Most Sculptures In This Period Are Made Of Monumental Terracotta

Most Sculptures In This Period Are Made Of Monumental Terracotta

most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terracotta

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1. most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terracotta


, Renaissance sculpture re-established terracotta as a major medium of artistic expression and creativity. During the era of Baroque sculpture, the tradition was further developed by Bernini (1598-80) and Alessandro Algardi (1598-1654), notably in the area of relief sculpture and portrait busts.

[tex]\huge\blue{ \mid{ \underline{ \overline {\tt Answer:-}} \mid}}[/tex]

1. D. Roman

2. A. Byzantine

3. C Greek

4. D. Pre-Historic

5. B. Egyptian


===== BRAINLIEST =====

2. their sculptures in this period are made of monumental terracotta




ama Namin sumasalangit k sabahin mo Ang langit at lupa at pa sawalang hangan amen

3. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terracotta with continuousnarrative reliefs around.​




4. most sculpture of monumental terra-cotta


One of the greatest works in the history of sculpture, the set of fired clay figures known as the Chinese Terracotta Army

5. what is terracotta and what it is made of​

Terracotta, (terra cotta or terra-cotta), a type of earthenware, a clay-based unglazed or glazed ceramic, where the fired body is porous.

6. 1.roman sculptures are made of monumental terracotta the producer lives in the great roman triumphal columns. which is true about roman sculptures?a. it depicts battle scenes b.the sculpture projects outward c. it is famous for devotional images d. tombs are extensively used​




7. what period are made of monumental terra-cotta​


During the 1860s in England and the 1870s in America, architects began using unglazed terracotta to decorate the exterior surfaces of buildings.

8. give the 3 colors used in sculptured terracotta​


give the 3 colors used in sculptured terracotta



9. greek sculptures are made of monumental terra cotta​

The sculpture of ancient Greece is the main surviving type of fine ancient Greek art as, with the exception of painted ancient Greek pottery, almost no ancient Greek painting survives. Modern scholarship identifies three major stages in monumental sculpture in bronze and stone: the Archaic (from about 650 to 480 BC), Classical (480–323) and Hellenistic. At all periods there were great numbers of Greek terracotta figurines and small sculptures in metal and other materials.The Greeks decided very early on that the human form was the most important subject for artistic endeavour.[1] Seeing their gods as having human form, there was little distinction between the sacred and the secular in art—the human body was both secular and sacred. A male nude of Apollo or Heracles had only slight differences in treatment to one of that year's Olympic boxing champion. The statue, originally single but by the Hellenistic period often in groups was the dominant form, though reliefs, often so "high" that they were almost free-standing, were also important.



10. He is the "Classical Master of Philippine Sculpture" and his most famous sculpture is the Bonifacio Monument in Caloocan City​


Guillermo Tolentino

Guillermo Tolentino is known as “the classical master of Philippine sculpture.” He studied fine arts at the University of the Philippines, the Beaux-arts School in New York, and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. His most famous sculpture is the Bonifacio Monument in Kalookan City.


Guillermo Tolentino is known as “the classical master of Philippine sculpture.” He studied fine arts at the University of the Philippines, the Beaux-arts School in New York, and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. His most famous sculpture is the Bonifacio Monument in Kalookan City.

11. most sculptures in this period are made of monumental Terra Cotta with continuous narrative reliefs around​


Roman Sculptures


Roman Sculptures Most Roman sculptures are made of monumental terra-cotta. They did not attempt to compete with the free standing Greek works of history or mythology but rather they produced reliefs in the Great Roman triumphal columns with continuous narrative reliefs around.

Hope This Answer Helps ^-^Mark This Answer Into BRAINLIEST :DThanks!

12. 1. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuousnarrative reliefs around.A Pre-historicB. EgyptianC GreekD Roman​


D. Roman


The study of Roman sculpture is complicated by its relation to Greek sculpture. Many examples of even the most famous Greek sculptures, such as the Apollo Belvedere and Barberini Faun, are known only from Roman Imperial or Hellenistic "copies". At one time, this imitation was taken by art historians as indicating a narrowness of the Roman artistic imagination, but, in the late 20th century, Roman art began to be reevaluated on its own terms: some impressions of the nature of Greek sculpture may in fact be based on Roman artistry.

13. 8. Most Roman sculptures are made of monumental figure. true or false?​




Abay kailangan paba ng explanation? hshs




true kasi diko alam

14. 1. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuous narrative reliefs around. A Pre-historic B. Egyptian C. Greek D. Roma​


-D. Roman.

(hope it helps SS)

15. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuous narrative reliefs around.




sana makatulong

16. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuous narrativereliefs around.A. Pre-historicB. EgyptianC.GreekD. Roman​




17. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuous narrative reliefs around.​




Most Roman sculptures are made of monumental terra-cotta.

18. sculptures were made monumental terra-cotta​


In short, Renaissance sculpture re-established terracotta as a major medium of artistic expression and creativity. During the era of Baroque sculpture, the tradition was further developed by Bernini (1598-80) and Alessandro Algardi (1598-1654), notably in the area of relief sculpture and portrait busts


19. most sculpture in this period are mde of monumental ​

Do you still need an answer? If yes then most of the sculpture in this period are made of monumental terracotta sculture.

20. most sculpture in thise period


huh?? I Don't get it

21. Roman sculptures are made of monumental terracotta. They produce reliefs in theGreat Roman triumphal columns. Which is true about Roman sculptures?A. It is famous for devotional images.B. It depicts battle scenes.C. Tombs are extensively used in the sculpture.D. The sculptures project outward directions.​

A or D

sorry no explanation

22. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuous narrative reliefs around.a.Pre-historicb.Egyptianc.Greekd.Roman​


c. Greek Po answer


yan Po answer

23. direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. - Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuous narrative reliefs around. answer:D.roman​


D po sagot

Step-by-step explanation:

thank you ulit sa points

24. most sculpturein this period are made of monumental terra-cotta


Roman sculpture


I hope it helps you

25. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental Terra-cotta with continuous narrative reliefs around.A. pre-historyB. EgyptianC. Greek D. Roman​




26. 2. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuous narrative reliefs around. A. Pre-historic B. Egyptian C.Greek D. Roman​


D. Roman


Roman sculpture was heavily influenced by Greece, and carried out the Greek ideals in such popular forms as the portrait bust (statue of the head and shoulders). The Romans decorated their buildings with reliefs of historical and religious scenes.

27. most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terracotta with continuous narrative reliefs around​


Ancient Greek

Step-by-step explanation:

Terracotta Figurines

28. Most sculptures in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continues narrative reliefs around?


terra-coco Sabrina the cuttie the uwo



29. most sculptues in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with narrative reliefs around​


pre historic


basta yan lang alam ko

30. Most sculpture in this period are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuous narrative reliefs around


roman era


they did not attempt to compete with the free standing greek works of history and mythology but rather produced relief in the great roman triumphal columns with continuous narrative reliefs around.

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