Money Transport Company

Money Transport Company

C. Write the original word of the underlined clipped word. Example: Their company spends a lot of money on ads. Answer: advertisement 16. Our barangay distributed five kilos of rice during the lockdown. 17. My lab results on COVID-19 came out negative. 18. The copter forces transported soldiers and frontline workers to the field hospital 19. Jeepneys need gas to run. 20. My sis waters our vegetables twice a day​

Daftar Isi

1. C. Write the original word of the underlined clipped word. Example: Their company spends a lot of money on ads. Answer: advertisement 16. Our barangay distributed five kilos of rice during the lockdown. 17. My lab results on COVID-19 came out negative. 18. The copter forces transported soldiers and frontline workers to the field hospital 19. Jeepneys need gas to run. 20. My sis waters our vegetables twice a day​







2. Activity 2Directions: Write the original word of the underlined clipped word.Example: Their company spends a lot of money on ads. (advertisements)1. Our barangay distributed five kilos of rice during the lockdown.2. My lab results on COVID 19 came out negative.3. The copter forces transported soldiers and frontline workers to the fieldHospital.4. Jeepneys need gas to run.5. Teens are not happy about staying home all day.​








1. kilos = kilograms

2. lab = laboratory

3. copter = helicopter

4. gas = gasoline

5. teens = teenagers

3. 4. Earned money from commercial industrial service company by working as an employee. What is the source of income? A commission B. pension C profit D. salary/wage 9.Why is a budget important? A. It gives a feeling of discomfort. B. It balances your income and your expenditure. C. It is a constant reminder that you are not in control of your finances. D. It enables the family to list down its needs and wants and to prioritize the wants more than the needs. 10.Nina's father earned P12,000.00 a month as an employee in a private company and her mother earned P9,000.00 a month in her small sari-sari store at home. They spent P 10,800.00 for food and transportation monthly. How much is left in their family income? A. P10, 150.00 B. P10, 200.00 C. PII, 100.00 D. 12,200.00 a​





Hope it helps you !!

4. 3. This is something that is manufactured or grown and nurtured in order to be sold for a profit. a. product b. service c. market 4. This needs are also important for survival but not as demanding as basic needs such as employment, healthcare and safe home. a. Social needs b. Esteem needs c. Security needs 5. These are the goods that people desire or wish to have. a. wants b. needs c. service 6. A facility supplying a public or market demand. a. product b. wants c. service 7. A transport company offers service is a. Jollibee b. Bataan Transit Bus c. Chowking 8. It offers hair care and hair styling services. a. Palawan Padala Express b. Cebuana Lhuillier c. Reyes Hair Salons 9. Spas and wellness centers offers a. foods c. clothes 10. Goldilocks offers to the people their a. water c. cakes b. massage b. money Pa answer po pls









5. Activity 3B. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer._____1. It is the money spent on the product including the labor, transportation, utilities, packaging, promotion of the product and others.A. Cost C. PriceB. Expenses D. Profit _____2. Is the exchange of commodities, products, and services for money.A. Sales C. Expenses B. Selling price D. Inventory_____3. The final price of a product or service that company charges a purchaser to buy the item.A. Cost C. Expenses B. Selling price D. Income_____4. This is the amount gained from the sales of products or services after deducting the amount spent in a capital and operational expenses.A. Profit C. Expenses B. Selling price D. Cost5. Refers to a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer.A. Cost B. ExpensesB. Selling price C. Services​


1. A

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. B and C



6. 3. Which of the following is not a source of family income? commissionA. debt C. pension B. profit D. commision4. Earned money from commercial/industrial service company by working as an employee. What is the source of income? A. pension C. salary/wageB. profit D. commission5. What component of family budget is considered as one of the most important items that need to be prioritized? A. education C. transportation B. health needs D. recreational needs 6. This component is the priority in the household budget. This is approximately 50%-60% of the budget. What is it? A. food C. clothingB. shelter D. education 7. This is an amount set regularly for the daily expenses of the family like food transportation children's allowance and others what kind of expenses is it?A. flexible C. occasionallyB. emergency D. fixed8. Which is not a factor affecting family budget?A. amount of income B. values of the family C. genes of the family D. size and composition​


3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. C


pacorrect po aq pag mali hoho









sure tge answer

7. Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. Peter saved P6.25 a day. When he counted his money, he found out that he had P87.50. How many days did it take him to save that amount? A. 14 days B. 15 days C. 16 days D. 17 days2. Company A rents cars for P500 per day plus P12.75 per km. Company B rents cars for P450 per day plus P15.25 per km. What is the difference in the total rental charges on a trip of 400 km if the trip takes 2 days? A. P600.00 B. P700.00 C. P800.00 D. P900.00 3. Precy and company went hiking and swimming. They spent P1, 207.75 for food and P1, 173.75 for transportation and entrance fees. They got P1, 287.00 from the club funds and each 1, shared P99.50 to pay for the remaining expenses. How many shared in the amount? A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11 4. Graciela receives P220.50 as school allowance from her father. Her uncle gave her an additional P183.75. If her daily expenses are P36.75, for how many days will her allowance last? A. 10 days B. 11 days C. 12 days D. 13 days 5. Mica's expenses for Monday were P40.50, Tuesday P64.30, Wednesday P57.75, Thursday 242.50, and Friday 249.70. What was her average expense per day? A. P50.95 B. P50.85 C: P51.95 P51.85 6. Jairo and Arnold repaired a broken bamboo sofa bed and were paid P1,128.00. If Jairo worked for 8.5 hours and Arnold for 7.5 hours, how much were they paid per hour? A. P68.50 B. P69.50 C. P70.50 D. P71.507. The barangay officials of Barangay San Pedro received 150 sacks of rice weighing 50 kilogram each. Three hundred fifty kilograms were distributed to the flood victims for the barangay. The rest were repacked in plastic bags of 2.5 kilograms each to be distributed to the street children. How many street children received a bag of rice? B. 2,858 A. 2,857 C. 2,859 D. 2.860 8. Manny tracked the amount of food he ate from Monday to Friday. He ate 7.39 kilograms of food. On Monday, he ate 1.45 kilograms and on Tuesday, he ate 1.32 kilograms. He ate an equal amount on the other three days. How much did he eat on those days? B. 1.54 kg A. 1.5 kg C. 1.95 kg D. 2 kg 3 9. Andy went to the store and bought 3 bags of chips for $160.30 each and 2 cases of soda for P108.50 each. How much did he spend in total? B. P697.90 A. P515.50 C. P268.85 D. P537.70 10. Joe bought 7 liters of orange juice. He poured the orange juice equally into 5 bottles. There was 0.25 liters of orange juice left. What was the volume of juice in 1 bottle? B. 1.34 liters A. 1.33 liters D. 1.36 liters C. 1.35 liters​




Step-by-step explanation:



1. 14 days

2. P600. 00

3. 11

4. 12 days

5. P50. 85

6. P71. 50

Step-by-step explanation:

sorry ayan lang po alam ko

pa brainliest po thank you

8. Learning Task 2Directions: Read the passage carefully. Answer the questions below.Stepping Up for What Is Just(based on real events)Matthew Alganes1One evening in December 1955, Rosa Parks rode on a bus home after a longday’s work. During that time, black Americans were separated from white Americans in the bus. The front part of the bus was the section for white Americans; the back part wasthe section for black Americans. When the front part of the bus became full, blackpeople had to give up their seats to white people. Rosa sat in the black section of theBus.2Shortly, the white section was filled. The bus driver asked Rosa to give up her seatto a white person, but she refused. She was tired of the treatment that she and otherblack Americans received everyday.3Rosa and the bus driver had an argument. Eventually, the driver had Rosaarrested by the police and sent her to jail.4This made the black citizens of Montgomery angry so they decided to boycottthe buses by not riding on them. Instead, they organized carpools or walked when goingto work. The boycott which was done hoping that city officials would be forced tochange the unfair segregation laws lasted for 381 days. Although the bus companieswere losing a lot of money, the city officials did not give in to the demands of the blackCitizens.5Rosa’s refusal to follow an unjust law was not disregarded though. Thirteenmonths after the boycott started, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the segregationin public transportation was unconstitutional. In 1964, the U.S. Congress passed a lawknown as the “Civil Rights Act of 1964” that put an end to racial discrimination in theCountry.6The bravery shown by Rosa Park that night proved to be a transformative movefor the American people.Questions:1. What does racial discrimination mean? How was racial discrimination shown inAmerica before it ended in 1964?2. How did Rosa Park show her bravery? Fill in the graphic organizer below to showyour answer. Support it by providing evidence.Rosa Park is a brave woman.Evidences:1.2.3. In your opinion, was it right for Rosa to refuse to follow the law at that time?Explain.4. Does racial discrimination still occur around the globe? List down your evidence.5. How will you help Indigenous Peoples (IPs) like Badjaos from people who treatthem unjustly need asap

Answer:Answer:1. Racial Discrimination is any discrimination against any individual on the basis of their skin, color, or racial or ethnic origin.

< The U.S Supreme Court declared that the segregation in public transportation was unconstitutional.

2. Rosa refused to give up her seat and Rosa refusal to follow injust law beacause he needs to follow the if she dont follow she'l be arrested and we need to follow the rules because its for own good.

4.Yes, racial discrimination is still a thing in the world right now. On 2020 a black person was killed and they didn’t even get a chance to explain himself. Just recently Asian are being discriminated, in fact there are six asian women killed in Oakland.

5.I will help them by creating and building a program or foundation or even organization in order to protect them. Because we all now that they’re all humans too so we should have treat them right. Don’t ever judge them and don’t be a racist if there color is black or if there smell so bad. Indigenous People have rights too because they are still humans after all.

Explanation:sana po makatulong

9. EVALUATION: Directions: Read and understand the questions properly. Write the letter of the correct answer on the answer sheet. Score: : 1. Which of the following is an example of human resources? A. furniture B. knowledge C. moncy D. time 2. Which of the resources refer to the tangible assets like house and lot, furniture, automobile? A. human B. non-human C. material D. non-material 3. Which of the following is not a source of family income? A. commission B. debt C. profit D. pension 4. Earned money from commercial/ industrial service company by working as an employee. What is the source of income? A commission B. pension C. profit D. salary/wage 5. What component of family budget is considered as one of the most important items that need to be prioritized? A education C. recreational needs B. health needs D. transportation 6. This component is the priority in the household budget. This is approximately 50%-60% of the budget. What is it? A. clothing B. education C. food D. shelter 7. This is an amount set regularly for the daily expenses of the family like food, transportation, children's allowances, and others. What kind of expenses is it? A. emergency B. flexible C. fixed D. occasional 8. Which is not a factor affecting family budget? A. amount of income C. size and composition B. genes of the family D. values of the family 9. Why is a budget important? A. It gives a feeling of discomfort. B. It balances your income and your expenditure. C. It is a constant reminder that you are not in control of your finances. D. It enables the family to list down its needs and wants and to prioritize the wants more than the needs. 10. Nina's father earned P12,000.00 a month as an employee in a private company and her mother earned P9,000.00 a month in her small sari-sari store at home. They spent P 10,800.00 for food and transportation monthly. How much is left in their family income? A. P10, 150.00 B. P10, 200.00 C. P11, 100.00 D. 12. 200.00 a​












correct me if i'm wrong


1.A. furniture

2.C. material

3.D. pension

4. D. salary/wage

5.B. health needs

6.C. food

7.A. emergency

8.D. values of the family

9.B. It balances your income and your expenditure.

10.B. P10, 200.00


Sana makatulong aq :)

10. IL Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is fake. 1. One who buys products and sells them to retailers is called the middleman 2. Selling products by piece is called retailing 3. In the method of selling through contract, farmers are not allowed to sell any of their products to other buyers except for the company that it has been signed 4. It is selling through cooperatives when buyers go directly to the farm to buy 5. Farmers don't need to transport their products to the market when they are selling in the farm 6 Seed orchards focus primarily on growing trees that produced seeds rather than nuts of fruits 7. Putting up an orchard can waste your money, time, and effort because it is not a profitable activity8. The plant can grow more productivity if it is propagated through sexual propagation 9. Coconut among the trees is the most beneficial because all the part of it can be used and our product mostly made from it. 10. In preparing layout the size of the land is important to know so that you can determine how many trees and seedlings to be planted.​


1. T

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. F

6. T

7. F

8. T

9. T

10. T


Hope it helpsBrainleast me pls#Brainlyeveryday












11. TEST-I Directions: Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise write False if thestatement is incorrect on the space provided.___1. Product to produce is one of the factors to be considered in the production method.___2. Educational qualifications and experience are criteria in considering manpower.___3. Skills and expertise are not important in considering manpower.___4. Benefits are the reasons why customers will decide to buy the products.___5. Machine refers to the manufacturing equipment.___6. Output represents the final products from the production process and distributed to the customers.___7. The 4M's in the production operation are the materials, manpower, machine, and money.___8. Manpower in production operation refers to the workers involved in the production of goods.___9. Product description is the marketing copy that explains what a product is and its benefits.___10. Prototype is a replica of a product.___11. Supplier is an entity that supplies goods and services to another organization.___12. Supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, data and properties involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer.___13. Business model describes the rationale of how an organization makes, transports, and captures value in economic, social, cultural or other contexts.___14. In selecting the type of equipment to purchase, the entrepreneur may consider cost and capacity of the equipment.___15. Value chain is the process or activities by which a company adds cost to an article, that includes production, promotion, and providing of after-sales service.​


1. True

2. True





Brainliest me plsssss

12. the section for black Americans. When the front part of the bus became full, blackthe bus. The front part of the bus was the section for white Americans: the back part waspeople had to give up their seats to white people. Rosa sat in the black section of thebus.2Shortly, the white section was filled. The bus driver asked Rosa to give up her seatto a white person, but she refused. She was tired of the treatment that she and otherblack Americans received everyday.Rosa and the bus driver had an argument. Eventually, the driver had Rosoarrested by the police and sent her to jail.This made the black citizens of Montgomery angry so they decided to boycottthe buses by not riding on them. Instead, they organized carpools or walked when goingto work. The boycott which was done hoping that city officials would be forced tochange the unfair segregation laws lasted for 381 days. Although the bus companieswere losing a lot of money, the city officials did not give in to the demands of the blackcitizens.SRosa's refusal to follow an unjust law was not disregarded though. Thirteenmonths after the boycott started, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the segregationin public transportation was unconstitutional. in 1964, the U.S. Congress passed a lawknown as the "Civil Rights Act of 1964" that put an end to racial discrimination in thecountry.The bravery shown by Rosa Park that night proved to be a transformative movefor the American people.Questions:1. What does racial discrimination mean? How was racial discrimination shown inAmerica before it ended in 19647How did Rosa Park show her bravery? Fill in the graphic organizer below to showyour answer. Support it by providing evidence.2.Rosa Park is aEvidence:brave woman.Evidence:3. In your opinion, was it right for Rosa to refuse to follow the law at that time?Explain4. Does racial discrimination still occur around the globe? List down your evidence.5. How will you help Indigenous peoples (IPs) like Badjaos from people who treatthem unjustly?Mendoza, R.D., et al (2017). RBS English Series (Essential English 6 Revised Edition 2017). Rex Book Store Inc.Suarez, C.A., et al (2012). Speak Read, and wiite fun with English 6). C&E Publishing Inc​


the section for black Americans. When the front part of the bus became full, black

the bus. The front part of the bus was the section for white Americans: the back part was

people had to give up their seats to white people. Rosa sat in the black section of the



of the treatment that she and other

black Americans received everyday.

Rosa and the bus driver had an argument. Eventually, the driver ha

13. Directions: Below are excerpts of various news articles online. Examine each then decide if it is BIASED or NOT BIASED. Write your answer on the next page. 1. “Out of the 702,856 infections, there remained 109,018 active cases, of which the majority or 95.1 percent are mild, 3.0 percent are asymptomatic, 0.42 percent are moderate, 0.8 percent are severe and 0.7 percent are critical. The DOH said 663 patients have recovered, bringing the total number of survivors to 580,689. However, 54 patients died, raising the death toll to 13,149.” 2. “Like many other workers who lost their jobs due to the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic, Ruggierro Nicolae Rubio had to be let go by the hotel where he had been a barista for six years.” 3. “One may conjure images of medical personnel wearing protective equipment, attending to patients stricken with the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), with a mere mention of the term "front-line workers". But, since the coronavirus outbreak last year, the term is not limited to doctors and nurses alone, but also other workers deemed essential to providing the goods and services that we need.” 4. The Philippine National Police (PNP) assured the League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP) of more transparency and accountability in all police operations as it vowed that the "excessive use of force" in the case of Calbayog City, Samar Mayor Ronaldo Aquino will not happen again. 5. Previously, the telecommunications sector was being dominated by SMART/Philippine Long Distance Company and Globe Telecommunications. Poe said the entry of DITO Telecommunity as a new major player in the Philippine telecommunications market would spur the competition for more affordable and better internet and mobile services available to more Filipinos. 6. In its 36-page decision written by Associate Justice Karl Miranda and dated March 22, the anti-graft court’s 6th Division convicted former ARMM disbursing officer Serda Hassan-Bangsa and former ARMM Manila Liaison head Socorro Natividad of violation of Republic Act (RA) 3019, or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, and sentenced them to up to 10 years in prison. 7. The Department of Agriculture (DA) on Monday transported around 3,775 live hogs to Metro Manila. The African swine fever (ASF) outbreak in some parts of the country continues to decimate the local hog population, triggering an increase in pork prices. To address the increase in prices of pork products, President Rodrigo Duterte has signed Executive Order (EO) 124, which implements a price ceiling on select pork and chicken products in Metro Manila until April 8. 8. The chairman of the Senate Committee on Labor, Employment and Human Resources Development explained that while the Labor Code of the Philippines prohibits certain acts of discrimination against women, the law should adapt to changing times. 9. Domagoso in February approved the proposal of the University of Santo Tomas and Centro Escolar University to conduct face-to-face classes. The CHEd requires educational institutions to consult with their respective local government units first before submitting their official application for limited face-to-face classes. 10. Gallardo said recipients of funds from Bloomberg and other foreign groups should explain how they use the money to remove suspicion. He said FDA’s acceptance of foreign grants breached national interest. PECIA president Joey Dulay asked Congress to pass a law in the mold of India’s Foreign Contribution Regulation Act which aims to regulate the acceptance of foreign contributions and to prohibit foreign contributions for any activities detrimental to the national interest.


This is only my opinion











14. Put emoji smiley if the statement is Fact, sad if the statement is False. ____1. Many are born with a silver spoon (rich) to become successful in business. ____2.The common activity of an entrepreneur is to deliver goods and services to the market. ____3. A successful entrepreneur has the ability to have knowledge, skills and money. ____4. A set of skills that entrepreneurs must possess to take the control of the business is known as Professional Enterprise Competencies. ____5. The saying “Necessity is the mother of all inventions” means basic commodities are made to satisfy our needs. ____6. As a business leader, you are accountable to everyone and everything in the business. ____7. Service provider is a person or company that supplies goods and commodities for sale. ____8. Location in setting up business must be consider for easily access to transportation. ____9. Manufacturing is the processing of combined raw materials through the use of labor and use of equipment, then turn it into a saleable product. ___10. Courage is someone who feels positive in every effort to achieve something.

manufacturing is the processing of location














15. CLICK THE LETTER OF THE CORRECT ANSWER. 1.Basic necessities of people such as food, clothing and shelter is called 1 point A. Wants b. Needs c. Product 2. A well known American psychologist who proposed the different level of needs and human beings. a. Abraham Grahambell b. Ferdinand Moslow c. Abraham Maslow 3. This is something that is manufactured or grown and nurtured in order to be sold for a profit. a. product b. service c. market 4. This needs are also important for survival but not as demanding as basic needs such healthcare and safe home. a. Social needs b. Esteem needs c. Security needs 5. These are the goods that people desire or wish to have. a. wants b. needs c. service 6. A facility supplying a public or market demand. a. product b. wants c. service 7. A transport company offers service is a. Jollibbee b. Bus transit c. Book store 8. It offers hair care and hair styling services. a. Hair salons b. Lhuillier c. Fast food 9. Spas and wellness centers offers a. foods b. massage c. clothes 10. Goldilocks offers to the people their... a. water b. money c. cakes (This is for TLE)


1. Basic necessities of people such as food, clothing and shelter is called

A. Wants

b. Needs

c. Product

B. Needs

2. A well known American psychologist who proposed the different level of needs and human beings.

a. Abraham Grahambell

b. Ferdinand Moslow

c. Abraham Maslow

C. Abraham Maslow

3. This is something that is manufactured or grown and nurtured in order to be sold for a profit.

a. product

b. service

c. market

A. Product

4. This needs are also important for survival but not as demanding as basic needs such healthcare and safe home.

a. Social needs

b. Esteem needs

c. Security needs

C. Security Needs

5. These are the goods that people desire or wish to have.

a. wants

b. needs

c. service

A. Wants

6. A facility supplying a public or market demand.

a. product

b. wants

c. service

C. Service

7. A transport company offers service is

a. Jollibbee

b. Bus transit

c. Book store

B. Bus Transit

8. It offers hair care and hair styling services.

a. Hair salons

b. Lhuillier

c. Fast food

A. Hair Salons

9. Spas and wellness centers offers

a. foods

b. massage

c. clothes

B. Massage

10. Goldilocks offers to the people their...

a. water

b. money

c. cakes

C. Cakes


16. Learning Task 2 Read the passage carefully. Answer the questions in your notebook.Stepping Up for What Is Just(based on real events)Matthew Alganes1One evening in December 1955, Rosa Parks rode on a bus home after a long day’s work. During that time, black Americans were separated from white Americans inthe bus. The front part of the bus was the section for white Americans; the back part was the section for black Americans. When the front part of the bus became full, black people had to give up their seats to white people. Rosa sat in the black section of the bus.2Shortly, the white section was filled. The bus driver asked Rosa to give up her seat to a white person, but she refused. She was tired of the treatment that she and other black Americans received everyday.3Rosa and the bus driver had an argument. Eventually, the driver had Rosa arrested by the police and sent her to jail.4This made the black citizens of Montgomery angry so they decided to boycott the buses by not riding on them. Instead, they organized carpools or walked when going to work. The boycott which was done hoping that city officials would be forced to change the unfair segregation laws lasted for 381 days. Although the bus companies were losing a lot of money, the city officials did not give in to the demands of the black citizens.5Rosa’s refusal to follow an unjust law was not disregarded though. Thirteen months after the boycott started, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the segregation in public transportation was unconstitutional. In 1964, the U.S. Congress passed a lawknown as the “Civil Rights Act of 1964” that put an end to racial discrimination in the country. 6The bravery shown by Rosa Park that night proved to be a transformative move for the American peopleQuestions:1. What does racial discrimination mean? How was racial discrimination shown in America before it ended in 1964?2. How did Rosa Park show her bravery? Fill in the graphic organizer below to show your answer. Support it by providing evidence.3. In your opinion, was it right for Rosa to refuse to follow the law at that time?Explain.4. Does racial discrimination still occur around the globe? List down your evidence.5. How will you help Indigenous Peoples (IPs) like Badjaos from people who treat them unjustly?​


Learning Task 2

Directions. Read the passage carefully. Answer the questions in your notebook

Stepping Up for What Is Just

(based on real events)

Matthew Alganes

One evening in December 1955, Rosa Parks rode on a bus home after a long day's

work. During that time, black Americans were separated from white Americans in the bus.

The front part of the bus was the section for white Americans; the back part was the sec-

tion for black Americans. When the front part of the bus became full, black people had to

give up their seats to white people. Rosa sat in the black section of the bus.

2Shortly, the white section was filled. The bus driver asked Rosa to give up her seat

to a white person, but she refused. She was tired of the treatment that she and other

black Americans received everyday.

3Rosa and the bus driver had an argument. Eventually, the driver had Rosa arrest-

ed by the police and sent her to jail.

This made the black citizens of Montgomery angry so they decided to boycott the

buses by not riding on them. Instead, they organized carpools or walked when going to

work. The boycott which was done hoping that city officials would be forced to change

the unfair segregation laws lasted for 381 days. Although the bus companies were losing a

lot of money, the city officials did not give in to the demands of the black citizens.

5Rosa's refusal to follow an unjust law was not disregarded though. Thirteen months

after the boycott started, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the segregation in public

transportation was unconstitutional. In 1964, the U.S. Congress passed a law known as the

"Civil Rights Act of 1964" that put an end to racial discrimination in the country.

The bravery shown by Rosa Park that night proved to be a transformative move

for the American people.


What does racial discrimination mean? How was racial discrimination shown in Ameri-

cc before it ended in 1964?

How did Rosa Park show her bravery? Fill in the graphic organizer below to show your

answer. Support it by providing evidence.












Rosa Park is a

brave woman.


In your opinion, was it right for Rosa to refuse to follow the law at that time? Ex-


Does racial discrimination still occur around the globe? List down your evidence.

How will you help Indigenous Peoples (IPs) like Badjaos from people who treat them



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17. What I Have Learned The 3 characteristics of marketable fruits and seedlings ready to for sale are: should be maintained to For farmers to know their profit, include all the sales and expenses of the project it is directly selling the product from the farm to the consumers or products are sold by unit (piece or kilo) in the market. Middlemen are also known as They buy the products from the farm at a lower price and resell these to retailere or small stores. a marketing strategy where buyers go directly to the farm to buy larm products, Prices are usually cheaper because farmers do not need to transport their products to the market to save time, money and efforts. these are usually done by manufacturing companies when there is a need for a big volume of products. is done by non-profitable organizations of workers. They own and manage the organization and prioritize the product sold by their organization a marketing strategy where in the satisfied consumer tells other people about their experiences on how much they like the product. is a marketing strategy in which the owners convince the consumers or buyers through giving free samples of the product to try.​


Major Markets

Fruits and vegetables are produced seasonally, but the market requires products throughout the year. For many decades, this problem of matching product availability with consumer demand was solved in two ways:

Selling fresh products during harvest and shortly thereafter

Processing the rest to meet demand during the rest of the year

As technology improved and consumer incomes increased, it became possible to provide fresh produce year-round. American consumers now expect fresh tomatoes, strawberries, and sweet corn every month of the year. In addition, a strong demand remains for processed fruits and vegetables.

Fresh Markets

Increased consumer incomes and year-round demand for fresh produce force retailers or their representatives to establish buying points both in different growing areas of the United States and in foreign countries. Some retailers contract year-round with fresh fruit and vegetable packers, who may in turn contract with growers. Contracts and large-volume buying practices enable packers to obtain sufficient quantities of individual products.

Large fresh fruit and vegetable packers may contract with growers in several different production regions to ensure that fresh fruits and vegetables are available every week of the year. These packers generally contract only in regions with a large number of growers. Further, they contract mainly with the largest growers, even in concentrated production regions. Some packers ensure supplies by growing commodities themselves. Large retailers and packers are unlikely to purchase products directly from a single, small-scale grower, especially a grower in a remote production area.

As a small-scale fresh fruit and vegetable grower, you may consider selling directly to retailers. Although some chain stores and independent retailers have buy-local programs for fresh produce, such stores and programs are not common. You must develop your own marketing system. In effect, you must become the grower, packer, and wholesaler.

Processing Markets

To stay competitive, processors must keep unit costs low, so large corporations generally do the processing. Many of the smaller local processors have found it difficult to compete with these corporations and have gone out of business. Almost all processors contract with growers for their raw-product needs. Over the past twenty to thirty years, most processors have moved their plants to major production areas. Only a few processing firms are left in the Northeast. Therefore, it may be difficult to locate processors interested in buying from small-scale growers. If a processor does indicate a willingness to buy, insist on a purchase contract with the processor before planting the crop.

You may wish to process your own fruits and vegetables. This is how many of today's processors entered the business decades ago. If you are considering a processing operation, contact your state Department of Agriculture to learn more about food regulations pertaining to the processing, packaging, and labeling of your product. It will probably be impossible for you to process and market produce at costs as low as those incurred by larger processors. As a result, it may be very difficult to compete for sales with your processed fruits and vegetables through conventional retail outlets. Consider processing specialty items with strong local or regional demand where you will be able to charge a "premium" price.

Sometimes a small processor will process fruits or vegetables for a grower on a contract basis, especially if the product being produced does not interfere with its own processing requirements. Of course, its busy time is often when you need to process your product, so this works best for something with an especially early or late processing season.

Selling processed fruits or vegetables may, in addition, increase your exposure to product liability suits. Check with an attorney and an insurance carrier to determine the degree of liability exposure and to secure the proper level of protection




18. ENGLISH Directions: Write the original word of the underlined clipped word. Example: Their company spends a lot of money on ads. Answer: advertisement 1. Our barangay distributed five kilos of rice during the lockdown. 2. My lab results on COVID-19 came out negative. 3. The copter forces transported soldiers and frontline workers to the field hospital, 4. Jeepneys need gas to run 5. My sis waters our vegetables twice a day. 6. Avoid going to the swamps and rivers in this area. I've heard that a croc lurks somewhere 7. Every high school girl dreams of attending a prom or a formal dance held for a school class towards the end of the academic year. 8. Manny Pacquiao is the only boxing champ who won titles in seven weight divisions 9. Check the mike before starting the live broadcast 10. To avoid getting sick, the children eat their lunch on time..​







Yan lng Po alam ko sana nakatulong tnx


pa brainlest tnx

19. Section: Sirius Choose the letter of the correct answer. Solve. Show the solution. 2 points each. 1. Mother Cora bought three different colors of pails with different capacities. The red one can hold 0.0062 liters of water, the blue one has a capacity of 0.3792 liters, and the green pail holds 0.9914 liters. Find the total amount of water that can be stored in the pails? A. 1. 3768 liters B. 1.3867 liters 2. Mr. Dela Cruz's 13th-month pay is P 75,000.00. He divided his money into the C. 1. 3786 liters D. 1. 3876 liters following expenses. Food: P21, 450.89 Recreation: P 5,766.65 Clothes P13,760.25 Transportation P 10,050.25 The rest goes to savings. How much will be his savings? A. P 23.197.96 B. P 23,971.96 C. P 23,917.96 D. P23,997.91 3. Emily helped to do some chores at home every weekend. While she was cleaning her closet, she found four pieces of pink ribbons that measure 0.7545-meter, 0.6762- meter, 0.896 meter, and 2.007 meters respectively. How long will the ribbons be when put from end to end? A. 4.3332 meters B. 4.3337 meters C. 4.3333 meters D. 4.7333 meters 4. Jessie went to the grocery store and bought 3.78997 kg of chicken meat. She cooked 1.78 kilograms for dinner. How many kg of chicken meat was left uncooked? A. 2.0078 kg B. 2. 0089 kg C. 2.0087 kg D.2.00997 kg 5. A gasoline tank of a company car has 5.3889 liters of gasoline. It is driven to a gasoline station and filled with 9.8972 liters. The car tank has 12.3449 liters after driving to the school and office. How many liters of gasoline were used? A. 12.3440 liters B. 3.9412 liters C. 9.8972 liters D. 2.9412 liters 6. A local tourist from Oriental Mindoro incurred the following expenses in his trip to the places of Puerto Princesa City. P 8, 510.75 Hotel Accommodation P7, 267.50 Food P4, 468.25 Souvenir items P 12, 675.50 Transportation If he has P 35,027. 75, how much was left to him? A. P 2. 000.75 B. P 2,025.75 C. P 2,005.75 D.P2, 105.75 7. In School Level Palaro, Janice ran a race in 49.86 seconds. Betita ran the same race in 52. 30 seconds. How much longer did it take Betita to run the race than Janice? C. 2.54 seconds D. 3.76 second A. 2.44 seconds B. 3.56 seconds 8 Which of the following decimals is in ten-thousandths? C. 101.23 D. 1.0123 B. 10.123 A. 1012.3 9. Which of the following examples shows subtracting decimals without regrouping? B. 99.876 - 28.9999 = N A. 99.50-28.8765 = N D. 99.9999 - 28.8765 = N C. 99.8999 - 28.9999 = N 10. The owner of a resort added 501.21 liters of rainwater to his swimming pool. If a swimming pool has already 542.3425 liters of water, how many liters of water are in C. 104,355.25 liters D. 1,043,552.5 lite a swimming pool? A. 1.043.5525 liters B. 10,435.525 liters​

zombie catcher tayo tol

20. Test Direction: I. pick TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.1. Before you start, you need to check the ingredients of your product. *•True•FalseThis is a required question2. Choose a product that is easy to make. *•True•False3. Do not follow the correct procedure to have a good product. *•True•False4. In making pastillas sugar is not important. *•True•False5. Be sure that your hand is clean while working. *•True•False6. Considered the availability of your ingredients before doing your product. *•True•False7. Start to produce small amount before you think of producing many. *•True•False8. Always considered the cleanliness of your workplace. •True•False9. It might be good to start in doing product that you are not interested. *•True•False10. You can sell your product to the people around you. *•True•FalseII. Select the best answer to the question.Option 111. Basic necessities of people such as food, clothing and shelter is called *•wants•needs•products12. A well known American psychologist who proposed the different level of needs and human beings. *•Abraham Grahambell•Abraham Maslow•Ferdinand Moslow13. This is something that is manufactured or grown and nurtured in order to be sold for a profit. *•product•service•market14. This needs are also important for survival but not as demanding as basic needs such as employment, healthcare and safe home. *•Social needs•Esteem needs•Security needs15. These are the goods that people desire or wish to have. •wants•needs•service16. A facility supplying a public or market demand. *•product•wants•service17. A transport company offers service is *•Jollibee•Bataan Transit Bus•Chowking18. It offers hair care and hair styling services. *•Palawan Padala Express1•Cebuana Lhuillier•Reyes Hair Salons19. Spas and wellness centers offers *•foods•massage•clothes20. Goldilocks offers to the people their *•water•money•cakes​

[tex] \huge\colorbox{orange}{answers : }[/tex]





12.Abraham Maslow.


14.Security needs.



17.Bataan Transit Bus.

18.Reyes Hair Salons.






1) True










11) product


13) market

14) social need

15) wants/need

16) product/service

17)Bataan transit buss

18)Reyes hair salon

19) massage



correct me if I'm wrong

21. VALUING CKevin Hector, a football player from England posted on his twitter, "Theglobal economy is built on two things: the international combustion engine andMicrosoft Excel. Never forget this. Think of this statement as a challenge toget familiar with the other features of the app that can be beneficial to you inthe future, henceforth, they are worth sharing for.Microsoft Excel provides an automated and advanced ways of displayingany statistical data. It can compute large data in several factors that are noteasy and simple but accurate. Microsoft Excel includes several arithmetic andbasic to advance functions that help you compute faster. People often usecharts in presentations to give management, client, or team members asnapshot of performance progress or results for an individual in the companyas they do their work in the office.As learners, how are you going to make use of the knowledge youobtained in this module? Do you think that learning how to use a chart topresent data gives an advantage to make a good research output?Let's say, that in most cases at school, you often borrow money fromyour classmates because your allowance is not enough for the reasons thatyou need to buy materials for your project, pay for your transportation andother essential needs. With it, you ask your parents to increase your dailyallowance but it seems that they are not convinced about your reason. Now,what about if you make a record of your daily expenses at school usingMicrosoft Excel then you make a chart to show it to your parents so that youcan convince them to increase your daily allowance. Do you think, when youpresent the data, it can help you to let them agree to your request? How areyou going to present the data similar to what has been discussed already?Which type of chart are you going to use?It's time for you to shine, provide an answer to the questions using thespace provided below.​


Happy to help you make adult money and help you out or this is a welcome sighn for you and your business is a great place to work for you and your business is a great

22. l. Read and analyze the following statement. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number1. Basic necessities of people such as food, clothing and shelter is called A. Wants B. Needs C. Products D. Business2. A well-known American psychologist who proposed the different level of needs and human beings.A. Abraham Grahambell B. Ferdinand Maslow C. Abraham Maslow D. Jean Piaget3. This is something that is manufactured or grown and nurtured in order to be sold for a profit. A. Product B. Service C. Market D. Needs 4. This needs are also important for survival but not as demanding as basic needs such as employment, healthcare and safe home. A. Social needs B. Esteem needs C. Security needs D. Basic Needs 5. These are the goods that people desire or wish to have. A. Wants B. Needs C. Service D. Product 6. A facility supplying a public or market demand. A. Product B. Wants C. Service D. Market 7. A transport company offers service is A. Jollibee B. Bataan Transit Bus c. Chowking D. Red ribbon 8. It offers hair care and hair styling services. A. Palawan Padala Express B. Cebuana Lhuillier C. Reyes Hair Salons D. PhilHealth 9. Spas and wellness centers offers A. Foods B. Massage C. Clothes D. Transport 10. Goldilocks offers to the people their A. Water B. Money C. Cakes D. Shelter​


1. B. Needs

2A. Abraham Grahambell

3A. Product

4A. Social needs

5D. Product

6B. Wants

7 c. Chowking

8C. Reyes Hair Salons

9B. Massage

10.D. Shelter


sana maka tulong

23. Learning Task 2Directions: Read the passage carefully. Answer the questions in your notebook.Stepping Up for What Is Just (based on real events) Matthew Alganes¹One evening in December 1955, Rosa Parks rode on a bus home after a long day's work. During that time,black Americans were separated from white Americans in the bus. The front part of the bus was the section for whiteAmericans; the back part was the section for black Americans. When the front part of the bus became full, black people had to give up their seats to white people. Rosa sat in the black section of the bus.²Shortly, the white section was filled. The bus driver asked Rosa to give up her seat to a white person, but she refused. She was tired of the treatment that she and other black Americans received everyday.³Rosa and the bus driver had an argument. Eventually, the driver had Rosa arrested by the police and sent her to jail.⁴This made the black citizens of Montgomery angry so they decided to boycott the buses by not riding onthem. Instead, they organized carpools or walked when going to work. The boycott which was done hoping that city officials would be forced to change the unfair segregation laws lasted for 381 days. Although the bus companies werelosing a lot of money, the city officials did not give in to the demands of the black citizens.⁵Rosa's refusal to follow an unjust law was not disregarded though. Thirteen months after the boycott started, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the segregation in public transportation was unconstitutional. In 1964, the U.S. Congress passed a law known as the "Civil Rights Act of 1964" that put an end to racial discrimination in the country. ⁶The bravery shown by Rosa Park that night proved to be a transformative move for the American people.Questions:1. What does racial discrimination mean? How was racial discrimination shown in America before it ended in 1964?2. How did Rosa Park show her bravery? Fill in the graphic organizer below to show your answer. Support it by providing evidence.Rosa Park is a brave woman Evidence:Evidence:3. In your opinion, was it right for Rosa to refuse to follow the law at that time? Explain.4. Does racial discrimination still occur around the globe? List down your evidence.5. How will you help Indigenous Peoples (IPs) like Badjaos from people who treat them unjustly?•Do not answer if you do not know the answer•Do not answer if you only want the points•Any signs of nonsense shall and will be immediatly deleted#CarryonLearning ​

Answer:1. Racial Discrimination is any discrimination against any individual on the basis of their skin, color, or racial or ethnic origin.

< The U.S Supreme Court declared that the segregation in public transportation was unconstitutional.

2. Rosa refused to give up her seat and Rosa refusal to follow injust law beacause he needs to follow the if she dont follow she'l be arrested and we need to follow the rules because its for own good.

4.Yes, racial discrimination is still a thing in the world right now. On 2020 a black person was killed and they didn’t even get a chance to explain himself. Just recently Asian are being discriminated, in fact there are six asian women killed in Oakland.

5.I will help them by creating and building a program or foundation or even organization in order to protect them. Because we all now that they’re all humans too so we should have treat them right. Don’t ever judge them and don’t be a racist if there color is black or if there smell so bad. Indigenous People have rights too because they are still humans after all.

Explanation:sana po makatulong

24. Instructions: Read the example of an argumentative essay below. Students Who Study Abroad Achieve Greater Success Much of our learning takes place outside the classroom. We learn how to maintain budgets forge friendships, develop business relationships, and more. Imagine extending those skills on a global level. We would immediately cease to believe the world only contains the people and things we can see but, rather, a wide variety of opinions, customs, beliefs, and ethics. This is why every college-level student must study abroad during their undergraduate years. They will learn more in that semester abroad than in any other academic year. According to IES Abroad, a company that encourages students to become international leaders, students who study abroad are more likely to be accepted into the graduate degree program of their choice. In fact, 90% of students who studied abroad with IES are admitted to their first or second choice for graduate school. Imagine walking into an interview and being able to discuss preparing the most popular dish in India or organizing the best route to take from Sydney, Australia to Perth. Not only does this strike up a memorable conversation, but it also demonstrates a student's fierce independence and determination. All this makes someone who has studied abroad a more desirable candidate for their dream job. As if IES Abroad's statistic above was not astounding enough, it has been proven that 97% of students who study abroad find employment within 12 months of graduation (Smith, 2019, p. 17).Beyond college, students who study abroad will be better equipped to succeed in the workplace. Their broadened worldview will help them relate to their co-workers, especially in a worldwide organization. This increased scope of knowledge allows 25% of students who study abroad to receive higher starting salaries. That is clear evidence that their experiences and views are valued by employers. Despite all these benefits, some parents simply will not allow their children to study abroad. A portion will argue that it is not safe. Others will argue that studying abroad costs too much money. In these cases, it is important to look at one semester's financial aid statement. How much does it cost to be a student at a local university? When tuition, housing, textbooks, transportation, and meal plans are considered, it becomes difficult to argue that there is a stark difference in the cost of a semester at home versus a semester abroad. Studying abroad will have long-lasting, positive implications on a student's future as an academic and a professional. New windows of opportunity will be flung open the moment an undergraduate board a plane. Why not make an appointment with the study abroad center at your university? You have nothing to lose by starting a conversation today. Source: Process questions: Answer the given questions. 1. What arguments that counter the authors stand? Provide details. 2. How did the author counter the arguments against that of one’s own? - Please help and thxxx


1. One argument against the author's stand is that some parents may not allow their children to study abroad due to safety concerns. Another argument is that studying abroad costs too much money.

2. The author counters these arguments by pointing out that studying abroad can actually be more financially viable when considering the cost of tuition, housing, textbooks, transportation, and meal plans at a local university. The author also mentions statistics that show the benefits of studying abroad, such as increased chances of acceptance into graduate programs, higher starting salaries, and improved job prospects.

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