Example Of Robbery Case In The Philippines

Example Of Robbery Case In The Philippines

medico legal of robbery with physical injury case​

Daftar Isi


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2. Possible Evidence A Robbery Casenonsense answer will be reported.​

the sun is rising the rain is coming when I see you smiling naku po I'm falling



3. example of robbery with rape​

ROBBERY -a person who shoves a college student walking home from a bar and steals a students cell phone out of his/her hand has committed robbery.

RAPE - Jessica is sleeping in her bed, and somebody turn off the light and the guy was ask him for rape.


You can see it by searching it on social sites.

4. differentiate robbery and theft​

Put very simply, someone is guilty of robbery if he steals from a person using force or makes them think force will be used. Theft means taking someone's property but does not involve the use of force.


Theft is when you are taking the property of another without permission with the intent to permanently keep it

Robbery is also a theft but with the use of fear of violence to accomplish the theft

5. Discuss how crime of robbery differ to a crime of theft (make a case scenario to correspond your justification)​


Theft is a crime against property, whereas robbery is a crime against a person.


The crimes of theft and robbery can easily be confused because both involve taking someone else's money or property. However, while theft and robbery share some characteristics, the offenses are quite different.

6. 2. Is today Monday? (Irrelevant) 3. Do you have anything to do with the robbery at SM (Shoemart) last night? (Weak Relevant) 4. Are you over 20 year of age? (Irrelevant) 5. Were you one of those who robbed the SM last night? (Strong Relevant) 6. Have you been involved in a robbery case this year? (Control Question-Relevant)​


Iwan ko gechohwhsowixhwibxowozpqixhwxbwojxojxibuxwiv

7. In case of pickpocketing, snatching, robbery, or petty theft, when is the best time to capture these offenders?​


By checking any ccty footage from where you got robed last and if the cctv captured there face it might be easier to find and capture the suspect when you show it to the authority’s and where they might live or the place where they will strike next.

Hope this helps.


if there is no cctv you should do is trace the last place of victim

8. pretend that you are in a police investigator who just did an investigation on a robbery case. write a paragraph reporting the results of your investigation. make sure your ideas are clear by using emphasis in your sentences.​


The robbery was done in a Jewelry shop. The robber cannot be identified because he was wearing a helmet. Threatened the staff in the jewelry shop with a gun and stole items worth 300,000 pesos. No casualties or injured people but the situation caused a traumatic shock to the staff. The robber is caught and is now under our custody. We will conduct a thorough interrogation with the suspect later.


9. if there is no robbery,is the place peaceful?​




because no robbery in our place

Yes. Because without peace, the world will go through another war (WW3), people will start to lose hope for this world, and if there is no hope then there is no determination to save it. There will always be fighting, and people are always misunderstanding when there will be no peace.

----What is your view on the importance of safety and security?----

Safety and security make us stable and feel peace in our workplace, home, and any place we are in.

Each workplace needs to promise it meets the suitable prosperity and security rules. Having authoritative well-being and security cycles can help oversee and forestall injury, robbery, and harm in the work environment. As a private venture business, you have an obligation to your representatives to keep up with work environment wellbeing.

Having a real sense of reassurance, stability, and security is key to our prosperity. Feeling Inner Safety implies feeling that we are protected from not being hurt intellectually or actually. At the point when we have a good sense of reassurance, we think that it is simpler to arrive settled of-psyche and spotlight on the present. At the point when we have a good sense of security, the current wake up.

10. Fill in present perfect continuous tense :-- 1) ___the police ___(not investigate )the bank robbery case for over six months now?


have not been investigating

11. 1. An interview of the victim for a policeblotter on a robbery assault is an example ofsource of information.A webC. secondaryB. primaryD. electronic​


B. primary

yan sagot jdbdjs

12. C. Write a sentence using the passive voice based on the topic given. An example is given for you1. Robbery at the store: The store was robbed by a masked man. 2. Playing the lotto: 3. Elections in the Philippines:4. Winning the grand prize: 5. Inventing the airplane:​


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13. who can be guilty of Robbery?​

Any person who, with intent to gain, shall take any personal property belonging to another, by means of violence or intimidation of any person, or using force upon anything shall be guilty of robbery. Section One. — Robbery with violence or intimidation of persons.

14. 21. The line, there will be no killing androbbery, is an example ofA. social issueB. economic issueC. moral issueD. all​


B. economic issueAll societies face the economic problem, which is the problem of how to make the best use of limited, or scarce, resources. The economic problem exists because, although the needs and wants of people are endless, the resources available to satisfy needs and wants are limited.

15. Fill in present perfect continuous tense :-- 1) ___the police ___(not investigate )the bank robbery case for over six months now?



                the police have been investigating the bank robbery case for six months now?

16. discuss armed robbery investigation​




17. why is robbery the solution of thieves?​

So they can live for another day

18. for the 12 months in the year 2018, a police department of a certain province reported 3,4,2,4,9,7,5,2,7,3,6 and 5 armed robberies. find the mean robberies in a year.


The answer to this question is 4.75.

Step-by-step explanation:

This is a statistical problem that deals with the concept of measurement of central tendency.

The solution for this problem goes like this

let x = mean of the data

[tex]x = \frac{a_1+a_2+...+a_n}{n}\\x = \frac{3+4+2+4+9+7+5+2+7+3+6+5}{12}\\x = 4.75[/tex]

If you want to know more about mean, median ,mode, you can visit the following links:




19. the police are ________ an investigation into the robbery


The police are conducting an investigation into the robbery.


the police are ________ an investigation into the robbery


Carrying Out an investigation


the police are Carrying Out an investigation an investigation into the robbery

hope its help

20. Paano maiiwasan ang robbery?

Upang maiwasan ang robbery maging mapag matiyaga sa paligid. Kung may nakikitang kakaiba sa lugar huwag mag atubiling umalis dito o di kaya'y huwag tumungo sa madilim na lugar. Maaari ring maganap ang robbery sa loob mismo ng iyong tahanan kaya't upang maiwasan ito siguraduhing laging nakakandado ang inyong bahay lalo na sa gabi. Iwasang magpost sa social media kung kayo'y nagbabakasyon  o magbabakasyon dahil ito'y nagbibigay ng pahiwatig sa mga magnanakaw na maaari nilang nakawan ang bahay na walang tao.

Kaya may mga taong magnanakaw ay dahil walang-wala sila sa buhay. Sa aking palagay, maiiwasan ang pagnanakaw kung ang mga tao ay magsisikap sa buhay upang makapag-aral. Ang edukasyon ang nakikita kong solusyon sa kahirapan na maaaring maging maging solusyon naman sa pagnanakaw. Kung ang isang tao ay makakapagtapos at makakahanap ng magandang trabaho, mawawalan na ng dahilan pa para magnakaw.

Tayong mga tao rin, upang maiwasan ang manakawan. Isipin natin ang seguridad ng ating mga gamit. Ating pag-ingatan ang mga ito.

21. what is robbery??and extortion

Robbery means taking away of the property of another unlawfully, by force or fear, also an act of theft, burglary, depredation, larceny, pillage, plunder. Extortion means taking away the things in force and to subdue others.

22. ___the police ___(not investigate )the bank robbery case for over six months now?



the police have been investigating the bank robbery case for over six months now?

23. discuss the procedures in investigation of robbery​





24. the police are ________ an investigation into the robbery.


the police are Carrying Out_an investigation into the robbery.

25. Which of the following is considered as an example of extortion.a. Hitting b. Physical hazingc. Robbery d. Suicide ​


[tex]\huge\mathcal\red {ANSWER}[/tex]



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Which of the following is considered as an example of extortion.

a. Hitting

b. Physical hazing

c. Robbery

d. Suicide

Robbery is a example of a common form of extortion


26. why robbery is an issue?


because it is a wrong thing to do and it is a crime for something like stealing your money and more

Robbery is a problem because it is a thrilling way to get rich quickly! Who doesn't want to live life to the fullest and make a fortune along the way? Additionally, the possibility of getting away with it never hurts. However, I should point out that robbery is still against the law and can result in serious consequences if caught. Therefore, you should not do it.

27. give an example of Deviancy in the community​answer: rape, robbery, murder,assault


Informal deviance refers to violations of informal social norms, which are norms that have not been codified into law. Examples of informal deviance include picking one's nose, belching loudly, or standing unnecessarily close to another person. ... Cultural norms are relative, which makes deviant behavior relative as well.

28. cause of armed robberies and hold ups​


lack of money ... thats what i think!

29. why is it called robbery?​


the unlawful taking away of personal property from a person by violence or by threat of violence that causes fear : larceny from the person or immediate presence of another by violence or threat of violence and with intent to steal.



30. imagine that you are a detective, and you will look for evidence on the crime scene. supply possible evidence to solve the problem.SituationPossible Evidence1. A Robbery Case2. A Carnapping Case​


1. medical examination/ victims injury

2. toxicology report

hope it helps pa brainliest:(

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