Endemic Species Of India

Endemic Species Of India

Endemic Species in Camiguin? Why are they endemic ?

Daftar Isi

1. Endemic Species in Camiguin? Why are they endemic ?


At least five vertebrate species are believed to be endemic to Camiguin:

Bullimus gamay, or the Camiguin forest rat.

Apomys camiguinensis, the Camiguin forest mouse.

Loriculus camiguinensis, the Camiguin hanging parrot.

Oreophryne nana, or the Camiguin narrow-mouthed frog.

Ninox leventisi, or the Camiguin hawk-owl.

2. What is Endemic Species?​


Endemic species are those plants and animals that exist only in one geographical region. Species can be endemic to large or small areas of the world.

No human interference brought a native species to the area or influenced its spread to that area. Native species are also called indigenous species.

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Hope it helps

Source Göögle


3. 10 examples of endemic species​


Hawaiian Honeycreeper

Lemurs of Madagascar

Formosan Rock Macaque

Rhinos of Java

Philippine Crocodile

Sinarapan of the Philippines (it's a fish po)

Kangaroo Rat

Galápagos Tortoise

Haast Tokoeka Kiwi


9 lang po sorry

4. list down at list 5 species of animals wnd 5 species of plants endemic in the philipines​


Animals can be divided into five distinct groups: mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.

Plant species means a grouping of related organisms constituting a systematic unit, occupying a relatively constant place in nature and fulfilling its functions in the universal biological metabolism in the manner specific only for that grouping.

Endemic species are plant and animal species that are found in a particular geographical region and nowhere else in the world.

sana po maka tulong!!

pls mark me as a brain.liest,, tysm^^













Pandans etc...




5. A. True or False ___________1. Invasive species are beneficial to the organisms of the native habitat. ___________2. Endemic species are automatically indigenous. ___________3.The three levels of biodiversity are species diversity, genetic diversity, and ecosystems diversity. ___________4. Indigenous species are introduced into an area by human intervention. ___________5. Endemic species can easily adapt to any ecosystem or habitat








sorry po kung mali

6. why does the philippines have many endemic species?

Maybe it's because we have several rainforests in our country.

7. What Rhino species are endemic to the Philippines and when did are extinct

Answer: Rhinoceros philippinensis


Rhinoceros philippinensis is a edemic rhinoceros species here in the philippines and it was discovered in 1965 and fossils were found in metro manila and kalinga. They experimented with fossils and found that Rhinoceros philippinensis extinct on 709,000 years ago.

8. Why is exotic species helpful in the survival of the endemic species in an ecosystem?​


Invasive species can change the food web in an ecosystem by destroying or replacing native food sources. The invasive species may provide little to no food value for wildlife. Invasive species can also alter the abundance or diversity of species that are important habitat for native wildlife

Invasive species can change the food web in an ecosystem by destroying or replacing native food sources. ... Invasive species can also alter the abundance or diversity of species that are important habitat for native wildlife.


9. Why do we have a lot of endemic species in the country?


All of these diverse groups likely evolved by adaptive radiations into unfilled habitat opportunities of single, founder species. Therefore, because of the evolutionary influences of isolation and adaptive radiation on islands, these places tend to have many endemic species.

Animals and plants can become endemic in two general ways. Some evolve in a particular place, adapting to the local environment and continuing to live within the confines of that environment. This type of endemism is known as "autochthonous," or native to the place where it is found.

Hope it helps

10. what is Endemic Species of the region 3​


among the hotspots other threatened endemic

11. Which group is meant for endemic species of birds​


The answer Nilgiri pipit, Rofous babbler, Lesser- Florican

Pakifollow po ako

Paki heart din po


Nilgiri pipit, Rofous babbler, Lesser- Florican

12. Why is exotic species helpful in the survival of the endemic species in an ecosystem


Invasive species can change the food web in an ecosystem by destroying or replacing native food sources. The invasive species may provide little to no food value for wildlife. Invasive species can also alter the abundance or diversity of species that are important habitat for native wildlife.


hope it helps

13. Are endemic species worthy of protection if human survival is at stake? Why?




because humans are also the reason why these species are at risk and in danger :)

14. 19. Endemic species areA rare speciesB. species localized in a specific regionC. cosmopolitan in distributionD. critically endangered species​


d po Ang sagot


sana po makatulong

15. how many were the endemic species of the recorded flora​


Flora of the Philippines

The flora of the Philippines includes several species of plants and plant-like organisms. At the very least, one- third of the more than 9,250 vascular plant species native to the country are endemic

16. what does it mean for species to be endangerd? to be endemic?​


endangered is when the a species population is decreasing

17. List at least 5 endemic species and 5 newly discovered species in the country.​


Philippine warty pig, the Visayan spotted deer, Negros naked-backed fruit bat and the Palawan bearcat.


i don't know the 5th one but hope I helped even a bit

18. how can help protect these endemic species ​

Endemic species are important for a number of reasons. First, since endemic species have a generally restricted distribution, threats to endemics carry more risk of extinction than for broadly distributed species. Second, according to the book Climate Change and Biodiversity, edited by Thomas E.

Here are someways to protect endemic species.

Educate your family about endangered species in your area. ... Recycle and buy sustainable products. ... Reduce your water consumption. ... Reduce your personal footprint. ... Do not buy plastic products. ... Pressure your civil servants. ... Volunteer your time to protect the wildlife in your area.

19. What can you suggest to the government to conserve our endemic species?


I suugest to ban the people from hunting these animals and assign a task force to prevent poachers.

sana makatulong<3

20. enumerate ways how to protect endemic species is your place

By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals and plants can be protected together. Parks, wildlife refuges, and other open space should be protected near your community. Open space also provides us with great places to visit and enjoy. Support wildlife habitat and open space protection in your community. When you are buying a house, consider your impact on wildlife habitat.

21. Why are there a lot of endemic species in the Philippines?

Why are there a lot of endemic species in the Philippines?

Endemic refers to a particular organism belonging or native to a particular people or country.

These are some of the reasons why

1.) The Philippines is a Tropical Country, meaning it is an ideal place for a lot of animals to exist, since it gets enough sunlight from the Sun.

2.) Philippines has only two seasons, rainy and sunny season. This kind of environment is good for many organisms to exist and prosper.

3.) There are many forests and coral reefs in the Philippines that is why there are a lot of endemic organisms and its biodiversity is populous.




22. the mammal fauna of the philippines is rich (but ,and) it has many endemic species?​



[tex]hope\ it\ helps[/tex]

23. what does the word endemic species means​


In ecology, an endemic species refers to a species that is native to where it is found. A species can be endemic to a particular small geographical area, such as a single island, or to a larger area, such as a continent. 


Endemic species are those plants and animals that exist only in one geographical region. Species can be endemic to large or small areas of the world. Some may be endemic to the particular continent; some are endemic to a part of a continent, and others to a single island.Any species whose range is restricted to a limited geographical area.


24. what would be the possible reason why there are endemic species​


Endemism is a term used in biology to talk about the distribution of a taxon limited to a small geographic area and which can therefore be found naturally in this place. In consequence, endemic species are those that live in a limited area, such as a mountain range, lake or island, among others.


What would be the possible reason why there are endemic species?

Endemic species are those plants and animals that exist only in one geographical region. Species can be endemic to large or small areas of the world. ... An endemic species are important because they are in the habitats restricted to a particular area due to climate change, urban development or other occurrences.

Baka nmn pa brainliest po thx:))


#Hope it helps

#Carry on learning


list down at least 10 anthropologist and their meanings or difinition

26. Why Australia has abundant endemic species of plants and animals​


This high level of endemism can be attributed to the continent's long geographic isolation, tectonic stability, and the effects of an unusual pattern of climate change on the soil and flora over geological time. A unique feature of Australia's fauna is the relative scarcity of native placental mammals.


The continent's long geographic isolation, tectonic stability, and the impact of an unusual pattern of climate change on the soil and flora over geological time all contribute to its high degree of endemism. The relative lack of native placental mammals is a special characteristic of Australia's fauna.


Hope it helps❤

27. why is an exotic species helpful in the survival of the endemic species in an ecosystem?​


Invasive species threaten and can alter our natural environment and habitats and disrupt essential ecosystem functions. Invasive plants specifically displace native vegetation through competition for water, nutrients, and space. Once established, invasive species can: reduce soil productivity.


pa brainlies please

pa brainlies please

28. Why is exotic species helpful in the survival of endemic species in an ecosystem? ​


Invasive species can change the food web in an ecosystem by destroying or replacing native food sources. ... Invasive species can also alter the abundance or diversity of species that are important habitat for native wildlife.

29. endemic animal species found region 4A​


Philippine Crocodile.

Philippine Eagle.


Bombon Sardine (Tawilis)

Sea Turtles.

Calamian and Philippine spotted deer.

Balabac mouse deer (Pilandok)

Wild Pig (Baboy Damo)


hope it helps

30. differentiate endemic, indigenous, exotic species​


spelling po Ang pagkakaiba

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