogan campaign against gender issues on health​


Stop Discrimination for a Better Nation.



19. Effective solutions in the fight against cyberbullying

• Being a responsible social media user.
• Stop posting negative effects of cyberbullying.
• Standing up for those who are bullied but in a nice and professional manner.

20. slogan campaign on fight against cybercrime​

Be a true buddy, not a false bully.

21. example of social media campaign of cyberbullying​

#BeCyberSmart campaign against cyberbullying




22. the department of health conducted campaigns against covid-19​


Yeessss that's true :)

You don't have any information about what I'm going to do or how to answer these f question, but i think it's not a question lol

23. explain "campaign against communist insurgency" and why​




explain"campaign against communist insurgency" and why?


Its History


Because of Campaign Against Communist Insurgency are needed

24. how to avoid cyberbullying/how to stop cyber bullying campaign​


Below are 9 strategies we as educators can employ to prevent cyberbullying in our classrooms.

Create digital citizens. ...

Educate yourself. ...

Discuss Bullying. ...

Supervise. ...

Teach students it's okay to report abuse. ...

Establish firm policies. ...

Encourage Active Student Participation in Decision Making.

25. slogan about campaign against the destruction of forest? ​


Nagustuhan ko ang isang yan, i hope makatulong


26. what do you think is the best protection against cyberbullying?​

you should avoid cyber bullying because it might bring you yo danger.

=avoid from online bullying

=we dont need protection because it depends who got first

Cyber bullying is also known as online bullying. It is not only through social media but also through phone messages. It usually happens to teenagers. Nowadays, it is very common to teenagers and the best protection for this kind of bullying is that to educate the people in using social media. We should use social media as a source for communication, business and in sharing and generating knowledge and content. If people will be disciplined enough in using social media we will have all a great environment.

27. Anti cyberbullying campaign brochure for school

don't be lazy to do that


don't be lazy to do that

28. Activity : CYBERBULLYING La Her te make a stand against Complete the table below by explaining some issues regarding How to make a stand against CYBERBULLYING? CYBERBULLYING STOP BLOCK RECORD TALK IT OUT​


Statement of the Problem: Cyberbullying as the name implies is the use of cyberspace as a mechanism to bully others known or unknown to the bully. Cyberbullying has caused significant issues for those involved ranging from extreme displays of anger to suicide attempts.


Mark me as BRAINLY please

29. What are the effective solutions in fight against cyberbullying?

Effective Solutions For Preventing Rather Than Fighting Cyber Bullying. ^_^

- It is better for someone to know that God is caring for him or her.
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
- 1 Peter 5:7 
2. Family
Rather than spending more time online. Why don't you spend more quality time for your family bonding.

-This is just my opinion.. hope this may enlighten those who will read. 
God bless!

30. creat an anti cyberbullying campaign for your school or community​


"Instead of destroying someones' life on Digital Media, Let us create humanity in our Cyber Media"

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