What Is The Opposite Of Cancel

What Is The Opposite Of Cancel

8. It is stating the opposite meaning of the original statement. * A. opposition B. negation C. cancellation D. rejection

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1. 8. It is stating the opposite meaning of the original statement. * A. opposition B. negation C. cancellation D. rejection


B. Negation

Step-by-step explanation:

Negation is a stating the opposite meaning of the original statement.

2. What happens to the forces from different objects which are equal in amount but opposite in direction?A. They cancel each otherB. They do not cancel each otherC.They are balancedD. They are not balanced​


A. They cancel each other


Newton's third law of motion is naturally applied to collisions between two objects. In a collision between two objects, both objects experience forces that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Such forces often cause one object to speed up (gain momentum) and the other object to slow down (lose momentum).

3. 5. What happen to the forces from different objects which are equal in amount butopposite in direction?A. They cancel each other,B. They do not cancel each other,C. They are balanced,D. They are not balanced,​


C. They are balanced

because even they are different objects, but still equal in amount thus they are balanced.

4. If action and reaction forces are equal and opposite, can they cancel out to zero?

If these forces are equal and opposite, they cancel, producing a net force of zero. This means that neither object can accelerate, which means that Newton's Laws predict that nothing can ever move.

5. What do you say when a costumer cancels? How do you handle last minute cancellation how do you avoid cancellation​

Here are two things that might help.

•Control your attitude. Be calm and collected. Commit yourself to helping the customer solve their problem.

•Ask your customer thought-clarifying questions. Try to help them clarify what's holding them back.

6. The action and reaction forces in Newton's Law of Interaction, are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. However, they do not cancel each other. How would you explain this?​


The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.

The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs - equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.

7. Checking Your Understanding 1. What is cancellation? When do we used cancellation? ​


we use cancellation if we misunderstood something. we use it when necessary.

8. If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitudeA. and equal in direction B. and in opposite directionC. cancel each other D. none of the above​


If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitude

A. and equal in direction

B. and in opposite direction

C. cancel each other

D. none of the above


If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitude B. and in opposite direction.



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9. What is cancel culture?


nasa pic Na yung sagot nagmamadali po kase ako napupuyat Na po ako mag papasa Han Na po bukas


pa brainlest heart and rate thanks babay²

10. What is the other term for the word "reciprocal? * A. opposite fraction B. inverse C. multiplication inverse D. cancellation method


c.multiplication inverse

Step-by-step explanation:


C. multiplication inverse

11. what is 'cancel' or 'to cancel' in tagalog?

iurong o magkansela/ikansela

12. guys what is cancellation?​


Ito po Yung nagcacancel out po ng mga common factors

13. what is cancellation method

Cancellation method can pnly be applied when there is a same form a solving in any math form,especially ALGEBRA and other related solving about math.

14. 8. If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitudeA. and equal in directionC. cancel each otherB. and in opposite directionD. none of the above​


B. and in opposite direction

15. topic cancel culture,,,what is your opinion about cancel culture?​


, in its pop-culture dictionary, defines cancel culture as "withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive." The phenomenon has occurred to both public figures and private citizens.


It is the idea that you can ‘fix society’ by destroying people, somehow ‘casting out the bad spirits’ with a sacrifice, and that will actually ‘do something’ to magically change everybody’s minds, and behaviors.

It is the idea that you can ‘fix society’ by destroying people, somehow ‘casting out the bad spirits’ with a sacrifice, and that will actually ‘do something’ to magically change everybody’s minds, and behaviors.And it is the old propaganda trope of ‘sending a message’ and doing scary and horrible things to ‘send a message’. It is a reversal of abuse — the ‘oppressed’ turn around and become ultra-oppressive in the opposite direction and justify it in terms of a ‘crusade’ for some kind of ‘justice’ for the past.

It is the idea that you can ‘fix society’ by destroying people, somehow ‘casting out the bad spirits’ with a sacrifice, and that will actually ‘do something’ to magically change everybody’s minds, and behaviors.And it is the old propaganda trope of ‘sending a message’ and doing scary and horrible things to ‘send a message’. It is a reversal of abuse — the ‘oppressed’ turn around and become ultra-oppressive in the opposite direction and justify it in terms of a ‘crusade’ for some kind of ‘justice’ for the past.But the really backwards part is that it does nothing to further any positive change, it is only used as a way to let loose abuse on a vulnerable target. In fact, the usual effect is a boomerang shot back at the caster, destroying both sides.

16. equal forces acting on one object in opposite directions they cancel each other out​




Kaso asan dyan yung tanong


When the forces acting on an object have equal strength and act in opposite directions, they are balanced. These forces cancel out one another, and the motion of the object they are acting on remains unchanged.


Hope it help.



17. cancel pairs of common factors 10/24×12/15 what is the cancelation​


i dont have answer


18. What is cancel culture?


Cancel culture-- is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles. whether it be online, on social media, or in person.


Cancel culture (or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to have been "cancelled".


Please follow❤️#carry on learning

19. which of the following is not a characteristic of action-and-reaction forces? They__ A. Cancel each other B. are acting on different object C. are equal in magnitude D. are opposite in direction​


A. cancel each other


im not sure if my answer is correct tho--


20. If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitudeA. and equal in direction B. and in opposite directionC. cancel each other D. none of the above@ScienceLover​

Complete The Sentence:If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitude


If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitude B. and in opposite direction.



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21. If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitudeA. and equal in direction B. and in opposite directionC. cancel each other D. none of the above​

Answer/Complete the Sentence:

If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitude B. and in opposite direction.



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22. the action and reaction forces in Newton s law of interaction ,are equalin magnitude and opposite in direction .however ,they do not cancel each other .how would you explain this​


Force ALWAYS come in pairs - equal and opposite action.


Action: Fist hits wall

Reaction: Wall hits fist

23. what is meant by cancellation?​



the action of canceling something that has been arranged or planned.

"train services are subject to cancellation at short notice"

• a crossing out of something written.

"all cancellations on documents must be made indelibly"

• a visible or electronic mark placed on a postage stamp to show that it has been used.

"covers showing stamps and special cancellations"

24. in newton's third law of motion, the equal and opposite forces do not cancel out each other out. what is the reason for this?​


Newton's third law of motion states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This means that forces always act in pairs. Action and reaction forces are equal and opposite, but they are not balanced forces because they act on different objects so they don't cancel out.

25. i ____ my meeting for tomorrow? a canceled be cancelling c cancel order cancelled​






c.) cancel opo po hihi hehe

26. We know that forces are vectors, thus, the effect of one force upon an object is canceled by the effect of another force in the opposite direction. If the action and reaction forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, why do they not cancel each other?​


Two equal and opposite forces do not cancel because they act on different systems.


27. if its rains _____ a.we will cancel the trip b.we cancel the trip what the answer?​


a. we will cancel the trip




We will cancel the trip

maybe hmm

28. 8. If two forces are acting on an object they are equal in magnitudeA. and equal in directionC. cancel each otherB. and in opposite directionD. none of the above​​


B. And in opposite direction


Since these two forces are of equal magnitude and in opposite directions, they balance each other.

29. what happens to the forces from different objects which are equal amount but opposite in direction?a . they can see each other b.they do not cancel each otherc.they are balanced d. they are not balance balance​




30. Would the lightning travel through and hit the person?If there're super strong winds going one direction, and sound tries to go in the opposite direction of it, will the sound be cancelled out?​

Would the lightning travel through and hit the person?

Yes it will hit the person if the person is positively charged. But the 'lighting' will be invisible.

If there're super strong winds going one direction, and sound tries to go in the opposite direction of it, will the sound be cancelled out?

I think yes, it should[tex].[/tex]

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