Percentage Of 0 75

Percentage Of 0 75

what is the percentage that their first child will be color-blind?A.0% B:25% C;50% D:75%​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the percentage that their first child will be color-blind?A.0% B:25% C;50% D:75%​

D.:75% hpoe it helps

2. A hybrid red flower (Rr) is crossed with a white flower.2. What percentage of the offspring will be red? A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75%3. What percentage of the offspring will be white? A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75%pa help please T_T​


both A


because the offspring will be pink colored flower

3. What percentage of the offspring will be purebred dominant?Refer to the picture above.a. 0% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75%​


B. 25%% base on the given illustration.


Thank you I hope it help pa brianliest po.

4. 1. Out of four offspring, how many will be red-eyed males? a. 0 b. 2 c. 12. What will be the genotype od 50 percent of the female offspring? a. XRXR b. XRXr c. XRY 3. What percentage of the male offspring will be white eyed. a. 50 percent b. 25 percent c. 75 percent 4. What is the chance that the female offspring will be white eyed? a. 50 percent b. 25 percentc. 100 percent 5. What is the genotype of the female parent? a. XRXR b. XrXrc. XRXr​







pa brainliest po

5. C.4411. Avian pest is also known asa. new castledisease.b. coccidiosisd. fowi pox2. A disease that can cause reduced egg production, frequent chilling and may resultc. fowl cholerato mortality.a. avian malariab. avian tuberculosis c. fowl poxd. influenza3. If the percentage of egg production is 75% and the number of layers is 575, howmany eggs are laid daily?a. 4210.451b.4314. The approximate number of eggs to be collected in five months if the averagepercentage of eggproduction of 575 layers within the period is 75 percent.a. 64,650b.74,650c.84,6500.94,6505. The best time to cull broilers is during thestage of growth.a. earlyb. middlec. laterd. anytime6. Process of removing the undesirable birds to enable the remaining ones to havebetter chance to develop normally.a. cannibalism b. cullingc. debeaking d. sorting7. One sign observed to inactive layers will have awattle and earlobe.a. reddishb. palec. shrunken d. drooping3. A disease of bird with a sign of wart-like growth on comb and wattles.a. fowl poxb. avian tuberculosis c. gumboro d. leucosis8. Softening of bones and bow legged birds is a sign ofdisease.a. dermatitis b. ricketsC. coccidiosis d. new castle0. Culling is usually done if the egg production percentage will drop belowercent.b. 60c.70d. 80a. 50​


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.A


sana makatulong

6. 10. Lino crossed a pink four o'clock flower with white four o'clock flower? How much is the percentagfor a cross to produce red-colored four o'clock flower?a. 25%b. 50%c.0%d. 75%​


B. 50%

I don't think so


b 50% i think so


thats what i think

7. 7. Erickas allowance for the day is P 250. She spends 80% and saves the rest. How much does pend? a. P 100 b. P 150 0 P 200 d. P 225 8. 8. How much does she save? (Refer to item number 7) 7) a. P 100 b. P 75 c. P 50 d. P 25 9. 9. What operation is used in solving the percentage? a. Division b. Multiplication c. Subtraction d. Addition​





Step-by-step explanation:


sure po ako sa Sagot ko


7. B

8. A

9. C

sana po nakatulong

8. a. 06. Out of four offspring, how many will be red-eyed males?b. 2c. 17. What will be the genotype od 50 percent of the female offspring?a. XRXRb. XRXrc. XRY8. What percentage of the male offspring will be white eyed.50 percentb. 25 percentc. 75 percent9. What is the chance that the female offspring will be white eyed?50 percentb. 25 percentc. 100 percent10. What is the genotype of the female parent?a. XRXRb. XrXrc.XRXra.a.​


pictures lang kilangan ko para toroan kita




One out of four (25% of) offspring will be both inale, and have red eyes.

9. 1.what blood type can be found in an offspring if both parents has type 0 blooda.Bb.0c.ABd.A2.what blood type can be found in an offspring if a mother has type A blood and the father has type B blooda.Bb.0c.ABd.A3.what percentage of the offspring will have the type A blooda.25%b.50%c.75%d.100%sagutan niyo po Ng Tama ,kung Hindi alam wag nalang sasagot plss​


1. A



yan Po ang tamang answer promise

10. 2. A woman heterozygous for color blindness marries acolor-blind man. What would be the percentage of normalsons and carrier daughters?A. 25% normal sons, 25% carrier daughtersB. 50% normal sons, 50% carrier daughtersC. 75% normal sons, 25% carrier daughtersD. 100% normal sons, 0% carrier daughter​

Answer:Its BExplanation:Because the woman is heterozygous and the color blind man is homogenous it would make other allele make 2 of the daughters be a carrier and the normal allele make 2 sons normal

Brainliest would help me


B.50% normal sons, 50% carrier daughters


please don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong

11. 2. What percentage of the offspring will be red? B, 25% C. 50% A. 0% D. 75% 3. What percentage of the offspring will be white? A 0% B: 25% C. 50% D. 75% 4. What pattern of inheritance is depicted when a round watermelon crossed with a long watermelon yielding oval offspring? A. Segregation B. Dominance c. Codominance D. Incomplete Dominance 5. Which of the following represents an individual who is heterozygous for two genes? A Aabb B, AAbb C AEBD D. AABB 6. In snapdragon flowers, the colors red and yellow have incomplete dominance. What will happen when a gardener cross breeds a red flower with a yellow flower? An A. red flower will grow C. yellow flower will grow B. blue flower will grow D. orange flower will grow​


2.c 5.d


that was the answer promise

12. 1. It is the study of heredity and variation. A. Punnett Square B. Genetics C. Heredity D. Variation 2. What are the two possible alleles for height? A. Black and brown B. Straight and curly C. Blue and green D. Short and tall 3. Which of the following describes a phenotype? A. Black hair B. Pure black hair C. Hybrid black hair D. Homozygous white hair 4. In human, black hair is dominant over brown. What is the percentage of having a brown hair? A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100% 5. In human, brown eyes is dominant over blue. What is the phenotypic ratio of brown and blue eyes? A. 4:0 B. 3:1 C. 2:2 D. 0:4 pa answer po plss


1. b

2. A

3. b (not sure)

4. C

5. C

correct me if I'm wrong!


Research, and review the answer.

13. Lino crossed a pink four o’clock flower with white four o’clock flower. How much is the percentage for a cross to produce red-colored four o’clock flower? A. 0 % B. 25 % C. 50 % D. 75% I'm stuck with letter B or C. Which one is correct?


let RR=red colored four o'clock flower

WW=white colored four o'clock flower

RW=pink colored four o'clock flower

if you crossed RW with WW the percentage are the following:

25% of pink colored four o'clock flower

75%of white colored four o'clock flower

0% of red colored four o'clock flower

14. ) A girl is scored 60 out of 75 in English, 60 out of 90 in mathematics and 80 out of 100 in Science. Find girls score as percentage: (a) in Mathematics N=60/90=2/3=0. 6=66. 6%(b) in all the three subjects (on the whole). N=60/75=4/5=0. 8=80% N=60/90=2/3=0. 6=66. 6% N=80/100=4/5=0. 8=80% 80+66. 6+80 = 226. 6 ÷ 3 = 75. 53 or 0. 8% or 0. 75%.



Step-by-step explanation:

N=60/75=4/5=0. 8=80%

15. 14. If the mother is type AB and father is Type A (heterozygous), what is the percentage of havingblood type B child?A. 0%C. 50%B. 25%D. 75%​




it's either A or B yung bloodtype

16. When a woman, heterozygous for normal vision, mates with a colorblind male, what percentage of their offspring could colorblind?a.75%b.50%c.25%d. 0% but all would be carries.​




hope it's help you

17. What sea bird is called a gooney bird? To answer this question, find the percentageof each number. Then, match each letter with the correct answer in the code below.1. 20% of 160 T7. 40% of 4650_E2. 65% of 450 H8. 35% of 285 T3. 2% of 430 R9 30% of 825 A4. 75% of 260010. 45% of 2140 S5. 25% of 650 B11. 90% of 6000 L6. 65% of 800 A12. 8% of 62 S099.75 292.5 18605205400 162.5 | 247.5 | 328.61950 4.964.96 963​

DIRECTIONS: What sea bird is called a gooney bird? To answer this question, find the percentage of each number. Then, match each letter with the correct answer in the code below.

What sea bird is called a gooney bird? The albatross

20% of 160 32 65% of 450 292.5 2% of 430 8.6 75% of 2600 1950 25% of 650 162.5 65% of 800 520 40% of 4650 1860 35% of 285 99.75 30% of 825 247.5 45% of 2140 963 90% of 6000 5400 8% of 62 4.96


18. 5. 5% of 360 = 0Directions: Complete the table by identifying the missing rate, base, br percentage of thefollowing items.RateBasePercentage1012.ParBa753901.25%2. 0%3. 15%4. 20%5. 50%6. 75%7. 80%8.9019.42%10.56%120125300780550175210436741140189​

1. 40

2. 10 %

3. 18.75

4. 25 %

5. 780

6. 412.5

7. 175

8. 90 %

9. 183.12

10. 414.96

19. what is the percentage of having a terminal flower offspring if the male is homozygous terminal flower (aa) while the female is homozygous axial flower(AA)?a.0%b.50%c.75%d.100%patulong po plsss​




Sana maka tulong


1, c

2, b

3, b

4, a


Yan po Yung answer ko

21. a box contains one hundred (100)marbles.twenty five percent (250/0)of the marbles are green.there are twenty five (25)green marbles.which is the percentage?A.250/0 B.100 C.25 D.75​


C. 25 (because 25 is the part  of 100)

I hope it helps

#Carry On Learning

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]c \: \: \: \: po \: i \: think[/tex]

22. Learning Task 1: Find the percentage.1) What is 20% of 160?02) 25% of 96 is3) 15% of 80 is4) What is 50% of 7025) What is 30% of 2006) 75% of 40 is17) 65% of 100 is8) 200% of 100 is9What is 125% of 100%10) What is 300% of 1002​


1.) 32

2.) 24

3.) 12

4.) 351

5.) 6

6.) 30

7.) 65

8.) 200

9.) 125

10.) 3006

23. Learning Task 1: A. Using the formula P = R x B, find the percentage of each by changing percent to decimal. Copy and answer in your notebook. SHOW YOUR SOLUTION. 1. 12% of 40 2. 11% of 90 3. 71% of 400 = 4. 45% of 2:0 = 5. 19% of 300 = 6. 10% of 60 7. 25% of 32 8. 40% of 180 9. 75% of 60 10. 60% of 500 = * |||||||||| Math Notebook copy and answer

here are the solutions to the given problems:

12% of 40 = 0.12 x 40 = 4.8
11% of 90 = 0.11 x 90 = 9.9
71% of 400 = 0.71 x 400 = 284
45% of 20 = 0.45 x 20 = 9
19% of 300 = 0.19 x 300 = 57
10% of 60 = 0.10 x 60 = 6
25% of 32 = 0.25 x 32 = 8
40% of 180 = 0.40 x 180 = 72
75% of 60 = 0.75 x 60 = 45
60% of 500 = 0.60 x 500 = 300

To find the percentage of a number, we can use the formula P = R x B, where P is the percentage we want to find, R is the decimal form of the percentage (i.e., R = percent/100), and B is the base or the original number.

24. Suppose you are an economist and you are hired by the government to help analyze the cost of an environmental cleanup. The cost in pesos of the cleanup is given by 30,000 ()= 1− , where represents the percentage of the area to be cleaned up (0 ≤ < 1). The government wants to know the cost of cleaning up 50% of an affected area and the cost of cleaning up 75% of the area.


The cost of cleaning up 50% of the affected area is 30,000 pesos and 90,000 pesos for 75% of the affected area.

Step-by-step explanation:


Suppose you are an economist and you are hired by the government to help analyze the cost of an environmental cleanup. The cost in pesos of the cleanup is given by C(p) = 30,000p/1−p where p represents the percentage of the area to be cleaned up (0 ≤ p < 1).

The government wants to know the cost of cleaning up 50% of an affected area and the cost of cleaning up 75% of the area.


Cost of clean-up: C(p) = 30,000p/1-p


0 ≤ p < 1

Cost of cleaning up 50% of affected area:

C(p) = 30,000p/1−p

p = 0.50

C(0.50) = [30,000(0.50)]/(1-0.50)

C(0.50) = [15,000]/(0.50)

C(0.50) = 30,000

The cost of cleaning up 50% of the affected area is 30,000 pesos.

Cost of cleaning up 75% of the affect area:

C(p) = 30,000p/1−p

p = 0.75

C(0.75) = [30,000(0.75)]/(1-0.75)

C(0.75) = [22,500]/(0.25)

C(0.75) = 90,000

The cost of cleaning up 75% of the affected area is 90,000 pesos.



25. 1.20% of 80 is 16, what is the percentage?A. 16B. 20C. 28D. 802What formula will you use to find the percentage in a given wordproblem?A. P= B + RB. P = B-RC. P = BURD. P = B-R3.18 x 50% =A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 1175% of 780 isA. 390B. 490C. 585D. 8705.Compare: 5_50% of 8.A. >B. <C. =D. +6.the Base and the Rate.In finding the percentage, weA. divideB. multiplyC. subtractD. add7.Lebron James missed 10% of his 20 free throws. How many did he miss?A. 3B. 2C. 1D. 0​

















Step-by-step explanation:

tama po yan:)

26. B. Find the percentage.1) 10% of 90 -2) 50% of 200 -3) 75% of 60 =4.) 20% of 60 - .6) 50% of 1806.) 30% of 180 =7.) 25% of 100 =B.) 20% of 160 =9.) 40% of 200 =10) 45% of 120C. Find the rate.1)n% of 0% of 90 =452) n% of 120 = 243)n% of 90 = 184)n% of 259% =255)n% of 80=486)n% of 40 =87)n% of 60=38)n% of 300=60can you answer this brat​



Step-by-step explanation:

B. Find the Percentage

1. 9

2. 100

3. 45

4. 12

5. 90

6. 54

7. 25

8. 32

9. 80

10. 54

27. the colorblind son grows up and marries a woman with normal vission.she does not carry the colorblind allele. their genotypes areXbYb and XBXB,respectively.By using the punnet square solve for the percentage of the phenotype .what is the percentage hat their first child will be colorblind? A.0% B.25% C.50% D.75%


b. 50%


use the punnet square the answer will be half so its 50%

28. 1.Write P if the missing term is percentage, B if base and R for rate,then find N and choose the final answer from the choices.Missing termAnswera. N% of 160 is 16b. 70% of Nis 210c. 80 is N% of 320d. N is 56% of 125e. N % of 72 is 54f. 30 is 25% of Ng. 65% of 480 is Nh. 40% of N is 26i.0⁰ 30 is 60% of NJ. 12 is 8% of NCHOICES:10%25%50%75%506570120150250300312​

Step-by-step explanation:

A. 10%

B. 300

C. 25%

D. 70

E. 75%

F. 120

G. 312

H. 65

I. 50

J. 15

29. 3. What is the phenotypic percentage that thefemale offspring can produce milk?A. 100% B. 75% C. 50% D. 0%​


a. is the answer because just like us female when we grow up we had can produce milk for our babies

30. I. Multiple Choice Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.1. It comes from the word “ Percentum “ which means per one hundred or hundredths. a. Ratiob. Proportionc. Fractiond. Percent2. Which is the fraction form of 32 % in lowest term ? a. 8 / 25b. 32 / 100c. 16 / 50d. 4 / 53. What is the equivalent percent of the fraction 1 / 4 ? 0a. 25%b. 50%c. 75%d. 100%4. What is the decimal form of 6% ? a. 0.6b. 0.06c. 0.006d. 0.665. It is the percent of the whole . It uses the percent symbol ( % ). a. Baseb. Ratec. Percentaged. Proportion6. It is the whole we’re talking about. It is written after the word “ of “ or the phrase “ percent of “ . a. Baseb. Ratec. Percentaged. Proportion7. It is the portion of the whole based on the rate. It is usually followed by the word “ is “ . a. Baseb. Ratec. Percentage8. What is missing in “ 32 is what percent of 80 “ ? a. Baseb. Ratec. Percentage9. In the problem , 25 % of what number is 12 , what should be solve? a. Baseb. Ratec. Percentage10. What is missing in the problem , “ What percent of 28 is 14 “ ? a. Baseb. Ratec. Percentage11. What is the decimal form of 15%? a. 1.5b. 0.15c. 0.01512. What is the Fraction Form of 55% in lowest term? a. 10 / 20b. 11 / 20c. 12 / 2013. What is 19 / 100 in Percent ?a. 91%b. 9%c. 19%14. What is the fraction form of 25% in lowest term? a. 1 / 4b. 25 / 100c. 3 / 415. What is 0.13 in Percent ? a. 1%b. 31%c. 13 %16. What is 20 % of 40 ? a. 0.8b. 0.2c. 817. 24 % of 300 is what number ? a. 72b. 75c. 15018. 8 is what percent of 16 ?a. 25%b. 50%c. 75%19. What percent of 45 is 9 ?a. 30%b. 20%c. 10%20. 25% of what number is 12 .a. 60b. 40c. 48​






















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