Explain How Media Convergence Creates New Opportunities For Interaction

Explain How Media Convergence Creates New Opportunities For Interaction

Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction​

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1. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction​

Media convergence created various platforms for youngsters. Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. .Because of media it is also possible to take online tuitions of any subject.

2. explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interactions​


Media convergence created various platforms for youngsters. Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. ... Because of media it is also possible to take online tuitions of any subject

3. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction ​


cause meeting new people in the media is helpfull because you can learn from other people

for your needs

4. how media convergence creates opportunities for interaction

by means of media it help us to communicate.

5. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction ​


Media convergence created various platforms for youngsters. Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. ... Because of media it is also possible to take online tuitions of any subject.

6. Describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media.

The appearance of many new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional media (newspapers, radio, books, magazines even television to some extent) and new media(the internet) by changing the way people get their information. This merger have lessened the need to read articles printed on paper, or listen to the radio or get ideas from a book, it is all available wherever there is WIFI. We can watch the news, listen to music, see movies on our phones. So what happened is just a change the number of sources and in where information is taken from, and that is how the two type of media converged.

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7. how media convergence leads to interactivity​

Convergence lead the media is more interactive and audience participation is encouraged. In addition, greater audience engagement can help to enhance the way people experience the media. So will an audience so used to traditional forms of media embrace a new way of receiving information.

8. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction​


Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. Media has save a lot of time and travelling cost as because is not possible to communicate from any part of the world with anybody.

9. how media convergence leads to interactivity?​


Convergence lead the media is more interactive and audience participation is encouraged. ... So will an audience so used to traditional forms of media embrace a new way of receiving information. In addition , media companies pursue audiences by greater benefit from maketing and advertising through cross-selling.


nag hintay kaba?


wala na Ang it's a prank

10. Describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media? ​


the appearance of new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional media (newspapers,radio, books,magazines,even television to some extend) and new media (the Internet) by changing the way people get their information.

11. explain how a person could be portrayed in the age of media convergence


is a term used to refer use of digitized media in conjuction to the old media tools to portray information


i think so❤❤

12. explain how a smartphone is listed as one of media converge​


The Smartphone as an Example of Convergence of Culture

An example of Convergence cultrue in simple terms can be explained with a smart phone this is a new media device with both old and new copabilites for viewing media, such as reading a book on your mobile. Through innovation this is starting to have wider reaches on so many devices. Most new decives are now cappable of doing simular things bluring the lines between there orginal uses. This is technoligac convergance where decives now have many other uses than just there primial fuctions. As is is happening it means there are overlaps in decives fuctions for example a mobile phone and a games console, orgianlly the mobile was there for contact phoning other phones and sending simple sms texts and a games console was orgianlly for inserting agame and playing that game. Now however both the phone and games consle have many different fuctions many of which overlap. They both still have there orgianal primary but now they both have full internet access, applicastions are now avaible on both, reading books is avaible on both, you can Skype call people on games consoles now. But most importantly for the film industry films and tv seriers are now avabile to buy and download to the phone and games console, opening up when and where you can access media content.


Digital convergence is when you can have the same multimedia content available to view on different types of devices, because it is digitized. ... The most well-known and understandable type of convergence is the smartphone itself. This is an excellent example of technology convergence.

13. explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction​


Media convergence created various platforms for youngsters. Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. ... Because of media it is also possible to take online tuitions of any


pa follow po

14. explain how media convergence leads to enteractivity​


Media convergence created various platforms for youngsters. Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. Because of media it is also possible to take online tuitions of any subject.

15. explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction.


Media convergence created various platforms for youngsters. Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. ... Because of media it is also possible to take online tuitions of any subject.

punta ka po sa pagawaan n


16. Describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media?​


New technology such as internet has surely paved the way to an “improved” media platform. Information is more accessible to people with little to no expense. ... While traditional media like print, tv and radio will never be replaced, new media offers another option for people to get information with more convenience.

17. how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media

New technology such as internet has surely paved the way to an “improved” media platform. Information is more accessible to people with little to no expense. With just one click, the news is delivered right to your very screen. New technologies made the convergence of traditional and contemporary media possible. Instead of carrying out a print everywhere, or waiting for the news program at 7 o’clock, you can now read or watch anytime, anywhere. Smartphones make it easier for people to get a soft copy of the local paper or save podcasts and playbacks of their favorite shows. Wider coverage with improved signal is also mcuh available at present. While traditional media like print, tv and radio will never be replaced, new media offers another option for people to get information with more convenience.

18. write true or false if you agree to the statement and false if you disagree. 1.) media convergence a low content to flow across various platforms number 2.) linear communication is a product of new media 3.) social network is an example of media convergence 4.) through media convergence information is transformed to as digital code 5.) convergence of traditional and new media creates chaos​ pa help po plssss


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. False

19. media convergence in news​


Media convergence, phenomenon involving the interconnection of information and communications technologies, computer networks, and media content. ... Media convergence transforms established industries, services, and work practices and enables entirely new forms of content to emerge.

20. Describe how new technologies led to the convergence of traditional and new media.


Gadgets and devices changed the way people get their information. With the emergence of the World Wide Web and the Internet, Traditional or Old Media(Print media like newspapers and magazines) merged with the New(Internet, Digitial) Media.

Digitalization, without a doubt, is much budget-friendly to mass-produce. It removes the need to use paper and ink to mass-produce prints. All that is needed are the two modern basic needs Internet and Electricity. Today, many find it much faster and easier to access information through their mobile devices and gadgets. That is how technology affected the transition and merging of traditional into New Media.

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21. write True if you agree with the statement and False if you disagree1. Media convergence allows media content to flow across various platforms.2. Linear communication is product of new media.3. Social network is an example of media convergence.4. Through media convergence, information is transformed to a digital code.5. Convergence of traditional and new media creates chaos.​


1.true 2.true 3.false 4.true 5.false


Yan po sa tingin ko.

22. Explain how media convergence creates new oppurtunities for interaction


Media convergence created various platforms for youngsters. Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. ... Because of media it is also possible to take online tuitions of any subject.

23. explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction

In recent times, media convergence has been driven to offer users new forms of ... If what contemporary users are looking for does not exist, they create it.

24. 2. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction.3. Describe the use of one or two forms of new media to share knowledge andinformation on a current issue in society.​


2.Media convergence created various platforms for youngsters. Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. ... Because of media it is also possible to take online tuitions of any subject.

3.The modern media infrastructure is mostly based on the digital platforms in the internet. ... 1) Different types of informative and news based websites in the internet are most common examples. 2) Different social media platforms are also becoming a good place for knowledge sharing about current affairs in our society.

25. explain how media convergence croates new opportunities for interaction​


Media convergence created various platforms for youngsters. Due to media people can communicate with anyone around the world. People can expose their talent in front of everybody by just being at home. ... Because of media it is also possible to take online tuitions of any subject.

26. describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media?


Change and continuity – a brief history of the media

What is media convergence?

Digital media as new media

Key differences between traditional media and new media


After completing this unit, teachers should be able to:

Explain a brief history of the media

Describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media

Describe the differences between traditional and new media and how the latter has enhanced participatory democracy


An important development with the growth of digital media has been the move from a traditional communication model of ‘one to many’, characteristic of print and broadcast media, to a ‘peer to peer’ model that facilitates collaborative creation and sharing of content. As content is digitized, it becomes accessible from a multitude of devices, including radio, television, personal computer and, perhaps most importantly, the mobile phone, which is emerging as the dominant platform for delivering content of all kinds. The digitalization of voice, image, sound and data – known as convergence – is creating new opportunities for interaction

Trainees working in groups are given the task of researching the evolution of the media up to the emergence of the Internet, and noting how the Internet was first used and how it has come to be used more widely in their society. They should evaluate its applications and benefits to education, civic society and governance. The result of this work should be presented for class discussion

Trainees research the extent to which digital media are presenting opportunities for free speech in their society. In their research, they should pay attention to how people are using new media for self-expression. Also, they should note how traditional media (newspapers, radio and television) are converging with new media (e.g. online news sites with multimedia access) in their society. Trainees should present their findings to the class using PowerPoint or other forms of presentation

Trainees research the extent to which new media are challenging traditional news media in their society, the different kinds of media that people in their society are using to express their own views on important news items, and the users of the different media platforms, along with issues/topics they are discussing. The result of this research should be presented for group discussion and debate

27. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction? ​

Media convergence brings technologies such as computing, and communication, together, which is very important in businesses today. This creates the everyday lives of individuals easier since they now have much easier access to information on the things or products that they want and need.

It also creates a cost-saving solution as it provides global connectivity.

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28. How new techologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media?


New technology such as internet has surely paved the way to an “improved” media platform. Information is more accessible to people with little to no expense. ... While traditional media like print, tv and radio will never be replaced, new media offers another option for people to get information with more convenience.

29. Describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional an new media

East is east and west is west. However, the two do meet. Broadcasters from different media and cultural backgrounds can work and grow together. RTM Broadcasting will have more success in achieving its goals if it offers more opportunities for new media to expand. Collaboration in policy and programme-making, capacity building, and harnessing technology advances will all benefit the broadcasting sector.

Old is gold. But that does not mean that new changes should be overlooked or even cast aside. It will be beneficial for RTM to tap ways to respond to the global financial crisis and changes in demand, so as to enhance its role in society. It needs to expand broadcast coverage, improve its services to the public, increase output in new media, reduce reliance on advertisement, and provide funding with favorable policies to small and medium sized programme producers.

The potential for increasing reach to users worldwide must be explored and exploited. At the same time, support must be given to local content producers.

Market research should also be diversified. Finally, best practices should be adopted in the evaluation of current internet standards and web development.

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Related link:

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30. explain how media convergence leads to interactivity​

Convergence lead the media is more interactive and audience participation is encouraged. In addition, greater audience engagement can help to enhance the way people experience the media. So will an audience so used to traditional forms of media embrace a new way of receiving information.

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