Sunlight Meter

Sunlight Meter

How much electricity can one hour of sunlight exposure to a square meter surface on earth provide?​

Daftar Isi

1. How much electricity can one hour of sunlight exposure to a square meter surface on earth provide?​


Sources indicate an "Average over the entire earth" of "164 watts per square meter over a 24-hour day".

2. The speed of light is 3 × 10^8 meters/second .If the sun is 1.5 × 10^11 meters from the earth, how many seconds does it take for sunlight to reach the earth?


500 seconds

1.5 x 1011 m / 3.0 x 108 m/s = 0.5 x 103 s = 500 seconds.

3. how many meters does the sunlight penetrates depth water?A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200​




because it's a good understanding of how to get away from

4. Does the plant grow best in sunlight or without sunlight? Why?​

for my opinion if there's none sunlight, plants wouldn't get the necessary food needed to grow, reproduce, and survive, plants need sunlight, carbon dioxide and water like us, we need all these to live, furthermore the plants use the energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide, soil nutrients, and water into food.

5. Catherine conducted an experiment. She observed the growth of monggo plant when subjectedconditions (without sunlight and with sunlight).4. What is / are the independent and dependent variables?A. growth of monggo plantC. Without sunlightB. With sunlightD. without sunlight and with sunlight​


D. w/out light and with...


4.a.growth of monggo plant

6. rainbow formation is due toa.reflection of sunlight in the skyb. refraction of sunlight in the skyc.reflection and refraction of sunlight in the skyd.reflection and refraction. of sunlight in a rainbow​



Because rainbows are formed due to the raindrops in the sky which the sun refracts it, therefore a rainbow is made

7. The speed of light is 3 × 10^8 (meter)/(second) .If the sun is 1.5 × 10^11 meters from the earth, how many does it take for sunlight to reach the earth? Write your answer in scientific notation.


it's 10,000 cubic meters

8. What is sunlight? Describe sunlight


Sunlight is a portion of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun, in particular infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light.

Explanation: Sunlight, also called sunshine, solar radiation that is visible at Earth's surface. ... The visible portion constitutes nearly half of the total radiation received at the surface of Earth.


Sunlight, also called sunshine, solar radiation that is visible at Earth’s surface.


9. describe a shadow under bright Sunlight, hazy Sunlight and under dull Sunlight​


bright sunlight

- this sunlight is too shiny above and you probably got a hand on the head.

hazy sunlight

- hazy sunlight is the difficult to see because of the tiny little object to cause from definitely not clearer to see.

dull sunlight

- this is the most beautiful sunlight from above that you can probably saw it because this sunlight is not as bright.


Hope it helps, Good Luck!!

10. What are the ABIOTIC factors in this image?A. Tree, Grass, Air and SunlightB. Air, Temperature, Tree, Rock and Sunlight C. Rock, Sunlight, Temperature and AirD. Rock, Tree, Sunlight and Air ​

[tex]\rm\pink{\overbrace{\underbrace{\tt\color{pink}{ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: ANSWER: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: }}}}[/tex]

What are the ABIOTIC factors in this image?

A. Tree, Grass, Air and Sunlight

B. Air, Temperature, Tree, Rock and sunlight

C. Rock, Sunlight, Temperature and Air

D. Rock, Tree, Sunlight and Air


hope it helps

p brainliest

11. 1. What happens to a plant that is exposed to sunlight, and to a plant without sunlight? 2. Which part of the plant needs sunlight? Why? 3. Does the plant grow best in sunlight or without sunlight? Why?​


If a plant is expose too much into the sunlight there's a chance that the plant will die. Why? because the plant's molecules absorb more energy than they can handle and generate reactive species of oxygen.

And to a plant without sunlight, It may die as well because plants that are denied sufficient light will eventually lose tgeir color and die.

Which part of the plant needs sunlight? Every part needs enough sunlight. Why? 'Cause plants rely on the energy in sunlight to produce nutrients the need.

Does the plant grow best in sunlight or without sunlight? In sunlight of course. Why? Because sunlight benefits plants significantly because it has all the energy plants need to create food for themselves or what we call the photosynthesis.


1.Plants deprived of light will lose their color and die. The shoots exposed to “limited/no” sunlight had a yellow/white color due to the fact that photosynthesis could not occur. The lack of sunlight stunted photosynthesis and therefore the sprouts were not able to produce the chlorophyll needed to create a green color.


Inside the plant cell are small organelles called chloroplasts, which store the energy of sunlight. Within the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast is a light-absorbing pigment called chlorophyll, which is responsible for giving the plant its green color.

3.the plant grows best with sunlight. Because plants produce their own food by getting energy from the sunlight. Sunlight also makes them more stronger and healthier


hope it helps

12. What are the ABIOTIC factors in this image?A. Tree, Grass, Air and SunlightB. Air, Temperature, Tree, Rock and SunlightC. Rock, Sunlight, Temperature and AirD. Rock, Tree, Sunlight and Air ​


letter B

because in the image

she have a Air and temperature of course

she have a tree

she have Rock

she Sunlight of course

13. sunlight is the mean source of energy what will happen to all organisms if there is no sunlight​

It will cause a chain reaction. First, the plants cannot live without sunlight. Secondly, the herbivorous animals will die because of food shortage thus, we will die too because of no meat and no plants to eat. It will end horribly for the survivors because cannibalism rate will increase drastically. The human species wouldn't even last two months.


14. 1. What is the color of Orange fruit under the sunlight?2. What is the color of Eggplant under the sunlight?3. What is the color of Kangkong leaves under the sunlight?4. What is the color of Blueberries under the sunlight?5. What is the color of Ripe Banana under the sunlight?​


2.dark violet

3.dark green,(I'm not sure)




4.Growing Blueberries


correct me if im wrong pa brainlest po ty.

15. 1. Which of the following statement is the converse of the statement "If there is sunlight, then the plant will grow"?A. If there is no sunlight, then the plant will not grow.B. If the plant grows, the there is sunlight.C. If there is sunlight, then the plant will not grow. D. If the plant doesn't grow, then there is no sunlight.​


a. If there is no sunlight, then the plant will not grow.

Step-by-step explanation:


My Answer

A. If there is no sunlight, then the plant will not grow.

That's the correct answer

16. What would the earth be like if there is no sunlight?What can sunlight do to us?How important is sunlight?​


this is my answer hope you like this


sana makatulong:)


the look like dead planet and their is possibility that it will be dark

17. what is the effect of the sunlight to the clothes under the sunlight?


Clothes won't shrink, too. And according to Washer/Dryer Comboz, sun is a “natural sanitizer”, so if you dry you clothes under sun, they will smell cleaner and fresher. Sun can bleaching the clothes, it can make white clothes whiter, but make other clothes color lighter, too. Sun can also disinfect your clothes.


Sun can bleaching the clothes, it can make white clothes whiter, but make other clothes color lighter, too. Sun can also disinfect your clothes. The UV light can damage the DNA of the bacteria and microorganism, it can kill or stop their reproduction (best drying

18. 1. What happens to a plant that is exposed to sunlight, and to a plant without sunlight? 2. Which part of the plant needs sunlight? Why? 3. Does the plant grow best in sunlight or without sunlight? Why?​


1)Plants deprived of light will grow upward, stretching their stems more rapidly that usual, searching for light and plants that are denied sufficient light will eventually lose their color and die.

2)leaves because leaves are the main food factories. They capture the sun's energy with the help of chlorophyll in the leaf cells. The chlorophyll traps and packages the energy from the light of the sun in a process called photosynthesis. Leaves usually have a large surface so they can collect the most sunlight.

3) plant grow best in sunlight because sunlight benefits plants significantly because it has all the energy plants need to create food for themselves.


sana makatulong

19. 2. What do plants need to do photosynthesisA. glucose, oxygen, sunlight C. CO2, water, sunlightB. CO2, oxygen, sunlightD. oxygen, water, sunlight​


A. Glucose - Oxygen - Sunlight


Its A.

20. Which of the following represents a LINE SEGMENT? A. A 12-meter rope B. Light from the flash light C. Sunlight D. An arrow pointing at one direction Which of the following reprsents a RAY A. Light from the flashlighy B. A 13-meter rope C. Hair strand D. A 20cm yarn




Step-by-step explanation:


21. Which are the factors that contribute to the decaying process of the materials?a. sunlight, water, soil, and action of microorganisms.b. sunlight, air, soil, and action of microorganisms.C. sunlight, air, sand, and action of microorganisms.d. sunlight, water, oil, and action of microorganisms.​


A. sunlight, water, soil, and action of microorganism

22. 1.What can sunlight do to us? 2.How important is sunlight?​


1.Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain's release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused. At night, darker lighting triggers the brain to make another hormone called melatonin. This hormone is responsible for helping you sleep.

2.Vitamin D. The sun's UV rays help your body make this nutrient, which is important for your bones, blood cells, and immune system. It also helps you take in and use certain minerals, like calcium and phosphorus.



2.) The sun's UV rays help your body make this nutrient, which is important for your bones, blood cells, and immune system.

23. Which of the following represents a LINE SEGMENT?A. A 12-meter ropeB. Light from the flash lightC. SunlightD. An arrow pointing at one direction​


Which of the following represents a LINE SEGMENT?

A. A 12-meter rope

B. Light from the flash light

C. Sunlight

D. An arrow pointing at one direction

A. A 12-meter rope.

Step-by-step explanation:


24. performing experiment of a monggo seed with sunlight and without sunlight? ​


It was shown that monggo seeds grown under sunlight germinated and grew better than those grown under darkness. ... The seedlings of set-up B were taller because they were seeking sunlight. The presence of sunlight enables the plant to produce food via photosynthesis, which is essential to plant growth.

25. what we'll happened to those areas that have direct sunlight and indirect sunlight?​


Areas where which receive more direct sunlight are more likely to sustain crops and capture solar energy through solar panels; areas with more indirect light are going to be cooler and less capable of sustaining crops or capturing energy.


26. 10. Sunlight is the main source of energy. What will happen to all organisms if there is nosunlight​


they will die due to malnutrition and the life cycle will be disturbed


27. Which of the following is the correct equation of photosynthesis? A CO2 + 6H20 + sunlight -> C6H1206+602 B 6002 + 6H20 + sunlight -> C6H1206+6029 © 6CO2 + 61"sunlight -> CGH12O6 + 602 : D 6CO2 + 6HO + sunlight -> C6H1206 +602


none of the above


because the photosynthesis is as follows: 6CO2 + 6H20 + (energy) — C6H1206 + 602 dioxide + water + energy from light produces glucose and oxygen

28. can you live without sunlight? what would the Earth be like if there is no sunlight? what can sunlight do to us? How important is sunlight​


We will though not in the long term. Earth will experience rapid change in temperature,climate, and weather in every country. Life that coexist with life such as plants and other photosynthetic microorganisms will cease to exist, increasing the loss of oxygen. Our primary senses will not work effectively. We will be extremely vulnerable to hypothermia, frostbite, and etc. Communication will not work normally due to lack of social interaction face to face. This the Earth and humanity face without sunlight. That explains why it's so important

29. One sunny afternoon you walked to go to your friend's house which is several meters away from your house. You are aware that exposure to sunlight can lead to certain diseases. What material can be used to block the sunlight?A.umbrella B. plastic cover C. bottleD. raincoat​


A. Umbrella


Hope it helps:D


A. Umbrella

Using an umbrella can make it easier to block the sunlight because you can control it. Using a raincoat will still probably expose sunlight to your skin on some parts.

30. This process requires sunlight sincephotosynthesis occurs only in the pres-ence of sunlight.​




Photosynthesis is a multi-step process that requires sunlight, carbon dioxide (which is low in energy), and water as substrates.

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