Speech About Classmates

Speech About Classmates

speech about classmates

Daftar Isi

1. speech about classmates

Farewell Speech ... I would like to thank my classmates, some, who taught me what to do in life by being shining examples

2. make a speech about classmates​


Dear classmates, you have provided me with a wonderful and delightful experience. My gratitude to you for all you have done, which I will never forget. I truly appreciate you and your time you spent helping me in many occasions. Thank you very much for the course. I enjoyed every minute of your lecture as well as your marvelous sense of humor

3. example of roast speech about classmate


A roast speech is a humorous speech or speech full of jokes in honor of someone.

My example of roast speech to a classmate:

Whenever I am sitting beside this person I always feel happy and nervous at the same time. Happy because he is such a genius and whenever I am having a hard time doing our activities he helps me understand it and nervous because after the teacher is tired of calling him to recite, of course the teacher would look for others to answer her questions and it would always end up to be me because I'm sitting beside this genius that's why I am visible. So maybe next time after doing the activities I need to go pee so the teacher won't call my name anymore. Or maybe I will just distance myself and cut ties with him.

(The roast speech that I made is only the body I'm just going to suggest some tips in doing the introduction and conclusion.)

So in the introduction you need to greet everyone or made an opening joke that describes your subject.

In the conclusion you need to tell your most funny and memorable punchline about the honoree.


4. Create an informative speech Informing your fellow classmates about the result of your survey about the given issue. Your informative speech should be based on the situation in the picture and compose of 2-3 paragraphs with 100 words.​


sorry need points lng eh

5. write a persuasive text or speech about the conduct or limited face to face classes. convince your other classmates to come to school and join you in the limited face to face classes.​


gsto ko mag f2f kaso ayaw ng taecher ko haha


kasi mahirap lg kame kaya di ako makapag f2f

6. Make a farewell speech about your classmates and teachers (10 sentences+) pa help po, ty!


A farewell is a very momentous day in our lives. It’s a day where we say goodbye to one part of life and welcome the next. Furthermore, after spending so many years at a place, saying thank you becomes a complex process. In such a situation, saying a simple thank you is certainly not enough.

Thank You Speech for Farewell

Furthermore, why should I say a simple thank you on this memorable occasion? Moreover, this is the last time I am addressing this school, so it has to be something special.

Acknowledging the Teachers

First of all, I must acknowledge our teachers. Furthermore, I think I speak for all the students when I acknowledge the teachers. Dear teachers, you have been the source of our education and knowledge these last several years. Most noteworthy, teachers not only educate us, but they teach us about the lesson of life.

Our teachers, over the years, have made us able to compete with the world. Furthermore, they are the symbol of our strength. Moreover, our teachers have been the support base for us students.

Our teachers’ have sometimes been harsh in the form of strict father figures. But think about this, they were harsh only for our benefit. So, I hope none of you will carry ill-feeling towards any of our teachers even for a moment. Above all, their strictness will turn out to be a blessing for us in the life to come.

Teachers, of course, are not always strict. Furthermore, they display their generosity when they are not angry. In fact, teachers can be as generous as our mothers. Furthermore, even in their moment of anger, they never for a moment think badly for us, but only have our best interests in mind.

This day we should remember our teachers and be grateful to them. I thank the teachers for their immense hard work into making us better human. Words can never do justice to the immense contribution you have made in our lives. Furthermore, we always acknowledge you and love you, dear teachers.

How can I not mention my lively classmates and students at this important moment. Furthermore, you have made my stay at this school a memorable experience. Furthermore, the unity among the students of this school is unsurpassable. There is something special about the unity of this school’s students.

Dear classmates, you have provided me with a wonderful and delightful experience. Furthermore, I will sorely miss the time away from our school students and I am sure this is a mutual feeling we all share.

Wise individuals say that childhood friendships tend to be the strongest. With this belief in mind, I hope that our friendship will continue forever. Thank you once again, my dear students and friends, for giving me the best years of my life.

7. BEN: ''Our classmate is sick and he is in the hospital,'' Ben said. TEACHER MARIE: Ben said that their classmate was sick and he was in the hospital. BEN: ''We visited our classmate in the hospital,'' Ben said. TEACHER MARIE: Ben said that they had visited their classmate in the hospital. 1. How are the lines of Ben presented? How about Teacher Marie's?2. What tense of the verb was used in the lines of Ben? Teacher Marie?3. Which of the characters used direct speech? Reported speech?​ ANSWER THIS PLEASEEE!!


1.The lines that ben presented are present tense and is direct speech while teacher marie is using past tense and is a reported speech.

2. The tense of verb that ben used is present. And the teacher used past.

3.Ben is the characters that used direct speech and Teacher Marie is the character that used Reported speech.

Sana nakatulong po.

8. 3. Daniel has glossophobia but he needs to deliver a speech infront of his classmates. What is the best way to overcome his fear?A. Dress up properly.B. Forget about the audience.C.practice and prepare.D.read his speech.​


my answer would be letter B.


Forget the audience so that you won't feel nervous




Getting to the root of your fear may help you take effective steps to manage it.

9. Let's Create Situation: It is Teacher's Day and being the class president, you are tasked to present a speech (report) before your classmates and teachers. It should be about the role of teachers in molding the character of the youth. Product/Performance: Speech, Tribute to teachers Vour answer​


teachers are the one who helped us to learn more they help us and they had been there for us since were in kindergarten they are kind beatiful understanding but sometimes a little strict they know how to respect us


sorry if wrong pa brainliest po<33

10. How was your experience in the activity about Impromptu Speech? Share your thoughts on how you cope with the anxiety you felt during the 1 min. speech in front of your classmates.


Experiencing speech anxiety is normal. Nearly everyone gets nervous when they have to give a speech or a presentation, even experienced speakers. The speakers that look relaxed and confident have simply learned how to handle their anxiety and use it to enhance their performance.

The audience wants you to succeed. Novice speakers commonly feel that the people in the audience are extremely critical and want them to fail. This is very rarely the case. Think about situations where you have been an audience member. Did you want the speaker to fail? Probably not, in fact we are usually quite supportive of speakers and may even feel bad for them if they stumble over a word or lose their train of thought. Most audiences you will address as a student are rooting for you.

11. Patricia was chosen by her English teacher to deliver a speech about Caring for MotherEarth. What kind of speech should Jae-An use to inform and educate her classmatesabout her topic?a. Descriptive Speechc. Narrative Speechb. Entertainment Speechd. Informative Speech​


D. Informative Speech


It is because you as a speaker, will give informations to let people know about the topic that you are discussing(Caring for Mother Earth).

12. B. Imagine you are the class president. Persuade your classmates how important accomplishing the modules/performance tasks are. Write a persuasive speech about this matter and include as many appropriate cohesive devices as you can in your writing​


okay are you dreaming are you are patal

13. which of the following is an example of intrapersonal communication?A. you offered feedback on the speech of your classmateB. you are having a discussion with your group mates on how to finish a projectC. you felt happy while thinking about one of your classmates who decided to help you finish a task. D. you offered feedback on the speech performance of your classmate​




you are having a diccussion with your group mates on how to finish a project.

yan po kasi topic namin ngayun sa oralcom

14. Writing Task: Prepare a speech in about 200 words, encouraging your friends, classmates, relatives to follow certain rules on how to prevent the spread of Corona Virus (Covid19) in your community.


mag ml kanalang Po ples na ml t

15. make a short speech about advantage and disadvantage of online learning- 6-10 sentences (paragraph)(please help i need it right now i will present it in front of my classmates)​

I hope this is of assistance.

16. Create an informative speech Informing your fellow classmates about the result of your survey about the given issue. Your informative speech should be based on the situation below and compose of 2-3 paragraphs with 100 words.​


2_3pharagraphs 100words there are many word not only 100

17. Let's Create Tribute to TeachersGoal: Present a coherent year comprehensive report/speech on differing viewpoints about the role of teachers in molding the character of the youth. Role: You are a leaner, the class president of Grade Vl. Matalino.Audience: Your classmates and teacherSituation: It is Teacher's Day and being the class president, you are tasked to present a speech (report) before your classmates and teachers. It should be about the role of teachers in molding the character of the youth. Product/Pertormance: Speech, Tribute to teacherspasagut po ng maayos thank you☺️





18. Determine the speech style required in each situation A. InitimateB. CasualC. Consultative D. FormalE. Frozen1. Talking to an interviewer during job application 2. Talking to the patient about the illness3. Planning with with your family about your dream vacation 4. Delivering State of the Nation Address 5.Sharing about a funny experience with classmates6. Reciting the Preamble of the Philippine Constitution 7. Delivering an impromptu speech​









19. I. TRUE/FALSE: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false about Writing an Informative Speech 1. Solicit ideas from your fellows/classmates about the topic. 2. Start your speech with an introduction. 3. Questions are allowed to be an introduction to your speech. 4. Organize your ideas from the most important to the least important. 5. It is allowed to end your speech with a question. 6. Brainstorming about the topic is not advised. 7. You can use Concept Web in gathering ideas. 8. Your introduction should stir the interest of the readers and audience. 9. Do not summarize the main points of your speech. 10. It is allowed to end your speech with a question.​












hope its help

20. Create an informative speech Informing your fellow classmates about the result of your survey about the given issue. Your informative speech should be based on the situation in the picture and compose of 2-3 paragraphs with 100 words.​


sorry po

need kolang po ng point

21. The student went out to see his classmates to plan for their group project. The project will be about a play adaptation of a novel to be presented in front of their class. The student is friends with the members as well. Speech Context: Speech Style: Speech Act: Communicative Strategies: Relationship of the speaker: Language form: Duration of interaction: Relationship of the speaker to the receiver: Delivery: Message: Roles and responsibility of the speaker



sorry po hindi ko po alam yan mahina po ako sa

english pasensya na po talaga

22. MessageRoles and responsibilities of the speakerSituation AThe student went out to see his classmates to plan for their group project. The project will be about aplay adaptation ofa novel to be presented in front of their class. The student is friends with the membersSpeech ContextSpeech StyleSpeech ActCommunicative Strategies:Relationship of the speaker.Language form:​


Students don’t always want to go to class. They may have required classes that they find difficult or don’t enjoy, or they may feel overwhelmed by other commitments or feel tired if they have early morning classes. However, even if instructors allow a certain number of unexcused absences, you should aim to attend every class session. Class attendance enhances class performance in the following ways:

Class participation: If you don’t attend class, you can’t participate in class activities. Class activities are usually part of your final grade, and they can help you apply concepts you learn from lectures and reading assignments.

Class interaction: If you rely on learning on your own (by doing the reading assignments outside of class, for example), you’ll miss out on class discussions with fellow students. Your classmates will often have the same questions as you, so going to class enables you to learn from them and ask your instructor about topics you all find difficult.

Interaction with the instructor: There is a reason why classes are taught by instructors. Instructors specialize in the subjects they teach, and they can provide extra insight and perspective on the material you’re studying. Going to class gives you the chance to take notes and ask questions about the lectures. Also, the more you participate, the more your instructors will come to know you and be aware of any help or support you might need. This will make you feel more comfortable to approach them outside of class if you need advice or are struggling with the course material.

Increased learning: Even though you will typically spend more time on coursework outside of the classroom, this makes class sessions even more valuable. Typically, in-class time will be devoted to the most challenging or key concepts covered in your textbooks. It’s important to know what these are so you can master them—also they’re likely to show up on exams.


Sana Po makatulong

pa brainlaist po ❤

23. Direction: Read the situations below and identify the following: 1 Speech context 2 Speech Style 3 Speech Act 4 Communicative Strategy After identifying the concepts, explain the differences in terms of: Language form • Duration of interaction Relationship of the speaker to the receiver Delivery Message Roles and responsibilities of the speaker . . . . Situation A The student went out to see his classmates to plan for their group project. The project will be about a play adaptation of a novel to be presented in front of their class. The student is friends with the members as well. Speech Context Speech Style: Speech Act Communicative Strategles: Relationship of the speaker Language form:


Pagkakapareho at the end of the following time signatures perform the conducting gestures of 2 and the parent materials the list of the materials and their description procedures steps in making the list of the materials and their description


Hujvuguvuggu6f8t 66 is a very good piece of paper list down the kinds of nature your learn thing of course the best describe each kind of mixture will be formed when monggo beans and rice grains

24. B. Imagine you are the class president. Persuade your classmates how important accomplishing the modules/performance tasks are. Write a persuasive speech about this matter and include as many appropriate cohesive devices as you can in your writing.​


my classmates always answer your modules properly and always do performance tasks so as not to drop your grades


pa brainly po

25. A speech to inform your classmates about the effect to climate change on polar bears?


The Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the global average, causing the ice that polar bears depend on to melt away. Loss of sea ice also threatens the bear's main prey, seals, which need the ice to raise their young.

26. C. Construct a simple dialogue on the given situations below. 14. You are looking for your friend. You saw Benny, one of your classmates and asked about a CASUAL way? 15. You are going to deliver a speech in front of your classmates, how are you going to start​

style. Write Intimate, Casual Consultative, Formal, or Frozen on the space provided. 1. "Why should we hire you? 2. "Have you seen Jamie? I have been looking for her since this morning." 3. "To our beloved parents and teachers, hardworking school administrators and staff, Ladies and Gentlemen." Answer:

and below is start to the benny is peppa and pretty have you seen mom is a go morning


whst a kalakala ang

27. You are looking for your friend. You saw Benny, one of your classmates and asked about him. How are you going to ask him in a CASUAL way? 15. You are going to deliver a speech in front of your classmates, how are you going to start your speech in a FORMAL way?​


I'm gonna ask Benny in a casual way by saying "Hey Benny! How are you doing?Oh by the way where do you live 'cause l didnt actually know.Oh and also can we be friends? I'm just kinda shy to talk to other people.

I am going to start my speech in a formal way by saying my name and what the speech is about.

28. Situation A The student went out to see his classmates to plan for their group project. The project will be about a play adaptation of a novel to be presented in front of their class. The student is friends with the members as wellSpeech Context: Speech Style: Speech Act: Communicative Strategies Relationship of the speaker Language form​



29. Ben:"Our classmate is sick and he is in the hospital,"Ben said.Teacher Marie:Ben said that their classmate was sick and he was in the hospitalBen:"We visited our classmate in the hospital,"Ben saidTeacher Marie: Ben said that they had visited their classmate in the hospital.Question:1.)How are the lines of Ben presented?How about Teacher Marie's?2.)What tense of the verb was used in the lines of Ben? Teacher Marie?Which of the characters used direct speech? Reported speech?​


Ben was speaking or talking while Teacher Marie seems to be reported rather quoted word for wordBen used direct speech while Teacher Marie used reported speech or indirect speech


Sana makatulong

30. Let's CreateTribute to Teachers Goal: Present a coherent, comprehensive report/speech on differing viewpoints about the role of teachers in molding the character of the youth. reache Role: You are a learner, the class president of Grade VI- Matalino. Audience: Your classmates and teacher Situation: It is Teacher's Day and being the class president, you are tasked to present a speech (report) before your classmates and teachers. It should be about the role of teachers in molding the character of the youth.Performance: Speech, Tribute to teacherscan someone please help me to answer this question?​

Your answer:

Our Teachers have helped us years by years, We get smarter as we grow up if we focus on our studies. My teacher is a miraculous thing to exist because she teaches me well. We are also teached to be honest, delightful, And helpful. We learn tons of new stuff by our teachers. Teachers are blessings to the world.

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