Peer Pressure Questionnaire

Peer Pressure Questionnaire

Survey questionnaire on peer pressure pdf

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1. Survey questionnaire on peer pressure pdf


Anong Gagawin Jan ? please

2. Effects of peer pressure on the habit forming behaviour of Senior High School Students in UMPC.Make 5 Questionnaire​


e habit forming behaviour of Senior High School Students in UMPC.


e habit forming behaviour of Senior High School Students in UMPC.

3. Have you experienced peer pressure? Or have you peer pressured someone before? Why?

The desire to fit in and feel like you are part of a group is normal, and most people feel this way sometimes, especially in the teen and young adult years. Peer pressure, that feeling that you have to do something to fit in, be accepted, or be respected, can be tough to deal with. It can be overt (i.e., friends telling you to do something) or less direct (e.g., friends joking around about your not doing what they are doing, seeing others at a party doing shots and feeling left out if you don't, knowing a friend tried LSD and feeling curious about it). While peer pressure can be helpful at times (e.g., recognizing that your friends are studying more than you are as a motivator for you to work harder, noticing that your drinking is more extreme than your friends' and deciding to cut back), it can also cause you to do things you may not be sure about, or even things that you don't really think are right for you. Dealing with this pressure can be challenging, but it’s important to reflect on your own personal values and preferences and make decisions based on those rather than on peer pressure.

Manging peer pressure is usually not that difficult if you are only surrounded by people whose values, preferences, and behaviors are similar to yours. However, in a college environment, it's very likely that you will meet people with a wide variety of attitudes and behaviors. At times, it may feel easy to know where you stand and act accordingly, but at other times, you might feel confused, pressured, or tempted to act against your own judgment. What's more, college may be a time when you are away from home and family with more freedom to make your own choices than before. You might even feel a desire to do things your family doesn't do or doesn't think are OK as a way to establish your own identity and try new things. Again, it's important to reflect on what you think is important, your values, and who you want to be. It's also good to try and think ahead to potential consequences of an action. If you go with the crowd and do something you might not have considered before, what will happen? Could there be a negative outcome? Could you feel bad about yourself for acting against your values or judgment? All important considerations!

When it comes to pressures around alcohol and other drug use, something else to think about is that most students overestimate how many of their peers drink or use drugs. The truth is that many fewer college students drink or use drugs than people assume. It's similar with sex and "hooking up"—most students have a skewed idea of what others are doing. Knowing the facts can help you to resist pressures based on the idea that "everyone is doing it" and that you must party to fit in.

Yes. Everyone has experienced peer pressure in some part of their life. You may not realize that you have peer pressured someone but in a small way, you did. Peer pressure can become a great influence on your decision in doing a certain act or in making decisions. There are certain things that you may indirectly do without your knowledge that may affect other people’s decisions or acts.

4. Why is peer pressure a silent destroyer?


Peer pressure is actually not always a destroyer and is damaging to one's health, emotions, attitude and etc. However, it depends on what kind of friends/peers you surround yourself with. Those friends will be the ones to decide what kind of peer pressure they give, whether it is negative or positive.

So if they give negative peer pressure, it would be damaging to you because they would influence your daily activities which may affect your attitude, health, etc. That is why if you do not choose your friends wisely, peer pressure can be a silent destroyer.

So I advise you, to avoid being destroyed by peer pressure, choose your friends wisely.


5. Peer Pressure or Peer Group Factor could lead to the use of illegal drugs​


Peer pressure can be negative and influence a teen to abuse drugs or alcohol.

6. the effects of peer pressure​


1. Depression

2. Social anxiety

3. Lowering of self-esteem


We often compare ourselves to others, and this is an incredibly toxic practice. We tend to believe that we are useless and no one at all, after meeting or witnessing someone of great talent and/or skill. This thinking could lead to the lowering of self-esteem, which then leads to losing self-confidence, which could result to social anxiety. Social anxiety is a psychological condition in which we fear other people's judgment, and in which we feel inferior or incomplete. Social anxiety then could lead to depression.

Remember: You're already complete. Ignore what others say negatively about you. Their words speak more about them than they do about you. You're awesome. Keep it up.

7. 1. What message does the speech convey?A. to encourage the young ones to fight for their rightsB. to tell the young ones that peer pressure is okayC. to inform the parents what peer pressure isD. to discourage young ones on engaging to peer pressure​




Hope it's help

plss like and follow

8. What are the dangers of peer pressuring someone?



Drinking alcohol while you are underage can lead to jail and is dangerous when you are young

Smoking is very addictive and can result in lung cancer

Experimenting with drugs can be deadly

Being encouraged to fight someone can lead to an assault charge

Stealing something on a dare can lead to imprisonment or a fine or both

Bullying or teasing others

Skipping school

9. peer pressure is always negative​




It must be false because peer pressure may be negative but not as always.

10. How to avoid peer pressure to smoke?


~have friends with similar values and belief

~give an excuse

11. why is peer pressure is good? ​


When we say peer pressure what usually comes to our mind is how this affects people negatively. Peer pressure can actually be a good thing especially when you're surrounded by the right people. This can help an individual to grow.



copy nyu nalang


pa brainliest po please

12. Bk3: peer pressure: write a reflective blog on how you resisted peer pressure to prioritize your studies.

Sorry ah sa picture ko lng ma send

Hope its help

13. define the following words of peer pressure​


a feeling that one must do the same things as other people of one's age and social group in order to be liked or respected by them

14. Ano ang Peer Pressure?​

Ang panahon ng kabataan ay yugto ng pag-iwan ng pagiging dependent gaya ng isang bata sa kaniyang magulang at yugto ng paghahanda sa pagiging independent bilang adulto sa lipunan. Ang peer pressure ang isa sa nararanasan nilang hamon. Ano ito?

Sa iba ang peer pressure ay ang panggigipit na gawin ang isang bagay dahil iyon an tanggap ng iba, ginagawa ng nakakarami. Kadalasan ng sangkot na kaisipan at gawain dito ay may kinalaman sa pagpapasya sa moral na pamantayan.

Halimbawa, ang pagpasok sa relasyon sa di-kaseko, pakikipagligawan o pakikipagkaibigan. Bagaman alam nilang bata pa sila para doon, ang atraksyon sa hindi kaseko ay tila ba nakahihigit sa magnet lalo na kung pareho sila ng nadarama. Kaya ang pakikipaglapit sa hindi kasekso kasama ng ilang kaibigan na gumagawa nito ay isang panggigipit lalo na kung hindi pa siya pinapayagan. Kahit na siya mismo alam niyang hindi pa ito ang tamang panahon.

Sa ibang pagkakataon, ang pagpasok sa mga gang, paninigarilyo, susubok ba siyang makipag-sex at maging ang mangopya para pumasa sa exam ay kasama sa mga pee pressure.

Hamon talaga ito pero posibleng malagpasan. Kung ang kabataan ay matututong mapaiba para mapanatili ang kaniyang kalinisan mula sa peer pressure, makatatanggap siya ng paggalang sa iba at respeto mula sa kanila.

15. what is the significance of peer pressure in society?

- helps you boost your confidence
- having a sense of belonging
- support/s you to your journey
- it can influence you to be a better version of yourself.

however, the downsides of this are:
- you are pressured to smoke, to take drugs if you are in the wrong group of friends.
- you can be also pressured by doing self harm.
- can distract you from your academic related activities and so on.

16. peer pressure thesis statement​


Peer pressure affects everyone all the time, everywhere you go because kids think it's cool when it's really not. They will make fun of you or talk you into it. It's like how a fox sneaking up on it's prey, you never know it's happening until damage is already done.




17. peer pressure or peer group actor could lead to the use of illegal drugs?​


Peers are people who are part of the same social group, so the term "peer pressure" means the influence that peers can have on each other. Although peer pressure does not necessarily have to be negative, the term "pressure" implies that the process influences people to do things that may be resistant to, or might not otherwise choose to do.

So usually the term "peer pressure" is used when people are talking about behaviors that are not considered socially acceptable or desirable, such as experimentation with alcohol or drugs. The term "peer pressure" is not usually used to describe socially desirable behaviors, such as exercising or studying.

18. how to cope with peer pressure?

You have to know yourself first. Know what you can do best and what are the things you still need to improve on. After realizing this, know your pace. You have to keep in mind that you know yourself better than anyone and you are not in a race nor a competition with the people around you.

19. what is peer pressure?

peer pressure is the influence on a peer group, individual, friends, or etc that exerts effort on encouraging others to change their attitude, values, or behaviour.

20. limang negatibong peer pressure?


Negative Peer Pressure

Negative peer pressure, on the other hand, involves pressure to do something dangerous or damaging to themselves or others.

Here some examples of negative peer pressure:

Convincing a friend to skip school

Pushing someone to buy e-cigarettes online

Pressuring a friend to drink or try drugs

Encouraging a peer to fight someone or bully someone

21. influence of peer pressure to teenagers​


Peer influence is when you choose to do something you wouldn’t otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. It isn’t just or always about doing something against your will.

22. thesis statement about peer pressure​


Peer pressure is a type of social influence that produces a particular of acting or thinking. Childhood or adolescence are the most prone to peer pressure influence. Peers as defined are the people whom do you identify and spend time most of the time. Peer pressure by itself can be either positive or negative, for example, both high and low academic achievements are closely linked to peer’s influence.

Peer pressure changes the way of how you choose choices about something. This is a summary and it is not a thesis statement.

23. what is a peer pressure


Peer pressure is the influence wielded by people within the same social group. It is also the term used to describe the effect this influence has on a person to conform in order to be accepted by the group.


hope it helps

24. solutions of peer pressure​

Solutions to deal with Peer Pressure

1. School classes to address this topic

2. Parents should build self-esteem in children

3. Increase of tolerance in our society

4. Changes in our value systems

5. Parents should observe changes in their kids’ behavior

6. Parents should watch out for changes in ideologies

7. Support children to find their passion

8. Educate children about the consequences of drug use

9. Get to know your kids’ friends


Yes. Everyone has experienced peer pressure in some part of their life. You may not realize that you have peer pressured someone but in a small way, you did. Peer pressure can become a great influence on your decision in doing a certain act or in making decisions. There are certain things that you may indirectly do without your knowledge that may affect other people's decisions or acts.

25. The Teenager Fall Into The Peer Pressure​


Peer pressure or influence is when you do something you wouldn't otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. Peer influence can be positive or negative


If its the meaning uh here OwO


Santa all


pa brainleist

26. Peer pressure is always nagative


Peer pressure cannot be termed bad always. It can also lead you to adopt good habits in life. Your peers may teach you some good things about life and encourage you to follow them. ... Therefore, peer pressure can also have a positive impact on your life and can actually lead you to make the right choices for yourself.


27. did you give in to peer pressure or not​

It depends on the situation.

28. Dealing with peer pressure Yes No







doesnt want to be alone

29. _______________ is the degree to which someoneis socially accepted by peers. Select one: a. peer acceptance b. peer control c. peer pressure d. peer review

Peer Acceptance is the degree to which a child or adolescent is socially accepted by peers. It includes the level of peer popularity and the ease with which a child or adolescent can initiate and maintain satisfactory peer relationships.

30. example of peer pressure?

Peer pressure, as the term implies, is the direct influence of an individual or a group of people to get you to do something, change your behaviour, attitude or values to conform to the influencing individuals.

Peer pressure can be either negative or positive. An example of negative peer pressure is when you feel like you need to act cool just to fit in-like getting the latest gadgets, go on a fad diet, etc. Positive peer pressure, on the other hand, can be within the likes of getting into a school club that is of your interest as persuaded by your friends, or probably hanging out with kids who allow you to go home by your curfew time.

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