Object Of The Contract

Object Of The Contract

charging by conduction involves the contract of a charged object to a neutral object. ✓ or ×​

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1. charging by conduction involves the contract of a charged object to a neutral object. ✓ or ×​

[tex] \bold{ANSWER}[/tex]

[tex] \bold \red{TRUE}[/tex]

[tex] \bold{EXPLANATION}[/tex]

[tex] \bold \red{Charging \: by \: conduction}[/tex] is charging by a contact where charge is converted or transffered to the objects. Positively charged and neutral object attract or repel each other. Whether, it is negative or positive charged will have an interaction within neutral object.

[tex]\\ [/tex]

[tex] \red{❤}[/tex]


Charging by conduction involves the contract of a charged object to a neutral object;



2. Which may not be the object of a valid contract?


Similarly, all services which are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy may be the object of a contract. This is why public bridges, rivers, illegal drugs, and sexual services may not be the object of a valid contract


#keeping u…ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

3. What makes an object of a contract invalid?


The object of the agreement is illegal or against public policy (unlawful consideration or subject matter) The terms of the agreement are impossible to fulfill or too vague to understand. There was a lack of consideration. Fraud (namely false representation of facts) has been committed.




1.A consent is manifested by the concurrence of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contract. ... Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contract

3.Although lots of contracts are filled with mind-bending legal gibberish, there’s no reason why this has to be true. For most contracts, legalese is not essential or even helpful. On the contrary, the agreements you’ll want to put into a written contract are best expressed in simple, everyday English.

All that is necessary for most contracts to be legally valid are the following two elements:

–All parties are in agreement (after an offer has been made by one party and accepted by the other).


hope it's help

5. The contract force called the normal force is A.Upward vertical force B.Net force acting on the object C.A Force perpendicular to the surface of Earth D.A contract force perpendicular to the contact surface


B.Net force

Sana makatulong

6. A process objective stating all contracts was be approved by an officer of the company before consummated


The internal auditor does not guarantee anything. Internal audits provide only reasonable assurance. Each of the other three responses could be a way to phrase an assurance engagement objective.


ty hope it helps

7. gravity is contract force that acts between two separate objects ? True or Fals



Because gravity is a contract force that acts between two separate objects.

I hope this helps u comrade ☭☆❤️

- Soviet kitty /ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗❄️




Based on my research. Hope it helps. Godbless^_^

8. Example of object certain which is the subject matter of the contract


A thing, right or service may be the object or subject matter of a contract. All things that are outside the commerce of man (e.g., the moon, public properties) may not be the object of a contract.




9. contraction is the decrease in the size observed in an object at lower temperature TRUE or FALSE?​




sana makatulong sa inyo

10. the ability of the muscle or a group of muscle sustain repeated contraction or to continue applying force against fixed object​




Muscular Endurance:

This is the ability of a muscle, or a group of muscles, to sustain repeated contractions or to continue applying force against a fixed object.

11. Compute the contracted length of an object whose initial length is 10m and travel with a velocity of 0.75c


12. What force acts perpendicular to the surface of the object in contract with

Normal Force. A force on an object that is perpendicular to a common contact surface is called normal force,it is caused by direct contact between surfaces

13. a type of training where muscle contraction produces little or no movement such as pushing or pulling against an immovable object


I don't know if I can help in any way




The strength training method using a muscle contraction that produces little or no movement, such as pushing or pulling against an immovable object, is referred to as: ​isometric training.

14. it is the state of which no heat will flow into or out of the system since the object in contract have the same temperature​


The temperature difference between two solid body will act as source of heat transfer. Larger the temperature difference between both, greater will be heat transfer, from Fourier law of heat conduction. Further the surface contact area between both solid bodies acts as resistive surface to heat transfer.


Adiabatic process


an adiabatic process (Greek: adiábatos, “impassable”) is a type of thermodynamic process that occurs without transferring heat or mass between the thermodynamic system and its environment.

15. what happen to the particles of an object during thermal contraction? is the there an increase or decrease in temperature​


Particles in a solid vibrate more

Whene it is heated

16. Is a contract of loan a documentary evidence or an object evidence? Discuss your answer.​

Answer: It is object evidence if the purpose of its presentation is to prove its existence.

17. Contraction or a shortened form of a word is described asa. formalb. objectivec. technical d.convertional​


a. formal

i hope it's help:))

18. what force acts perpendicular to the surface of the object and a contract with?​


normal force


Always acts perpendicular to the contact surface

When a group of things is contracted together, they are connected to one another in some way. The law of proximity is the name for this practice or manner.

The principle (or law) of proximity, which holds that items closer to one another appear more connected than things farther apart, is one of the original Gestalt principles. Our visual perception is remarkably influenced by proximity, to the extent that it can even take precedence over other elements like resemblance in color or shape.

The law of proximity governs how the human eye recognizes relationships between objects in the visual field. Elements that are close to one another are thought of as being related as compared to elements that are distinct from one another. Because of the concept of proximity, we can use whitespace to suggest connections between different parts.

According to the proximity principle in social psychology, individuals who are physically near to one another are more likely to develop a relationship than those who are further apart. German psychologists who sought to understand how the mind processes visual information developed the field of gestalt psychology in the early 20th century. This group came to the conclusion that people immediately add structure to what they perceive, making it more probable that we will conceptualize our surroundings as whole objects rather than disparate parts.

To learn more about the law of proximity, just click the link below:



20. What is the object and what is the cause in a contract of sale?

The thing or the object of the contract of sale is a bila teral or reciprocal contract which is the cause for one is the subject matter or object for the other, and vice versa. Hence, the distinction is only a matter of viewpoint.

21. A method which refers the muscle contraction that produces little or no movement such as pushing or pulling against an immovable object ?​




hope it helps.

22. true or false1friction is a contract force that opposes or resist the change in the state of motion of an object that is in contact with another object​




The force of friction (which is always present on Earth) can keep an object stationary or can slow it down once it is moving. ... Friction is a force that opposes motion. When two objects are in contact, friction is acts in a direction opposite to the motion of the object.


23. a phenomenon wherein objects produced fields that attract or repel other objects without the presence of any contract​


Many young students will have had memorable but often confusing experiences with magnets and magnetic materials. Magnetic materials are regularly encountered around the home, often holding small objects on the kitchen fridge or keeping cupboards and fridge doors closed. Many children’s toys employ weak magnets to ‘stick’ materials together (e.g. wooden train carriages) or are used in simple children’s construction toys to allow them to quickly assemble more complex structures without the need for messy adhesives or difficult connections. Toys very rarely make use of magnetic repulsion.


24. Do all materials follow this rule: "When an object is heated, it expands; when an object is cooled, it contracts"? Justify your answer.​


true cause when you heat a nail in the bottom it will raise to the top and when an object is hot and put in the water it decrease the temp


25. friction is produced when object is in contract with each other true or false​




26. Which of the following may not be made the object of a contract?


object of a contract is the thing which it is agreed, on the part of the party receiving the consideration, to do or not to do. ... The object of a contract must be lawful when the contract is made, and possible and ascertainable by the time the contract is to be


Sana maka tulong hehe aral mabuti

Po hehe ingat

27. 1. When catching an object, one must focus on the object by ________ at it. 2. Maximum muscle contraction is dependent on two things, what are they?



2.Motor units and skeletal system


A message travels from the nervous system to the muscular system, triggering chemical reactions. (2) The chemical reactions lead to the muscle fibers reorganizing themselves in a way that shortens the muscle--that's the contraction.

28. 1.when catching an object, one must focus on the object by ______at it.2. Maximum muscle contraction is dependent on two things, what are they?​



2.The physiological concept of muscle contraction is based on two variables: length and tension. In physiology, muscle shortening and muscle contraction are not synonymous, as tension within the muscle can be produced without changes in the length of the muscle.


hope it helps




29. Compute the contracted length of an an object whose initial length is 30 m and travels with a velocity of 0.65c?


fikopo alam


ok thanknulyou god bless

The main characteristic of an absolute simulation is that the apparent contract is not really desired or intended to produce legal effect or in any way alter the juridical situation of the parties. As a result, an absolutely simulated or fictitious contract is void, and the parties may recover from each other

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