C3h6o Empirical Formula

C3h6o Empirical Formula

what is the molecular formula of a compound whose molar mass is 120.12g/mol and an empirical formula of CH2O?A. C2H4O2B. C3H6OC. C4H8O4D. C12H12O16​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the molecular formula of a compound whose molar mass is 120.12g/mol and an empirical formula of CH2O?A. C2H4O2B. C3H6OC. C4H8O4D. C12H12O16​

A. C2H4O2


that can be reduced (ex: formaldeyhyde,CH2O). They are different in any case where the molecular formula may be reduced to a smaller whole-number ratio of elements (ex: acetic acid, C2H4O2 has the same empirical formula as formaldehyde, CH2O). 5. The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6.

I hope it helps :)

[pa brainliest answer, if puwede]

2. Calculate the mass percentage composition of acetone which has the chemical formula C3H6O​.

The mass % of any element = [(no, of the element atoms x atomic mass of the element) / molar mass of the compound] x 100. Thus the mass % of O = (Atomic mass of O / molar mass of acetone) x 100 = [(15.999 g/mol) / (58.08 g/mol)] is equal to 7.6 %. hope it helps

3. Which of the following is NOT a true statement concerning empirical and molecular formulas? a. The empirical formula of a compound can be triple its molecular formula. b. Several compounds can have the same empirical formula, but have different molecular formulas. c. The molecular formula of a compound can be the same as its empirical formula. d. The molecular formula of a compound can be some whole-number multiple of its empirical formula.




An empirical formula is the simplest ratio of atoms in a formula unit. The true ratio of atoms in a formula unit is called the molecular formula, also with the true molecular mass of a chemical formula. Empirical formulas represent the lowest ratio of coefficients in a chemical formula.

4. empirical formula of C6H6​


The empirical formula for





, also known as benzene, is CH.

5. Which chemical formula is both an empirical formula and a molecular formula?.

One molecule of ethylene (molecular formula C2H4) contains two atoms of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen. Its empirical formula is CH2. Both have the same empirical formula, yet they are different compounds with different molecular formulas.

6. empirical formula of C9H13NO3 ​




recheck if needed


Molecular Formula







Molecular Weight

183.2 g/mol







Therapeutic Epinephrine is the synthetic form of the naturally occurring sympathomimetic amine with vasoconstricting, intraocular pressure-reducing, and bronchodilating activities. By stimulating vascular alpha-adrenergic receptors, epinephrine causes vasoconstriction, thereby increasing vascular resistance and blood pressure. When administered in the conjunctiva, this agent binds to alpha-adrenergic receptors in the iris sphincter muscle, resulting in vasoconstriction, a decrease in the production of aqueous humor, and a lowering of intraocular pressure. Through its beta1 receptor-stimulating actions, epinephrine increases the force and rate of myocardial contraction and relaxes bronchial smooth muscle, resulting in bronchodilation.

NCI Thesaurus (NCIt)

Epinephrine appears as white to nearly-white microcrystalline powder or granules. Odorless. Melting point 211-212°C. Aqueous solutions are slightly alkaline. Slightly bitter, numbing taste.

CAMEO Chemicals

Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is a hormone and neurotransmitter and produced by the adrenal glands that can also be used as a drug due to its various important functions. Though it has long been used in the treatment of hypersensitivity reactions, epinephrine in the auto-injector form (EpiPen) has been available since 1987 in the USA.Many new products/biosimilars and dosage routes have been approved under various names over the last several decades,.On August 16, 2018, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA gained approval to market its generic epinephrine auto-injector in 0.3 mg and 0.15 mg strengths.Dosage delivery routes for epinephrine include intravenous, inhalation, nebulization, intramuscular injection, and subcutaneous injection.In general, the most common uses of parenteral epinephrine are to relieve respiratory distress due to bronchospasm, to provide rapid relief of hypersensitivity (anaphylactic or anaphylactoid) reactions to drugs, animal serums and other allergens, and to prolong the action of infiltration anesthetics. In addition to the above functions, epinephrine is the primary drug administered during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to reverse cardiac arrest.It can be used in severe cases of croup.

7. Activity 13: What a difference! Directions: Fill in the spaces to complete the idea. Get the answer from the word bank. Empirical Formula 1. The empirical formula is the ________ of expressing the elemental composition of a compound. Molecular Formula 2. Molecular formula is the actual ______ of the elemental composition of the compound. The empirical formula is derived first from the weight percentages of the elements present in the compound Empirical Formula 3. The molecular formula is related to the _______ of the compound in question and often is derived after obtaining the empirical formula. Molecular Formula 4. The empirical formula contains the _______ of the moles of elements in the compound. The molecular formula needs to be a multiple of the empirical formula. The empirical formula is not often used in reaction schemes Empirical Formula 5. The molecular formula is commonly used in reactions and other ________. WORD BANK: - TOTAL WEIGHT - SIMPLEST FORM - CHEMICAL RECORDING - SIMPLIFIED RATIO - PRESENTATION

1. The empirical formula is the Simplest Form of expressing the elemental composition of a compound.
2. Molecular formula is the actual Presentation of the elemental composition of the compound.
3. The molecular formula is related to the Total Weight of the compound in question and often is derived after obtaining the empirical formula.
4. The empirical formula contains the Simplified Ratio of the moles of elements in the compound.
5. The molecular formula is commonly used in reactions and other Chemical Recording.

8. what is empirical formula?​


a formula giving the proportions of the elements present in a compound but not the actual numbers or arrangement of atoms.


the empirical formula of a chemical compound is the simplest positive integer ratio of atoms present in a compound. A simple example of this concept is that the empirical formula of sulfur monoxide, or SO, would simply be SO, as is the empirical formula of disulfur dioxide, S₂O₂.

9. Differentiate molecular formula and empirical formula

The empirical formula of a compound gives the simplest ratio of the number of different atoms present, whereas the molecular formula gives the actual number of each different atom present in a molecule. If the formula is simplified then it is an empirical formula.

10. is the empirical formula the same as molecular formula?​


Empirical formulas show the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound, molecular formulas show the number of each type of atom in a molecule, and structural formulas show how the atoms in a molecule are bonded to each other.

11. A compound has an empirical formula of C2H5. What is true about this empirical formula?

C₂H₅ is alkyl and the mole ratio of the elements C and H is 2: 5

Further explanation

Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons with all carbon bonds being single bonds

General formula:


A compound has an empirical formula of C₂H₅

The empirical formula is the smallest comparison of atoms of compound forming elements.

Also shows the mole ratio of the molecular elements

There are 2 things that might be shown from this empirical formula

1. The mole ratio of element C and element H is 2: 5

2. C₂H₅ is an alkyl, that is, an alkane that loses one H atom.

Formula : CnH2n + 1

Learn more

an alkane


an alkane or an alkene


some example of Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes



12. Molecular formula and empirical formula of allicin

Molecular formula: C6H10S2O

13. empirical formula of C14H10O4

(Benzoyl peroxide)

Benzoyl peroxide is a chemical compound with structural formula (C₆H₅−C(=O)O−)₂, often abbreviated as

14. Empirical Formula) What is the empirical formula of a compound that contains 0.783g of Carbon,0.196g of Hydrogen and 0.521g of Oxygen?​


What is molecular formula of this substance? Empirical Formula 1) What is the empirical formula of a compound that contains 0.783g of Carbon, 0.196g of Hydrogen and 0.521g of Oxygen? Molecular Formula 4) Empirical formula of a substance is CH20. Molar mass is 180.




What is molecular formula of this substance? Empirical Formula 1) What is the empirical formula of a compound that contains 0.783g of Carbon, 0.196g of Hydrogen and 0.521g of Oxygen? Molecular Formula 4) Empirical formula of a substance is CH20.

15. empirical formula of propane​


the empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio representing constituent atoms in a species

16. empirical formula composition​

[tex] \boxed{answer} [/tex]

An empirical formula tells us the relative ratios of different atoms in a compound. The ratios hold true on the molar level as well. Thus, H2O is composed of two atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen. Likewise, 1.0 mole of H2O is composed of 2.0 moles of hydrogen and 1.0 mole of oxygen.


Correct me if I'm wrong!?



17. What are the empirical formula and empirical formula mass for Mg 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ?


Trimagnesium phosphate

18. empirical formula of N2O ​


Maybe this can help po(^o^)^_^

19. . Which chemical formula is both an empirical formula and a molecular formula?


One molecule of ethylene (molecular formula C2H4) contains two atoms of carbon and four atoms of hydrogen. Its empirical formula is CH2. Both have the same empirical formula, yet they are different compounds with different molecular formulas.

20. empirical formula for C10H22


We have decane, the alkane with a chemical formula of C10H22 . The empirical formula of a substance has the smallest ratio between the elements its composed of. Here, we got the carbon to hydrogen ratio as 10:22

socratic.org › questions ›

21. What is the empirical formula of the molecule that has an empirical formula of CH2O and a molarmass of 120.12 g/mol?​


here you go mate! study smart.


22. empirical formula of n14o32​

Answer: N7 O16

(Dont forget to subscript)

23. Is the empirical formula the same as molecular formula?​


│ ❤️✅  

Sana Makatulong :)

#Carry on Learning

#Better on Brainly

╰───────────────────╮Empirical formulas show the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound, molecular formulas show the number of each type of atom in a molecule, and structural formulas show how the atoms in a molecule are bonded to each other.

24. which Chemical Formula is both an empirical formula and molecular formula​


which Chemical Formula is both an empirical formula and molecular formula​


1. kasunduan





1. kasunduan





1. kasunduan







Both have the same empirical formula, yet they are different compounds with different molecular formulas. Butene is C4H8, or four times the empirical formula; ethylene is C2H4, or twice the empirical formula.



25. How to get the empirical formula and molecular formula?


Divide the molar mass of the compound by the empirical formula mass. The result should be a whole number or very close to a whole number. Multiply all the subscripts in the empirical formula by the whole number found in step 2. The result is the molecular formula.

Step-by-step explanation:


26. empirical formula of c6h14?​



Hexane's molecular formula is C6H14, and its empirical formula is C3H7, showing a C:H ratio of 3:7.

27. Empirical formula of C6H5N




It is an abundance of valuable possessions or money.


It is still C6H5N.


An empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio of elements. Since 6, 5, and 1 do not have a common multiple, we can say that this is already the empirical formula.

28. empirical formula of heptane​




which contains isomers of the empirical formula C7H16. The relative proportion of isomers varies with the production lot. The most prevalent components are: n-heptane, dimethylcyclopentanes, 3-ethylpentane, methyl- cyclohexane and 3-methylhexane.

29. empirical formula of B9H15​


here's the answer Po gud nyt


There are three main types of chemical formulas: empirical, molecular and structural. Empirical formulas show the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound, molecular formulas show the number of each type of atom in a molecule, and structural formulas show how the atoms in a molecule are bonded to each other.

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