D Marks Delivery

D Marks Delivery

it is by highlighting key words and phrases so that you will be guided during the speech deliverya. markb. concerntratec. prepare​

Daftar Isi

1. it is by highlighting key words and phrases so that you will be guided during the speech deliverya. markb. concerntratec. prepare​





2. In case of discrepancies and irregularities of deliveries, the Receiving Clerk immediately advises and forwarded this report to the management. A. Delivery Receipt B. Delivery Rejection/Discrepancy Notice C. Partial Delivery Report D. Inspection & Certification of Acceptance Report


B. Delivery Rejection/Discrepancy Notice


pa brainliest po

3. Which of the following shows correct word order in a sentence.A. The customer complained the late delivery.B. The late delivery is the cause of complaint.C. The delivery was late that caused the complaint.D. Because of the late delivery, the customer complained.​


B. The late delivery is the cause of complaint.


hope it helps

4. 2. The process of birth wherein the doctor removes the baby from the womb. A. Caesarian section C. Surgical operation B. Normal delivery D. Painless Delivery​





5. The period of the delivery of raw foods to the time it is consumed is a period ofA. Food purchasingB. Food sellingC. Food deliveryD. Safe food handling​


b. food selling


yan ang alam ko

6. Acknowledging that the products and/or goods are in conformance after the inspection process has been made. A. Receiving B. Refusing Delivery C. Refusing Delivery D. Acceptance


D. Acceptance


Acknowledging that the products and/or goods are in conformance after the inspection process has been made.

A. Receiving

B. Refusing Delivery

C. Refusing Delivery

D. Acceptance

7. Differentiate cash before delivery and cash on delivery​


Cash on delivery (COD) stipulates that goods must be paid for at the time of delivery, or else the goods are returned to the seller. Delivery-versus-payment (DVP) is an arrangement whereby securities are only delivered to the buyer once payment has been made.


(pabrainliest answer po para lagi kitang natutulongan sa mga questions nyo. thanks.)


Cash on delivery (COD) stipulates that goods must be paid for at the time of delivery, or else the goods are returned to the seller. Delivery-versus-payment (DVP) is an arrangement whereby securities are only delivered to the buyer once payment has been made.

8. what kind of item that gives details about delivery and inventory?A)description B)quantity C) purchaseD)delivery ​


B. Yan po yung sagot


Hope its helps

Paki brainliest po please

9. Transport to the end customer in e-business is known as: a. milk run b. Last mile delivery c. staggered delivery d. cross docking ​


End customer transport in E-business is also known as Last Mile Delivery, Therefore, letter c is the correct answer.


E-business is a term used to designate a business that takes place in the digital world, that is, it is present on the internet.

However, E-business classifies business done through the digital world, being a word with a much broader concept than the term “business” itself, considering that it can be used to create a direct relationship between customer and supplier, eliminating intermediaries that may make the products more expensive.


10. Which of the following is an example of impromptu speech?a. an actor’s delivery of monologueb. a host reading the teleprompterc. a student’s delivery of a declamation speechd. a teacher’s response to a parent’s question​

Answer: I hope its b


Such speeches, where the speaker has to be on his/her toes at all times while responding quickly to a topic, is called “Impromptu Speech”. The interviews of politicians, the US presidential debate, or even the panel discussions of TV channels are all examples of impromptu speaking. Please correct me if im wrong

11. person who receives such information. A. MessageB ReceiverC. SpeechD. Delivery​


B. Receiver


I'm not sure yet but i think receiver is the answer

12. Respiratory system is also known as___.A. oxygen delivery systemB.carbon delivery systemC.nutrient delivery systemD.air delivery system​


c. nutrient delivery system




ayan answer ko paki shek baka mali yan tnx me later

13. marta,ordered android phone online and choose cash on delivery mode of payment.at the delivery,she unboxed the item in front of the delivery boy and discovered that the item was broken. what should she do?​A. pay the item delivered B. recieve the itemC. return the item to tge delivery boyD. call a police​


return the item to the delivery boy


because it can use




Because thats the right to do,when you recieve an object that the sealed is broken you must return it and refund your money

14. 17. Which of the following is the “what” of the speech? a. Speaker b. Content c. Delivery d. None 18. This refers to “how” of the speech. a. Speaker b. Content c. Tone d. Delivery





I hope it will help




just correct me if i'm wrong

15. 3.Which ensures correctness of deliveries or performance of services?A. Requisition procedureB. Receiving procedureC. Inspection procedureD. Delivery Procedure​


It's either B or D.


Because they both correct.


Which ensures correctness of deliveries or performance of services?

A. Requisition procedure

B. Receiving procedure

C. Inspection procedure

D. Delivery Procedure

16. 4. What is a foul line? • The foul line is drawn across the lane to separate the approach from the start of the lane. Putting your foot over the foul-line means you don't get the score for that delivery: on the first delivery you must re-rack the pins. It is marked on the scoresheet with an "F".​

4. What is a foul line?

• The foul line is drawn across the lane to separate the approach from the start of the lane. Putting your foot over the foul-line means you don't get the score for that delivery: on the first delivery you must re-rack the pins. It is marked on the scoresheet with an "F".

17. a type of speech delivery that involves the speaker's preaparation of notes before delivery, associated with the conversational style of delivery​


The extemporaneous speech involves the speaker's use of notes and some embellishment to deliver a speech. Some speakers use a manuscript speech. This is a delivery where the speaker reads every word from a pre-written speech.

18. 3. What do you call a document which provides detailed account during delivery? a. delivery docket b. invoice c. request form d. none of the above​


A. delivery docket


hope it help's.

19. 1. Which of the following is not a principle of speech delivery? *Mark only one oval.a. Articulationb. Stage presencec. Modulationd. None of these choices3.2. It is the ability to "own" the stage and being able to fill the space.Mark only one oval.a. body languageb. stage movementc. modulationd. stage presence​

1. D. none of these choices

2. A. body language




yan po ang tama sana makatulong

20. Which of the following is NOT true about the principles of speech delivery?1 Effective delivery is insincere.2. Effective delivery is modest and unassuming.3 Effective delivery is confident and assured.4) Effective delivery is enthusiastic and animated.*​


4 maybe


im not so sure sorry!! :(

21. Which of the following statements about speech delivery is true? a. Speech delivery is about pronouncing words perfectly. b. Public speaking is a talent and cannot be learned. c. Effective speech delivery means connecting with the audience and communicating the message. d. Good delivery lies in the intellectual words used in the speech.

For Me:
C.Effective speech delivery means connecting with the audience and communicating the message.

C.Effective speech delivery means connecting with the audience and communicating thr message

22. Subject: TLEDefine the following.Assembly - Service - Delivery - Centralized Delivery System -Decentralized Delivery System -​




23. Answer This! (No False Answer) 9. Which shows the illustration on how reproduction of dogs and cats takes place? A. fertilization-pregnancy-delivery-estrus (heat cycle) B. delivery-fertilization-pregnancy-estrus C. estrus-fertilization-pregnancy-delivery D. pregnancy-fertilization-estrus-delivery


A. Fertilization-pregnancy-delivery-estrus (heat cycle)


Like dogs, cats also have an estrous, or heat, cycle. However, female cats, which are called queens, are induced ovulators. This means that they do not ovulate (pass an egg) unless they are bred. This greatly increases the chances of conception when bred, which is why stray queens often have many kittens per year.

24. The phase that begins from the construction cycle starts until the delivery of the baby.A. DeliveryB. SurgeryC. BirthD. Labor​


D. labor


yan po tama sagot pa brainliests po salamat

at pa follow na po din

25. 3Which ensures correctness of deliveries or performance of services?A Requisition procedureB. Receiving procedureC. Inspection procedureD. Delivery Procedure​

D.Delivery Procedure

Hope it helps

26. it is the agency which they did the service delivery network therese d l​



Research on networked services aimed at the (re)employment of groups marginalised from the labour market has gained momentum in different scholarly traditions (e.g., public administration, healthcare and social policy), but the topic remains somewhat fragmented. In this paper, we systematise and synthesise this research with the aim of outlining distinct research approaches, facilitating increased cross‐disciplinary understandings and promoting interdisciplinary research. Based on a systematic review of the literature (1990–2018, n = 273), we highlight four dominant research approaches: rehabilitation, disability, welfare and governance. We show that these research approaches involve distinct conceptualisations of labour market inclusion, networked services and the target groups. Nevertheless, the research approaches also apply similar terms and concepts (e.g., partnership, collaboration) but with different (more or less implicit) connotations, which lead to fragmentation. We do not suggest that there be a unified use of concepts across traditions; however, we argue for the necessity of increased awareness of the similarities and differences between these research traditions in order to increase understanding of the networked employment services available to marginalised groups.


Many countries are undertaking reforms to secure the sustained employment of citizens marginalised from the labour market due to obstacles such as mental or physical disability, cognitive or behavioural challenges, low skills or language barriers (Bonoli, 2013; van Berkel, Caswell, Kupka, & Larsen, 2017). Securing employment for these groups represents a “wicked problem” (Rittel & Webber, 1973) because it involves the interests and objectives of diverse autonomous actors such as public employment services, social services, healthcare systems, educational institutions and employers. As a result of such reforms, research on networked service provision—that is, the collaboration between multiple autonomous actors—has gained momentum across different research traditions, such as public administration, healthcare and social policy.

Despite the centrality of inter‐organisational collaboration and collaborative networks in this research, there does not seem to be a comprehensive or shared understanding of networked services across different scholarly approaches. Such parallel developments reflect how research often evolves in distinct communities (Haas, 1992; Knorr‐Cetina, 1999); however, in order to capitalise on increased interdisciplinarity awareness and research, there is a need for a better understanding of how networks have been approached and studied within the field of employment services. Therefore, in this paper, our objective is to identify distinct research approaches—that is, ways of conceiving of and studying networked employment assistance—and identify potential synergies between these approaches. We do so by advancing a systematic review of the literature published between 1990 and 2018.

We find a considerable disparity across different scholarly traditions and highlight four distinct approaches: rehabilitation (involving the improvement of the health and quality of life for people with [mental] health challenges), disability (concerning how “ordinary” life courses can be secured for individuals with severe disabilities), welfare (critically assessing employment policies and their implementation) and governance (honing in on how the organisation of public administrations and services can be improved). With these four approaches in view, we provide an overview of the key differences and similarities in how networked services have been understood and researched. Based on this overview, we argue for and outline new possibilities for interdisciplinary research and learning. In particular, we endorse a more systematic integration of public administration theories of networked services and the vast array of empirical assessments of employment assistance that have been provided in other research traditions.

Before we elaborate on the literature review, we provide an overview of different conceptualisations of networked services. We use here networked services as an umbrella term for a variety of concepts or terms in the literature, as described below.


27. ___ 7. The process of birth wherein the doctor removes the baby from the womb. a. Ceasarian section b. Normal delivery c. Surgical operation d. Painless Delivery

A. Ceasarian Section - the process of birth wherein the doctor removes the baby from the womb.

28. Is a document that is typically signed by the receiver of the delivery to indicate that they in fact received the item that has been delivered and has taken possession of it. * 1 point a. delivery receipt b. inspection c. refusing delivery / refusal delivery d. acceptance




I hope help you (◕ᴗ◕✿)(ʘᴗʘ✿)(◔‿◔)(◍•ᴗ•◍)

29. Before the delivery of speech, of course you need to have a speech. Write a speech which have minimum 500 words using correct punctuation marks and grammar.​











10. B



30. Which shows the illustration of how the reproduction of dogs and cats takes place? a. Fertilization --> Pregnancy --> Delivery --> Estrus (Heat Cycle) b. Delivery --> Fertilization --> Pregnancy --> Estrus c. Estrus --> Fertilization --> Pregnancy --> Delivery d. Pregnancy --> Fertilization --> Estrus --> Delivery

B.Delivery --> Fertilization --> Pregnancy --> Estrus


because dogs,cats same like human

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