Underpinning In Tagalog

Underpinning In Tagalog

Underpin meaningg??​

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1. Underpin meaningg??​


The underpinning is any theoretical

or background work that has been

done in the field that will support your

research and thesis.Use an

online research database or scholarly

article database to identify the beginning

of research for your topic

2. 1. Research is underpinned by:


The underpinning is any theoretical or background work that has been done in the field that will support your research and thesis. Use an online search database or scholarly article database to identify the beginnings of research for your topic.

3. bakit mahalaga ang underpinnings?


Ano ba ang Underpinning ?

A solid foundation laid below the ground to support stregnthen a building.

Bakit Mahalaga ?

Mahalaga ito dahil pina solid (hindi madaling matumba) ang mga bahay,gusali kapag ito ang gagamitin.

4. A ______ is a statement which underpins how human resource management issues will be dealt with in an​




hope it helps

brainlest me

5. Based on your underpinning knowledge, what xls and doc/s mean?​


excel files extension and document/s

6. All aspects of postharvest research throughout the supply chain will be considered, including storage technologies, treatments and underpinning mechanisms, quality evaluation, packaging, handling, and distribution. Explanation?​


The supply chain for agricultural products starts from the farm, goes through different stages such as sorting, grading, cleaning, packing, transportation, and storage, and ends with the delivery of the product to the final consumer. In each of these stages, there are different factors that can affect the quality of the product and cause losses. Therefore, all aspects of postharvest research throughout the supply chain need to be considered to ensure the best possible outcome.

Some of the key aspects of postharvest research include storage technologies, treatments, and underpinning mechanisms. Storage technologies include different methods of preserving the quality of agricultural products, such as temperature and humidity control, modified atmosphere packaging, and chemical treatments. Treatments include pre-harvest and postharvest interventions such as the use of pesticides, fungicides, and sanitizers, and the use of physical treatments such as irradiation, heating, and cooling. Underpinning mechanisms refer to the scientific understanding of the biological and physiological processes that occur during the postharvest period, including ripening, senescence, and decay.

Quality evaluation is another important aspect of postharvest research. It involves the assessment of the sensory, nutritional, and microbiological quality of the product at different stages of the supply chain. Packaging is also critical in postharvest research as it can significantly impact the quality and shelf-life of agricultural products. Proper packaging can protect the product from damage, contamination, and moisture loss.

Handling and distribution are also important aspects of postharvest research. Proper handling can prevent physical damage, bruising, and mechanical injury, while appropriate distribution can reduce transportation time and minimize losses due to spoilage.

In summary, postharvest research is a comprehensive approach to ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products throughout the supply chain. It involves a wide range of activities and technologies, and it requires interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists, engineers, and industry professionals to achieve optimal results.

7. Direction: Briefly answer the following question on the space below. 1. How do the basic tenets of Judaism underpin the importance of actions for the Jewish people? (4pts)​


Image result for How do the basic tenets of Judaism underpin the importance of actions for the Jewish people? (4pts)​

The most important teaching and tenet of Judaism is that there is one God, incorporeal and eternal, who wants all people to do what is just and merciful. All people are created in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect,


8. Mathematics played a major role in the underpinnings of our world

one by one two by two three by three

9. Which of the four competencies is the most important to you and which is the least important? Choose only one most important and one least important. (Underpinnings, Background knowledge, Central Competencies, and Attitudes and Perspectives) Explain why this is important and why it is not.





when we have a good attitude we can able to understand and respect the perspective of others

10. these are ideas that underpin both personal and professional codes. A. ethicsB. principlesc. code off conductD. ethical principles​


letter a po ethics


ethical practices include professional codes and the use of role models. ... community or a system of personal choice of conduct, or both.

11. What basic principles underpin our need to be culturally sensitive?​


Having a firm grasp of what culture is and what it is not.

Having insight into intracultural variation.

Understanding how people acquire their cultures and culture's important role in personal identities, life ways, and mental and physical health of individuals and communities;



Cultural awareness includes:

-Having a firm grasp of what culture is and what it is not.

-Having insight into intracultural variation.

-Understanding how people acquire their cultures and culture's important role in personal identities, life ways, and mental and physical health of individuals and communities;


12. What underpins the importance of law enforcement to achieve social stability is the philosophy _________. ​


bakit po puro sagot nalang ninyo po løl mga ganon nalang po please tulungan naman ninyo po kami dahil tumutulong lang din po kami sayo sana po maintindihan ninyo ‍❤️‍‍❤️‍‍❤️‍

13. Discuss the concept and underpinnings of labor standards, labor relations, and social legislation.​


laws that provide particular kinds of protection or benefits to society or segments thereof in furtherance of social justice

14. 1.1 Define Inclusive Education. (5) 1.2 Discuss the following theories underpinning Inclusive Education. 1.2.1 Critical theory and its key principles. (5) 1.2.2 African philosophies and its key principles. (5) 1.2.3 Social constructivism and its key principles. (5)




1. Inclusive EducationInclusive education means an education system that takes into account the special needs in the teaching and learning of all children and young people in situation of marginalization and vulnerability: street children, girls, groups of children belonging to ethnic minorities, children from financially deprived families, children from nomadic families, children with HIV/AIDS and children with disabilities.Inclusive education aims to ensure that these children have equal rights and educational opportunities.

2. Theories of Inclusive EducationInclusive education: from theory to practiceEstablish an inclusive training device in thru the improvement of powerful techniques to decontextualize and generalize inclusion is urgent. It involves a paradigm shift, shifting in the direction of structures training and colleges that offer possibilities for all (access, procedure and outcomes).

the values ​​and philosophy of inclusion must be reflected in the attitudes of teachers and the various actors in the education systems;education systems must provide an enabling framework for inclusion; the curricula must be adapted to the policy aimed at inclusion;Educational policy guidelines should enable teachers to to have working conditions favorable to inclusion; teachers should apply teaching/learning practices and effective teaching methods for the inclusion of all learners; the wider community and family must be involved for success


3. Critical theory and its key principles

According to Horkheimer, a critical theory must meet the following standards.

Explanatory: Something that is descriptivePractical: Easily appliedNormative: standard

4. African philosophiesThere is no doubt that such a position would be far from having its place in the pages of African philosophy whose tradition, according to Kwasi Wiredu is still in the process of maturing, cannot therefore, for lack of exist, be recorded in writing and would in any case present such great divergences of views and practice that one would really be entitled to wonder whether the various authors are speaking of a philosophy stemming from the same tradition.Thus we will be able to distinguish the political current, the critical and positivist current, the ethno-philosophical or hermeneutic current, the poetic current with negritude.5. Social constructivism and its key principlesJust like in Piaget and constructivism, socio-constructivism defends that the individual constructs his knowledge through experimentation and discovery. However, this approach puts more emphasis on the importance of the social and cultural environment in learning.Social constructivism is a sociological idea of information in line with which human improvement is socially located and information is built via interplay with others.Classroom activities challenge students' assumptions.Teachers raise relevance issues.Teachers build lessons around big ideas.Teachers assess learning in the context of daily instruction.





15. Pumili ng isa sa apat(Underpinnings, Background knowledge, Central Competencies, and Attitudes and Perspectives) Explain why this is important and why it is not.​




kay diha ni basi ang mga tawo nimo attitude

16. how is social indifference conditioned by state political and ideological interests that underpin bureaucratic structures?​


What is social difference?


The differences among the individuals on the basis of social characteristics and qualities are known as social differences. Social differences are the complex differences and they include class, race, culture, age, ability, sex etc. Social differences can create discrimination among the individuals on the basis of their social characteristics. For example, if in a society, individuals with high status are given more respect and importance as compare to the poor or homeless people then it is a social difference. Social differences can create a lot of problems in a society because discrimination always result in inequality, inferiority complex and other social problems.

How does ideology and political state causes social differences?

A political ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, values, and opinions, exhibiting a recurring pattern, that competes deliberately as well as unintentionally over providing plans of action for public policy making in an attempt to justify, explain, contest, or change the social and political arrangements and processes of a political community. The concept of ideology is subject to partly incompatible conceptual interpretations.

Once a person has a strong political ideology for a bureaucratic governance he/she tends to subconsciously develop inferiority complex and tends to ignore others point of views because of  his political ideas and as time goes by his political ideologies will causes social differences that could lead to biases, judgements, and social issues.



17. What are the moral underpinnings and qualifications for a member of the judiciary?


a person of proven competence, integrity, probity and independence. They hold office during good behavior until they reach the age of 70 years or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their office. They can be removed only by impeachment


18. It consists of specific or well-defined concepts and constructs, which helps clarify the overall underpinnings of the research variables in terms of how these concepts are defined and operationalized.




A theoretical framework is a bunch of associated ideas you can create from at least one hypotheses. The framework gathers all of your exploration discoveries to help the actual hypothesis. With a theoretical framework, you can all the more likely clarify your speculations, present your examination and shield your thoughts in a scholarly discussion. A theoretical framework comprises of ideas and, along with their definitions and reference to pertinent academic writing, existing hypothesis that is utilized for your specific review. The theoretical framework should exhibit a comprehension of hypotheses and ideas that are pertinent to the subject of your exploration paper and that identify with the more extensive subject matters being thought of.  

Significance of Theoretical Framework in Exploration, It gives a hypothesis driven way to deal with the current review. It provides the review with an obvious and demonstrated premise of contention. It offers a clarification of the review's importance and legitimacy.

Teoretikal na gabay at konseptuwal na balangkas:



19. In you ownr Understanding what are the principles underpinning good citizenship, rights and responsibilities of citizens, service and volunteerism for national development.​


follow the rules

follow the law

anb be responsible



following the rules of a good citizenship

20. Mathematics played a major role in the underpinnings of our world. Logical reasoning and critical thinking skills are required in any endeavor.

Answer: Mathematics is indespensible

Step-by-step explanation:

21. How do the basic tenets of Judaism underpin the importance of actions for the Jewish people?​


The most important teaching and tenet of Judaism is that there is one God, incorporeal and eternal, who wants all people to do what is just and merciful. All people are created in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

22. Which of the four competencies is the most important to you and which is the least important? Choose only one most important and one least important. (Underpinnings, Background knowledge, Central Competencies, and Attitudes and Perspectives) Explain why this is important and why it is not.


Background knowledge and Perspective


we need to have knowledge for the everyday doings.

perspectives- our perspective is sometimes ignored honestly but we should still respect others perspective but this is the least important here in the choices (for me cuz my perspective do get ignored for their own perspectives lol you may explain what ever you want)

sorry for the bad grammar and bad explanation

23. explain the concepts and principles underpinning community and community immersion.​


Community immersion allows individuals who are not familiar with the people and communities where they will work immerse themselves in these settings. This gives them the opportunity to reflect on their assumptions, attitudes, and the knowledge base of their profession and to gain cultural competence.


hope it's Help.

24. 13. Dimensions of sexualityoften include the cognitive andemotional factors underpinningsexual response, personalityand psychopathology​


About this Research Topic

Human sexuality has been subjected to great taboo and controversies over the decades. The scientific study of sexuality related issues is possibly one of the most challenging areas of research, facing countless political and social demands. However, more recently, leading organizations such as the World ..

I hope it can't help let's study and folow me for more answers

25. Narrate the underpinning events that led to the adaption of qualitative research by the social sciences?​


pa notice please hindi maintindihan ng mag-aaral sa brainly app ang taga pangasiwa ng brainly ayy si__________126.679


pwede Paki picture nalang kasi hindi maintindihan

26. it describes the relevant theory underpinning the knowledge base on the phenomenon to be researched​


theoretical framework

27. how did the basic elements of Judaism underpin the importance of actions for the Jewish People​


I don't know


sorry thanks sa points

28. STS deals with the histrical development of science and technology but does not cover their philosopical underpinnings true or false?


true po legit Tama po Yan


nah Gogle pako




I do some research about it.

29. How does mathematics plays a huge role in the underpinnings of our world?​ the answer most be 5-6 sentence long..


Math has a significant role in human society; some people may find it challenging, while others may not find it as beneficial. But why do you think that people were able to produce such magnificent things? You need math to solve problems and possibly build those structures; the house you are currently residing in was likely calculated using your math skills. I am aware that some people may not need to utilize math in their line of work, but you might be able to use it if it's a matter of life or death.

Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps.

30. it is fundamental underpinning for a set of logical statements​


An axiom is a basic statement assumed to be true and requiring no proof of its truthfulness. It is a fundamental underpinning for a set of logical statements.

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