Do Mushrooms Have Roots

Do Mushrooms Have Roots

which of vegetable have high moisture contenta. mushroomb. beansc. cabbaged. roots​

Daftar Isi

1. which of vegetable have high moisture contenta. mushroomb. beansc. cabbaged. roots​


c. cabbage

For example, vegetables such as celery, cucumber, iceberg lettuce, tomato and zucchini contain over ninety percent water. Other nutrient-rich vegetables with high water content include broccoli, green cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant and spinach

2. mushrooms are strange vegetables that have chlorophyll​







kasi true nga eh

3. Mushroom are strange vegetables that have chlorophyll



Mustard green

Collard greens  


Green Cabbage


4. Why Does Mushrooms evolve after Having some lightning and thunder ​


Mushrooms react best when exposed to a second burst of electricity at a range of 50-100,000 volts, that causes mushrooms to give themselves a reproductive boost and increase the number of fruiting bodies so their chance of survival would maximized.We speculate that mushrooms evolved to be hallucinogenic because it lowered the chances of the fungi getting eaten by insects,

HOPE IT HELPS (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

5. the green alga,caulerpa,and mushrooms both have similarities in plants,what are these characteristics

They all have single celled organism but for mushroom it can be 1 celled or multicellular organism.

6. Do mushrooms engage in sex during sexual reproduction

Some of the most complex fungi (e.g., mushrooms) do not develop differentiated sex organs; rather, the sexual function is carried out by their somatic hyphae, which unite and bring together compatible nuclei in preparation for fusion.


pa brainliest po sana hehe


Answer: Some of the most complex fungi (for example, mushrooms) do not have differentiated sex organs; rather, sexual function is carried out by their somatic hyphae, which unite and bring together compatible nuclei in preparation for fusion.

7. Can Doedients, the required form and time frame of ae the ingredients with the correspondingpreparing Sauteed Mushroom. Use your activitySauteed MushroomMeasurement​


Food Safety Management Systems: Achieving Active Managerial Control of Foodborne Illness Risk Factors in a Retail Food Service Business (Food Microbiology and Food Safety) [1 ed.] 3030447340, 9783030447342

8. D. Seeds, roots, and tubers4. Which of the following vegetables is rich in Proteins?A. legumes, peas, and beansC. Mushroom, tomatoes, and radishB. Nuts, olives, and avocadoD. Seeds, roots, and tubersThis​

The answer is legumes, peas and beans.

Nuts, olives and avocados are fat-rich vegetables.

Mushrooms, tomatoes, radishes and green leady vegetables are high moisture content vegetables.

Seeds, roots and tubers are carbohydrates-rich vegetables.

9. Which group do fungi(mushrooms), bacteria, and earthworms belong to?


ahh anyone help this student and answer this no joke


just helping

10. Identify if it is root, fruit, tuber, leafy, stalk and stem, flower, fungi or bulbous roots. 1. Carrot 2. Mushrooms 3. Tomato 4. Cauliflower 5. Asparagus.

Hope it helps brainliest please

11. What nutrients do mushrooms need?


C and N are the two main macronutrients required by fungi for structural and energy requirements; P, K and Mg are also considered macronutrients for mushrooms, in addition, trace elements such as Fe, Se, Zn, Mn, Cu and Mo appear to be needed for diverse functions (Chang and Miles 2004).

12. you should not eat that mushrooma the mushroom is poisonousb the mushroom tastes badc the mushroom is sourd the mushroom is not healthy​

c. the mushroom tastes bad


Sana makatulongg❤

13. Do mushroom and seaweed belong in the same group

no, bc they live in different habitats, the Mushroom lives in a dry, or warm/ cold place on land, while the Seaweed lives under water.

14. how do you know if mushroom is poisonous

You can't tell the difference without identifying the individual mushroom you have found. Some poisonous mushroom can kill, so you must be able to name the fungus and be 100% sure of what it is before consumption.

1. If you can peel the cap it is a death cap, it is a deadly poisonous basidiomycete fungus.
2. If the mushroom is growing on the wood are not safe, although not all of them are deadly and some of them is deadly, like the funeral bell.
3. If you see animals eating them they are not okay because many animals can eat poisonous fingi with no ill effects.

1. Avoid mushroom with white gills, a skirt or ring on the stem and a bulbous or sack like base called a volva. You may be missing out on some good edible fungi but it means you will be avoiding thr deadly members of the Amanita family.
2. Avoid mushrooms with red on the cap or stem.

15. What do you think needs of the mushroom to live or grow?

they need other living things such as a dead one and a decaying log for they dont have chlorophyll so they need to get nutrients from others.

16. do mushroom and seaweeds are also a plant

Yes.because it grow on land and seaweed is green and it absorb a sunlight.

17. do you know of other living things like seaweed and mushroom?

Algae, fungus, mold, etc

18. Do you know of other living thing like the mushroom and seadweeds?

yes, i know a lots of living thing that i learn

19. Do mushroom and seaweed belong to same kingdom

no because mushroom is a fungi while seaweed is not

unicorns are real

20. What nutrients do mushrooms need?


C and N are the two main macronutrients required by fungi for structural and energy requirements; P, K and Mg are also considered macronutrients for mushrooms, in addition, trace elements such as Fe, Se, Zn, Mn, Cu and Mo appear to be needed for diverse functions (Chang and Miles 2004).



C and N are the two main macronutrients required by fungi for structural and energy requirements; P, K and Mg are also considered macronutrients for mushrooms, in addition, trace elements such as Fe, Se, Zn, Mn, Cu and Mo appear to be needed for diverse functions (Chang and Miles 2004).

21. do you know of other living things like seaweeds and mushrooms

Living things such as mushrooms are under kingdom fungi which include other organisms like molds and yeasts.

Seaweeds are of many forms, it can be a kelp, or algae such as rhodophytes, and chrysophytes.

22. do mushrooms grow in the rain

yes is the correct answer


mushrooms grow near decomposing woods.


If the amount of rain is less than three inches in terms of rain, then it takes one to two weeks for the mushroom to grow. In contrast, rainfall of more than three inches allows the mushroom to grow within a week.

23. fact or opinion mushrooms are strange vegetables that have chlorophyll​


Opinion / False


Mushrooms contain no chlorophyll and most are considered saprophytes




Mushrooms doesn't have chlorophyll.

24. my parents would have died if they had eaten the mushroom is this correct? ​


*the poisonous mushrooms


Not all mushrooms are poisonous

25. do mushrooms grow in the rain


yes most maushrooms are grow in the rain

26. which group do fungi(mushrooms), bacteria,and earthworms belong to_____​


All of them are a group of little organisms called decomposers

27. do you know of other living things like the seaweeds and mushroom

living things? like trees,grass,flowers

28. how do mushroom reproduce

thru spores found in its underside...

Mushrooms reproduce using spores

29. do you know of other living things like the mushroom and seaweeds

corals,moss,and etc.......

30. why is it that bakeries have mushroomed in almost every section of our country?​


Bakeries mushroomed in almost every section of our country because we Filipino loves bread and It is almost a part of our daily life. So businesses such as bakeries can really make a large profit.


For example, sa Almusal, Meryenda, Snack, sa Bisita, and many more.

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