Describe Modifications To Mendel s Classic Ratios Gene Interaction

Describe Modifications To Mendel s Classic Ratios Gene Interaction

Compare and contrast Mendel’s law of inheritance and modifications to Mendel’s classic ratios ​

Daftar Isi

1. Compare and contrast Mendel’s law of inheritance and modifications to Mendel’s classic ratios ​

Modification of Mendel's principles developed as knowledge of the chromosomes increased; many discoveries have helped to account for apparent deviations from Mendelian ratios. For example, Mendel's studies emphasized genes that behave independently from one another during transmission to offspring.

2. 100-150 words, compare and contrast Mendel's laws of inheritance and modifications to Mendel classic ratios​


that's a m e English to play about a week 8 diba you to include to plsssss you to include in your house to answer the door is that ok ok I can get out a m e t a good idea I can do that weekend you to to get a half of course you can but it it will do that toxic all ambiguous to get home chrome ok I'll try mo olam to get a dad to come back in about it in about it in about it it is supported ok na balek to get out and I will let him get home from Walmart to play lotto winning a good life na Miata na Miata rear door and if there in the morning.

3. Why do we need to understand modification of Mendel's classic ratios?​


We need to understand it because modification of Mendel's principles developed as knowledge of the chromosomes increased. Many discoveries have helped to account for apparent deviations from Mendelian ratios. For example, Mendel's studies emphasized genes that behave independently from one another during transmission to offspring.


hope it helps.^∆^

4. why is plant became a subject for gene modification? ​


Genetically modified (GM) plants, also called transgenic plants, are designed to acquire useful quality attributes


Hope it helps ☺️

5. Which generation of mendels experiments showed a 3:1 ratio of traits

First-generations (F1) progeny only showed the dominant traits, but recessive traits reappeared in the self-pollinated second-generations (F2) plants in a 3:1 ratio of dominant to recessive traits.



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6. In Mendel's experiments, if the gene for tall plants was dominant over the gene for short plants, what would be the ratio of crossing two heterozygous plants?​


1/4 would be tall; 1/2 intermediate height; 1/4 short

7. What characteristics of research were shown by Mendel when he conducted the classical experiment on garden peas? Explain why such characteristic/s was/were found in Mendel's experiment?​

As a young man, Mendel had difficulty paying for his education due to his family's limited means, and he also suffered bouts of physical illness and depression; still, he persevered to graduate from high school and, later, university

start superscript, end superscript. After finishing university, he joined the Augustinian Abbey of St. Thomas in Brno, in what is now the Czech Republic. At the time, the monastery was the cultural and intellectual hub of the region, and Mendel was immediately exposed to new teachings and ideas  

start superscript, end superscript.

His decision to join the order (against the wishes of his father, who expected him to carry on the family farm) appears to have been motivated in part by a desire to continue his education and pursue his scientific interests

squared. Supported by the monastery, he taught physics, botany, and natural science courses at the secondary and university levels.

8. 1.       Is modification of genes beneficial to human? Explain your answer.​


By knocking out genes responsible for certain conditions it is possible to create animal model organisms of human diseases. As well as producing hormones, vaccines and other drugs, genetic engineering has the potential to cure genetic diseases through gene therapy.Genes influence health and disease, as well as human traits and behavior. To view the beneficial changes as out of their control, attributing any such changes to their genetic makeup


pa-follow at pa-brainliest po. thanks

9. describe mendel's work in genetics​


He deduced that genes come in pairs and are inherited as distinct units, one from each parent. Mendel tracked the segregation of parental genes and their appearance in the offspring as dominant or recessive traits.

10. DNA ,RNA ,Gregor Mendel ,gene ,genetics ,allele ,1. The father of Genetics.​


Nucleic acids are the molecules in our cells that direct and store information for

reproduction and cellular growth.

There are two types of nucleic acids:

1. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

2. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

Both nucleic acids are unbranched organic polymers composed of monomer units

called nucleotides. These nucleotides are composed of a sugar molecule, a nitrogen base,

These nucleotides are composed of a sugar molecule, a nitrogen base, and phosphoric acid. A single DNA molecule may contain several million of these nucleotides, while the smaller RNA molecules may contain several thousand.

The DNA carries the genetic information for the cells. Sections of a DNA molecule

The DNA carries the genetic information for the cells. Sections of a DNA molecule called genes contain the information to make a protein. DNA serves two main functions.

The DNA carries the genetic information for the cells. Sections of a DNA molecule called genes contain the information to make a protein. DNA serves two main functions. Molecules of DNA can produce other DNA molecules and RNA molecules. RNA molecules

The DNA carries the genetic information for the cells. Sections of a DNA molecule called genes contain the information to make a protein. DNA serves two main functions. Molecules of DNA can produce other DNA molecules and RNA molecules. RNA molecules are directly responsible for the synthesis of proteins.

11. It is a technique used to change the characteristics of a micro-organism by transferring a piece of DNA from one organism to a different organism. A. Gene Alteration B. Gene Transfer C. Recombinant DNA Modification D. Gene modification


C. Recombinant DNA Modification


12. In Mendel's experiments, if the gene for tall (T) plants was incompletely dominant over the gene for short (t) plants,what would be the result of crossing two Tt plants?​



Monohybrid cross is a cross between two plants that differ in one character pair. For example, height of pea plants. Mendel crossed tall and dwarf pea plants to study the inheritance of one gene.

Mendel crossed true breeding tall (TT) plant with true breeding dwarf (tt) plant. He removed anthers of one plant to avoid self pollination. This is female parent. He then collected pollen grains from the other plant (male parent) and transferred to female parent. The offsprings of F


generation were all tall (Tt) plants. This indicates that tall character is dominant over dwarf character. The F


generation when self pollinated produced gametes T and t in equal proportion. In F


generation, both tall and dwarf plants were produced in the ratio 3 (tall) : 1 (dwarf). The reappearance of dwarf plant indicates that alleles for tallness and dwarfness have segregated during gamete formation.

13. describe Mendel's law of Independent assortment and Mendel's law of segregation​


The law of segregation states that the two alleles of a single trait will separate randomly, meaning that there is a 50% either allele will end up in either gamete. ... The law of independent assortment states that the allele of one gene separates independently of an allele of another gene. This has has to do with 2 genes.

14. Why do we need to understand modification of Mendel's classic ratios?​

We need to understand it because modification of Mendel's principles developed as knowledge of the chromosomes increased. Many discoveries have helped to account for apparent deviations from Mendelian ratios. For example, Mendel's studies emphasized genes that behave independently from one another during transmission to offspring.


hope it helps.^∆^

15. what is the recipient organism during the gene modification insertion of a gene for chymosin? a. bacteriab. cheesec. corn/maized. tomato plant​


A. im not sure but hope it helps pa brainliest plssss






the recipient organism douring the gene modification insertion of a gene for chymisin is bacteria

16. 2: Why do you think the plant in the figure above became a subject for genemodification?​


People have been altering the genomes of plants and animals for many years using traditional breeding techniques. Artificial selection for specific, desired traits has resulted in a variety of different organisms, ranging from sweet corn to hairless cats. But this artificial selection, in which organisms that exhibit specific traits are chosen to breed subsequent generations, has been limited to naturally occurring variations. In recent decades, however, advances in the field of genetic engineering have allowed for precise control over the genetic changes introduced into an organism. Today, we can incorporate new genes from one species into a completely unrelated species through genetic engineering, optimizing agricultural performance or facilitating the production of valuable pharmaceutical substances. Crop plants, farm animals, and soil bacteria are some of the more prominent examples of organisms that have been subject to genetic engineering.

Current Use of Genetically Modified Organisms

A photograph shows five silver fish oriented horizontally in a vertical row against a black background. Below, five smaller fish are also arranged similarly. The smaller fish at bottom are approximately one-third the length of the fish at top.

Agricultural plants are one of the most frequently cited examples of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Some benefits of genetic engineering in agriculture are increased crop yields, reduced costs for food or drug production, reduced need for pesticides, enhanced nutrient composition and food quality, resistance to pests and disease, greater food security, and medical benefits to the world's growing population. Advances have also been made in developing crops that mature faster and tolerate aluminum, boron, salt, drought, frost, and other environmental stressors, allowing plants to grow in conditions where they might not otherwise flourish (Table 1; Takeda & Matsuoka, 2008). Other applications include the production of nonprotein (bioplastic) or nonindustrial (ornamental plant) products. A number of animals have also been genetically engineered to increase yield and decrease susceptibility to disease. For example, salmon have been engineered to grow larger (Figure 1) and mature faster (Table 1), and cattle have been enhanced to exhibit resistance to mad cow disease (United States Department of Energy, 2007).


I hope na makakatulong.

17. In chickens, most individuals have unfeathered shanks when they are homozygous for recessive genes at two loci; the presence of a single dominant gene at either locus causes feathers. What is the feathered-unfeathered ratio in their offspring if chickens heterozygous at both loci are crossed? Determine the type of Gene interaction.


chickens, most individuals have unfeathered shanks when they are homozygous for recessive genes at two loci; the presence of a single dominant gene at either locus causes feathers. What is the feathered-unfeathered ratio in their offspring if chickens


causes feathers. What is the feathered-unfeathered ratio in their offspring if chickens heterozygous at both loci are crossed? Determine the type of Gene interaction.

18. in gene technology it involves the modification of___.?​

Gene technology is the process of introducing of modifying thr genetic material of an organism in order to introduce new genetic traits,suppress existing ones or otherwise affect the expression of genes.

19. In Mendel's experiments, if the gene for tall (T) plants was incompletely dominant over the gene for short (t) plants, what would be the result of crossing two Tt plants.​


Monohybrid cross is a cross between two plants that differ in one character pair. For example, height of pea plants. Mendel crossed tall and dwarf pea plants to study the inheritance of one gene.

Mendel crossed true breeding tall (TT) plant with true breeding dwarf (tt) plant. He removed anthers of one plant to avoid self pollination. This is female parent. He then collected pollen grains from the other plant (male parent) and transferred to female parent. The offsprings of F


generation were all tall (Tt) plants. This indicates that tall character is dominant over dwarf character. The F


generation when self pollinated produced gametes T and t in equal proportion. In F


generation, both tall and dwarf plants were produced in the ratio 3 (tall) : 1 (dwarf). The reappearance of dwarf plant indicates that alleles for tallness and dwarfness have segregated during gamete formation.


20. what is the recipient organism during the gene modification insertion of human insulin gene?a. bacteriab. cheesec. corn/maized. tomato plant​


A is the correct ans


im correct if im wrong


A. bacteria


tama ito po #brainly

21. Why aren't more scientists using gene modification?

Why aren't more scientists using gene modification?

One specific concern is the possibility for GMOs to negatively affect human health. This could result from differences in nutritional content, allergic response, or undesired side effects such as toxicity, organ damage, or gene transfer.

What are the problems with this genetic modification?

GM crops could be harmful, for example toxins from the crops have been detected in some people's blood. GM crops could cause allergic reactions in people. Pollen produced by the plants could be toxic and harm insects that transfer it between plants.

22. 2. Do you believe in gene modification in order for us to live longer? Why or Why not?Gene therapy replaces a faulty gone or adds a​


yes,becouse this is important to our life.


pa heart naman po

23. What's In(Answers may vary)Mendelian Pattern of InheritanceDefinition: Type of inheritance that follows the sdominant-recessive genes principle proposed byCharacteristics: Describes how genetic materialto child. The recessive allele is not expressed in pis a dominant allele.Examples: First Generation (F1) offspring betweepeas experimented by Mendel​





24. What is gene modification?


GENE MODIFICATION is changing the way we see genetic diseases. By targeting nonworking or missing genes, this innovation is creating a new world of opportunities.



Genetic modification is the process of altering the genetic makeup of an organism. This has been done indirectly for thousands of years by controlled, or selective, breeding of plants and animals.


25. describe mendels expirement?​


MENDEL followed the inheritance of 7 traits in pea plants, and each trait had 2 forms. He identified pure-breeding pea plants that consistently showed 1 form of a trait after generations of self-pollination. ... Mendel then crossed these pure-breeding lines of plants and recorded the traits of the hybrid progeny.



26. is it true that mendel's principles used to recognize how genes and alleles passed from one generation to the next​


Ever wonder why you are the only one in your family with your grandfather's nose? The way in which traits are passed from one generation to the next-and sometimes skip generations-was first explained by Gregor Mendel. By experimenting with pea plant breeding, Mendel developed three principles of inheritance that described the transmission of genetic traits, before anyone knew genes existed. Mendel's insight greatly expanded the understanding of genetic inheritance, and led to the development of new experimental methods.

A pedigree diagram shows the manifestation of Waardenburg syndrome in a single family over four generations. Each generation occupies a horizontal row in the diagram. Square and circle symbols represent male and female family members, respectively. Open symbols represent unaffected members. Red symbols represent members with Waardenburg syndrome. A horizontal line connects two individuals that form a mating pair. A vertical line connects the mating pair to their offspring in the next generation. Individuals in a generation are identified by Arabic numerals; number 1 is assigned to the leftmost individual within each generation, and individuals in each immediate family unit are listed left to right in birth order. There are two individuals in generation 1, one of which is affected with Waardenburg syndrome. There are five individuals in generation 2, two of which are affected with Waardenburg syndrome. There are 15 total individuals, four of which are affected by Waardenburg syndrome, in each of generations 3 and 4.

View Full-Size ImageFigure 1

Figure Detail

Traits are passed down in families in different patterns. Pedigrees can illustrate these patterns by following the history of specific characteristics, or phenotypes, as they appear in a family. For example, the pedigree in Figure 1 shows a family in which a grandmother (generation I) has passed down a characteristic (shown in solid red) through the family tree. The inheritance pattern of this characteristic is considered dominant, because it is observable in every generation. Thus, every individual who carries the genetic code for this characteristic will show evidence of the characteristic. In contrast, Figure 2 shows a different pattern of inheritance, in which a characteristic disappears in one generation, only to reappear in a subsequent one. This pattern of inheritance, in which the parents do not show the phenotype but some of the children do, is considered recessive. But where did our knowledge of dominance and recessivity first come from?

27. Which of the following refers to the group of inheritance patterns that do not follow all of the assumption of Mendel?Interactions of MendelismExtensions of MendelismFabrications of MendelismDeviations of Mendelism​


The correct answer is "Deviations of Mendelism".


28. What is your take in using gene modification in creating Perfect Human Body?

Gene modification, or genetic engineering, is a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach medicine, agriculture, and even the human body. By manipulating the genetic code of an organism, it is possible to create organisms with desired traits or characteristics. This technology has been used to create crops that are more resistant to disease, to create animals with improved performance, and even to create bacteria with the ability to produce useful substances.

The potential of gene modification to create the “perfect human body” is an exciting prospect. By manipulating the genetic code of a human, it is possible to create individuals with improved physical capabilities, enhanced cognitive abilities, and even increased resistance to disease. This technology could be used to create a “superhuman” with physical and mental abilities far beyond those of a normal human.

However, the use of gene modification to create the “perfect human body” raises a number of ethical and moral questions. For example, who should be allowed to access this technology? Should it be available to everyone, or should it be restricted to those with the financial means to pay for it? What are the implications of creating a “superhuman” with abilities far beyond those of a normal human? Will this create an unfair advantage for those who can afford the technology, or will it create a level playing field for everyone?

In addition, there are a number of practical considerations that must be taken into account. For example, how will the technology be regulated? What safety measures will be taken to ensure that the technology is used responsibly? How will the technology be monitored to ensure that it is not abused?

Finally, there is the question of how the technology will be used. Will it be used to create individuals with enhanced physical and mental abilities, or will it be used to create individuals with specific traits or characteristics? Will it be used to create individuals with enhanced physical and mental abilities, or will it be used to create individuals with specific traits or characteristics?

The potential of gene modification to create the “perfect human body” is an exciting prospect, but it is one that must be approached with caution. Before this technology is used, it is important to consider the ethical, moral, and practical implications of its use. It is also important to ensure that the technology is used responsibly, and that it is regulated in a way that protects the interests of all individuals. Only then can we be sure that gene modification will be used to create a “perfect human body” that is beneficial to all.

29. let the head (H) represent a dominant gene and the tail(t),a recessive gene.Compare the. ratio you obtained im his activity with the one obtained by mendel in his monohybrid F² generation peas (see table 3). Are there approximately similar?​

Parang gagamitan po yan ng punnet Square

30. Q1.what is theratio of heads to tails?Q2.what is the ratio of the gametes of this parent with heterozygous genotype?Q3.what is the ratio of the head to head,head tail.and tail tail combination when you make 50 tosses?ǫ4.if you toss the same coin in 100,000times,would you approximately get the same ratio?Q5.let the head(h) represent a dominant gene and tail(h), a recessive gene. compare the ratio you obatained inthis activity with one obtained by mendel in s monohybrid f2 generation peas (see table 3)are they approximately similar?​ ​


Q1: 1:1

Q2: 9:3:3:1


yan lang po alam ko sana makatulong:)

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