SameMarriage Opinion Essay

SameMarriage Opinion Essay

Ersay Answer theopinion, which is better, Essay test or objective test? Why? Support yourInHur Ownwer​

Daftar Isi

1. Ersay Answer theopinion, which is better, Essay test or objective test? Why? Support yourInHur Ownwer​




because the grabity of the earth

2. From what French word did the word essay come from?a. Essaib. Esaiec. Essayed. Eshay​



thats all i know correct me if im wrong


C. essayer



3. 1. _________is a kind of essay that expresses an opinion or tries to convince the reader that the given opinion is correct. a. Descriptive essay b. Narrative essay c. Persuasive essay d. Expository essay​




sanamakatuong pqbrainliest


C.Persuasive Essay


Hope it helps,mark me as the Brainliest

4. A persuasive essay is (a fact, an opinion ​




Trust me it's fact :>

opinion says what is her/his opinion like:•I really like your dress•your so beautiful today•shes so pretty

FACT says a truth :•flowers grow easily if you take care of


5. write an opinion essay using opinion-marking signals about covid-19​


The corona virus pandemis is above all a human tragedy and our hearts go out to all those who have lost love ones, and those putting themselves at risk to save others. precisely because of this huge cost, it is vital that we can learn as manny lesson as we can.


hope it helps


6. example of opinion essay​

Tignan nyo nlng po ung nasa pic yan den po mo sinagot ko

7. You can't express your own opinion in this kind of essay a.persuasive essay b.informative essay c.argumentative essay d.expository essay​


A.persuasive essays


yan po kasi yung answer ko ngayon

turo ng mama ko `(*∩_∩*)′

8. opinion about filipino gambling essay​

Answer:Gambling in the Philippines has been present in the country since at least the sixteenth century.[1] Various legal and illegal forms of gambling are found almost all over the archipelago. The government manages gambling through the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) a state-owned enterprise which both operates a number of individual casinos and in turn acts as a regulator to privately owned casino operators. Since 2016 PAGCOR has also granted operating licenses and overseen the regulation of growing online gambling sector serving offshore markets.[2] Casino gambling and integrated resorts have become a key component of the Philippines appeal as a tourist destination with more than twenty casinos found in Metro Manila alone.[3]


9. In writing an opinion essay, one must focus on other's opinion.•True•False​

False Because an opinion paper, you don't have to focus on the advantages and disadvantages in comparison




a formal piece of writing which presents the author’s point of view on a particular subject supported by reasoning and examples.

10. Topic opinion evidence essay


po paki ayos Naman Ng taming

Hindi po points habol ko

11. make essay with opinion marking signal​


Opinion-marking signals are words or phrases used to show feelings, emotions and attitude towards something. They are helpful clues in the forms of words and phrases that assist us in identifying opinion statement.

Guide students to understand the that fact signal words include numbers, dates, and statistics, while opinion signal words include words such as "prefer," "think," "feel," "should," and "best." Encourage students to add to this list to create a word bank for them to use throughout the lesson.

Hope it helps :)


opinion marking signals are words or phrases that show are feelings, emotions and attitude .


ayan lang alam ko sorry

pero alam kuyan

12. your opinion on language is an institution essay​

Answer: The desire of communication was the main cause of language making. Nowhere has the old proverb “Necessity is the mother of invention” received a better illustration than in the history of language; it was to satisfy the wants of daily life that the faculty of speech was first exercised. Charles Winick has defined language as “a system of arbitrary vocal symbols, used to express communicable thoughts and feelings and enabling the members of a social group or speech community to interact and to co-operate.” It is the medium of oral expression.


13. opinion essay introduction

to become a great leader you have to build a great foundation a solid foundation to have the member a solid relations to each other

14. After going through the process of discovery with the learning tasks, you areexpected to:1. identify the different parts of an opinion essay:2. state their learning in writing an opinion essay; and3. construct an opinion essay.​

1.Your opinion essay should have an introduction, main body and conclusion

.thats all i know

15. own opinion about modular essay​


sometimes modular essays are hard sometimes it is easy but it can educate us


hope it helps



In writing an opinion essay,I have learned that we give our own opinion on the essay without hurting or destroying someone's careers by using an opinion essay because it is only our own opinion to the person who you wants to write an essay.


Pls correct me if I'm wrong ty

17. opinion about modular Essay type​


Modular learning is a form of distance learning that employs the use of self-learning modules. These self-learning modules are based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd.

Ideally, the modules should include sections on motivation and assessment that serve as a complete guide for both the teacher's and students' desired competencies. The teachers will monitor the learner's progress through home visits (following social distancing protocols) and feedback mechanisms and guide those who need special attention.

Although this was what DepEd proposed and expected from teachers and students, this is far from the current realities involved in modular learning.

18. Developing an outline is not important for an opinion essay​



PO ung sagot

19. argumentative essay only opinion​

here is an argumentative essay on the topic of whether or not social media is harmful to society:

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to connect with friends and family, share our experiences, and stay up-to-date on current events. However, there is growing concern that social media is doing more harm than good. In my opinion, social media is harmful to society.

One of the main reasons why social media is harmful is because it promotes a culture of comparison and envy. People often post carefully curated images and updates that showcase their best selves, leading others to feel inadequate or inferior. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, particularly among young people who are still developing their sense of self.

Furthermore, social media has been linked to a rise in cyberbullying. Because people can hide behind anonymous profiles, they feel emboldened to say things they would never say in person. This can be particularly damaging to young people who are still learning how to navigate social situations and build self-confidence. Cyberbullying can lead to long-term psychological damage and can even lead to suicide in extreme cases.

Another issue with social media is that it can be a major source of misinformation. Social media platforms are not held to the same journalistic standards as traditional news outlets, which means that anyone can post anything without fact-checking or accountability. This has led to the spread of conspiracy theories, fake news, and propaganda, which can be dangerous in a democracy where informed citizens are essential for a functioning society.

Finally, social media can be addictive. The constant need to check likes, comments, and notifications can lead to a compulsion to be constantly connected, even at the expense of real-life relationships and experiences. This addiction can lead to a host of problems, including decreased productivity, poor sleep habits, and even physical health problems.

In conclusion, while social media has its benefits, in my opinion, the harms outweigh the benefits. We need to be more mindful of the impact that social media is having on our mental health, our relationships, and our democracy. It's time to start having honest conversations about the role that social media plays in our lives and to take steps to mitigate the negative effects.

20. opinion about typhoon (ESSAY)​


Have we learned from the avoidable mistakes made in past disasters? Are we prepared to effectively handle any emergencies that might happen in the coming days? Can the government coordinate well with other sectors in responding to all possible situations? (READ: What gov't has done so far to prepare for Typhoon Ompong)  

It has been nearly 9 years since the onslaught of Typhoon Ondoy in Metro Manila, yet memories of extreme flooding and strong winds remain vivid among those affected by the disaster. The unprecedented devastation it brought to the nation’s capital and surrounding provinces led to climate change becoming fully integrated into national and local policymaking. Laws such as the Climate Change Act of 2009 and the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Act of 2010 were institutionalized to ensure better management of and response to disasters.  

Have we learned our lessons?  

Yet the following years saw different parts of the Philippines suffer losses and damage to one extreme event after another. Super typhoons, El Niño-enhanced droughts, and monsoon rains left communities struggling to fully recover from their impacts. Some rehabilitation efforts, most notably those affected by Yolanda in Eastern Visayas, remain uneven or unfinished to this day.  

Truth be told, improvements have been made in our preparedness for natural hazards. New equipment for PAGASA has allowed improvements in weather forecasting and modeling climate change. Early warning systems and communicating climate and disaster-related information to the public have also seen progress in the past decade. Some regional DRRM Councils have even initiated projects to reduce disaster risks in their areas and increase the resilience of their constituencies.  

Nonetheless, glaring problems in the national and local DRRM remain evident. A lack of sufficient manpower and financial and technical resources hinder the implementation of programs throughout the DRRM framework. Awareness in dealing with disasters remains low in some regions, partially worsened by corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency. Some government agencies even refuse to provide necessary data for planning against disasters to other agencies or civil society organizations.  (READ: EXPLAINER: Who's supposed to be in charge during disasters?)

The most significant of these problems is the focus of governance on responding to disasters instead of prevention and mitigation. Despite improvements in its capacity and its importance in preventing disasters, the science and technology sector remains underfunded and underappreciated. Poor land-use planning and ineffective building codes repeatedly expose the most vulnerable sectors, including the urban poor and the marginalized, to the worst of such impacts. (READ: Expert: PH tech, understanding of disasters 'on par with world's best')  

While more avenues for climate change adaptation-based support have opened in recent years, local government units are either unaware of the availability of these options or unsure of how to access these much-needed resources. Specifically, LGUs are not familiar with engaging with academic institutions in coming up with proposals to get support. (READ: Disaster imagination: 3 steps toward disaster preparedness)  

Political will, effective leadership  

These are the issues that House Bill 8165, which seeks to create the Department of Disaster Resilience, attempts to address. The resulting super-agency will lead the national coordination of efforts for reducing the risks, preparing for the impacts of hazards, and rehabilitating should disasters occur. The bill also attempts to streamline disaster risk reduction management and climate change adaptation planning to enhance implementation efficiency.  (READ: Duterte sends Cabinet members to Luzon provinces in Ompong's path)

The need for enhancing our DRRM framework is undisputable, given the endorsement of President Duterte, the recent history of damages inflicted by tropical cyclones, and projected worsening climate change impacts. Modifying the systems in place cannot be done overnight but the urgency of the problem requires immediate action.

There must be adequate manpower and funding for all aspects of DRRM, but efforts on disaster prevention and mitigation must be prioritized. In this regard, the government should engage and coordinate with the private sector, civil society organizations, the academe, and local communities to minimize, if not avoid altogether, loss and damage to extreme events. (READ: Thousands flee in Isabela, Cagayan ahead of Typhoon Ompong landfall)  


typhoon is one of the most dangerous disaster in our world.

the title is "Typhoon is Warning"


Many people have sense to predict a disaster by using technology like Phone , Television , Radio , Poster , Broadcasting etc. Our world is crying , we already faces the most dangerous or deadly disaster in our country , but typhoon is killing us. Typhoon had a different names. The year 2020, has so many things happened , the one is the typhoon ulisis. So many people live in thin and small house to need evacuate as long as possible.

21. rubric essay your own opinion​


hugh what???


i really don't under stand

22. opinion about lottery (essay)​


The lottery is a good idea even if you lose the lottery you still have a chance to win. The win rate might be low but if u stay with ur numbers the chance gets higher & higher every time you play. Play as much as u want but dont buy to many or it can ruin your life too.



23. opinion about goodlife with essay?​


First of all I won’t say to have a good life is when you have loads of money or a large status. In my opinion that is just how a typical human being would call a good life.

My idea of a good life should be based on suffering, happiness, dignity, caring, friends, family and love. Yes I meant suffering as in going through tough times. Even though it makes you feel like you should commit suicide.

When you go through tough things you will at least know that that is the reason you are now happy. I wouldn’t feel much happiness without a bit of pain. If I’m just happy there will be no action in my life, so that’s why I need suffering.

Happiness, everyone needs happiness, even if you all the money, status or the biggest brain in the world. A person needs to be happy otherwise you end up being bitter and mean.

Dignity, caring, friends and family and love. These are one of the most important things in a person’s life. You need friend and family for support and love. A person needs to be caring and have dignity to know where you stand in life and for people not to take advantage of or make fun of you. You also need to know that not everyone is like you to value other people’s opinions. You need to care for others no matter who they are or where they come from.

Love is one of the things you definitely need. I cannot just live life without having someone to love me. If it were that way there will be no sense of me having everything without being loved and having someone to be with.

Oh and lots of travelling.

That’s my idea of a good life.

24. essay with opinion marking signals​


Opinion-marking signals are words or phrases used to show feelings, emotions and attitude towards something. They are helpful clues in the forms of words and phrases that assist us in identifying opinion statement. They are found mostly at the beginning of the sentences. They introduce one's opinion.


sana makatulong ;)


Opinion-marking signals are words or phrases used to show feelings, emotions and attitude towards something. They are helpful clues in the forms of words and phrases that assist us in identifying opinion statement.

Guide students to understand the that fact signal words include numbers, dates, and statistics, while opinion signal words include words such as "prefer," "think," "feel," "should," and "best." Encourage students to add to this list to create a word bank for them to use throughout the lesson.

25. what is the essential difference between an informative essays and an opinion essay?​

An informative essay is based on real facts and ideas that are scientifically proven and is often used in research. Opinion essay on the other hand is based on a lerson's opinion on a subject matter and is usually not as reliable as an informative essay.


An informative essay educates your reader on a topic. They can have one of several functions: to define a term, compare and contrast something, analyze data, or provide a how-to. They do not, however, present an opinion or try to persuade your reader. Informative essays are meant to educate a reader on certain topics, it is usually an academic paper written by a high school or college student. The key of an informative essay is that the writer's opinion is not given, the essay is not trying to change the reader's mind or persuade him.

The opinion essay is a formal piece of writing which presents the author's point of view on a particular subject, supported by reasons and examples. The opposing viewpoint is also presented, together with arguments that show that it is unconvincing. An opinion essay requires students to write their thoughts regarding a subject matter. Their point-of-view is backed by relevant examples and explanations. Before starting an opinion paper, it is important to study the definition, topics, requirements, and structure. Referring to examples is also highly useful.

26. own opinion persuasive essay​


Persuasive writing is trying to convince others that your opinion is correct. This uses lots of emotion and a little bit of fact.

Opinion writing is explaining your opinion and why you think that. It uses some to no emotion depending on the topic.

Example: Lamps are immoral.

Persuasive: “The worst things in the world ethically are lamps. First of all, some poor miners have to go into the earth with no air conditioning, tire themselves out swinging dangerous pickaxes, and carry heavy metal to the surface for almost no pay! Then the metal goes to a factory. What if it goes to a country that allows factorys to hire children! The kids have to work in horrible conditions for almost nothing! If you buy lamps, you support of all of this you are a terrible person that should be ashamed of themselves”.

Opinion: “I think that lamps are immoral because to make one, you first have to put someone in danger. According to 100 people die per second mining metal used to make lamps. I don’t buy lamps because I don’t like thinking about the fact that someone may of died to make this lamp that I’ll just eventually throw away.

So, opinion writing and persuasive writing are different things. Make sure you use the right one when writing.

27. transportation strike opinion or essay​

The recent transportation strike in the National Capital Region in the Philippines from March 6-7, 2023 is a result of the Jeepney Modernization Program launched by the Department of Transportation in 2017.

While I cannot provide an essay to your question since it will be a violation of Brainly's Honor Code regarding plagiarism and cheating, I will help you with your essay by providing facts and guiding questions for you to be able to form your own opinions regarding the issue.

What is a transportation strike?

A transportation strike is a rally organized by public utility vehicle owners, drivers and driver's associations, and other parties with a vested interest in transportation issues. They will temporarily suspend public transportation in certain areas and at specific periods to emphasize the importance of public transportation and its impact on society.

Are transportation strikes illegal?

As with the majority of rallies, transportation strikes are legal. The right to rally and express views is a basic human right and should not be hindered by any constitution. Moreso, rallies and demonstrations in the Philippines are organized by many groups and people. They submit proper documentation to secure permits from different local government units, as this may possibly disrupt certain daily activities. This way, the local government can prepare in advance.

Why did the transportation strike in NCR happen?

The rally happened because jeepney drivers and jeepney operators could not afford to join the Jeepney Modernization Program. The program is aimed to phase out the iconic Philippine jeepney and replace it with the minibus (or what they like to call modern jeepneys).

While most jeepney drivers would agree that the jeepney is due for an upgrade, something more passenger and environmentally friendly, the project will provide only 360,000 pesos in government aid. The modern jeepney can cost 1-2.8 million pesos, which is definitely out of range for an ordinary jeepney driver. Not to mention that government aids of this amount can take longer due to convoluted processes.

This poses two possibilities: most jeepney drivers to lose their livelihood, and rise of the commuting expense for the public.

Now that you have the facts, these are some guide questions that should help you in your essay.

How do I feel about the recent transportation strike?How do I feel about the possible rise in fare as a student?How do I feel about the possibility of many jeepney drivers losing their job or going into debt with the jeepney modernization project?What alternative can be provided as public transportation that can benefit families from low-income households and the working class?Will the phasing out of jeepneys cause more waste or will introducing the minibus solve tha traffic crisis in NCR?Does the country have a good track record at extending sufficient financial or economic aid to those who are in need?What can the Philippines learn from countries with efficient transportation systems?Should the Philippines encourage and give protection to bicycle, scooters, and skateboard users?What makes the Jeepney Modernization Project good? What makes it bad?Should the Jeepney Modernization Project be done nationwide?Why was the Jeepney Modernization Project successful in some cities but not in others?

28. OPINION COLUMN (essay)​


Typhoon Bopha, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Pablo, was the strongest tropical cyclone on record to ever affect the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, making landfall as a Category 5 super typhoon with winds of 175 mph (280 km/h).


The US government agencies involved in the immigration process include the Department of State, Immigration, and Customs Enforcement, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Department of Homeland Security.

(Conclution) is on the "PIC"


29. What is the author's opinion about the essay?​


Asan po ung story or ung tula?

Dpo masasagot kung wala yan


Pa brainliest po

30. opinion essay introduction example

your success is depend on how act quickly and motivated if waht you have in your life

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