Before During After Earthquake Poster

Before During After Earthquake Poster

give a poster slogan on what to do before, during and after an earthquake​

Daftar Isi

1. give a poster slogan on what to do before, during and after an earthquake​


nasa pic yung magiging poster slogan mo


wag mo na isulat yung hindi naka b0ld

2. make a poster or infographics showing precautionary measures before, during or after an earthquake.​


•Stay calm! If you're indoors, stay inside. If you're outside, stay outside.

•If you're indoors, stand against a wall near the center of the building, stand in a doorway, or crawl under heavy furniture (a desk or table). Stay away from windows and outside doors.

•If you're outdoors, stay in the open away from power lines or anything that might fall. Stay away from buildings (stuff might fall off the building or the building could fall on you).

•Don't use matches, candles, or any flame. Broken gas lines and fire don't mix.

If you're in a car, stop the car and stay inside the car until the earthquake stops.

•Don't use elevators (they'll probably get stuck anyway).


Yan lang po alam ko

Hope it help

3. make your own Earhquake. Safety poster or Earthquak safety drill poste what to d before,during and after earthquake drawing​




ayan po sana makatulonh

4. Performance Task:Choose one of thefollowing tasks:1. Create a 1-minuteinfomercial video ora poster on what todo before, duringand after anearthquake.2. Create a l minuteinfomercial video ora poster on what todo before, duringand after a volcaniceruption.;Pahelp fleece​


Mas madali po na gawin yung una dahil maraming information online tungkol sa mga earthquakes. Ito po mga example ng poster about this topic.


5. Task 2: In your previous lesson, you have learned that an announcement is a statement addressed to the public through media. It provides information about something that has happened or will happen. Read carefully the earthquake awareness poster below. What follows after is a modified true or false activity. On the blank space before each number, write TRUE if the idea is correct; if FALSE, change the underlined statement to make it correct. 1. Proper preparedness before an earthquake will help prevent panic and damages. 2. When indoors during an earthquake, the safest thing to do is to drop, cover, and hold. 3. When indoors during an earthquake, the safest place to be is to hide inside the building. 4. After a major earthquake, aftershocks will continue to happen. 5. After a major earthquake, keep calm and stay inside the damaged areas. 6. More people maybe injured or killed when they are close to damaged areas Task 3: To prepare you fully in this lesson, examine the following food advertisements below and be ready to answer the questions that follow. Focus questions: 1. What do you think are these information all about? 2. What have you noticed on the posted materials? In what manner did the advertisers promote their products? 3. How can the advertisements convince the consumers? 4. What creative techniques were used so that consumers will be persuaded to buy the products?


Task 2

1. true






sorry po wala pa po ako sagot sa task 3 pero task 4 meron

6. make a slogan and poster about disaster preparedness or safety measure before, during and after natural calamities such as earthquake and typhoon please po tamang sagot at kompleto report kapag mali ang answerpangalawa ko nang tanong to! kaya please tamang sagot kapag tama follow ko ​

here po

trust me

this is correct

follow po

7. make a poster depicting the things that you should do before during and after an earthquake and volcanic eruption happens,​


in earthquake




8. Task 2:In your previous lesson, you have learned that an announcement is astatement addressed to the public through media. It provides information aboutsomething that has happened or will happen.Read carefully the earthquake awareness poster below. What follows after is amodified true or false activity. On the blank space before each number, write TRUE ifthe idea is correct; if FALSE, change the underlined statement to make it correct.1.(Proper preparedness) before an earthquake will help prevent panicand damages.2. When indoors during an earthquake, the safest thing to do is to( drop, cover, and hold.) 3. When indoors during an earthquake, the safest place to be is to hide (inside the building.) 4. After a major earthquake, (aftershocks will continue to happen.) 5. After a major earthquake, keep calm and (stay inside the damagedareas.) 6. More people maybe injured or killed when they are (close to damaged areas.)


1.(Proper preparedness) before an earthquake will help prevent panic

and damages.

Answer: TRUE

2. When indoors during an earthquake, the safest thing to do is to( drop, cover, and hold.)

Answer: TRUE

3. When indoors during an earthquake, the safest place to be is to hide (inside the building.)

Answer: False (Stay away from tall Building)

4. After a major earthquake, (aftershocks will continue to happen.)

Answer: TRUE

5. After a major earthquake, keep calm and (stay inside the damaged


Answer: False (Outside the damage area)

6. More people maybe injured or killed when they are (close to damaged areas.)

Answer: TRUE


9. ACTIVITY 3 Directions: Draw a poster that shows at most three precautionary measures that one should remember and do before, during, and after an earthquake or volcanic eruption. Pls give example po.. ​

answer: earthquake

before: familiarize yourself with the entry and exit points of the building you are in.

during: never rush to the exit when you are in a crowded place like a theater,mall,train,or stadium to avoid stempede.

after: find a safe place when the earthquake is over.aftershocks are likely to follow.

volcanic eruption

before: listen to the radio for safety instructions from people of authority.

during: avoid areas near the slopes of the volcano because lava could flow near the slopes.

after: clean your house from ash fall can cause roofs to collapse.


hope it helps

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