Media And Information Literacy Drawing

Media And Information Literacy Drawing

Differences of media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy and media and information literacy.

Daftar Isi

1. Differences of media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy and media and information literacy.

Media literacy uses forms of communication and produces ways of communication. It is about media content.

Information literacy is using, managing, gathering, and verifying information. It is about library science.

Technology literacy is applying new found knowledge from digital environments, participating in digital media, organizing, and evaluating information.

2. identify if it is media literacy information literacy technology literacy or media and information literacy​

medacation is the provide the people who got injured

3. Direction: Given the triple Venn diagram below, identify the similarities and differences of the following literacies: Media Literacy, Information Literacy and Technology Literacy. Then, answer the questions followed. Information & Technology Literacy Information Literacy Technology Literacy Information & Media Literacy Media & Technology Literacy Media Literacy Information, Media & Technology​


These 3 literacies helps us learn new things and give us knowledge by giving us factual and correct information.



4. how do media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy, and media and information literacy differ in terms of use?


media literacy,information literacy,and technology literacy,and media and information literacy differ in terms of use

5. how media literacy, information literacy and technology literacy and media and information literacy differ in terms of use​

Information Literacy: The ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand.

Media Literacy: Media literacy is an informed, critical understanding of the mass media.

Technology Literacy: The ability to use new media such as the Internet to access and communicate information effectively.

Global Literacy: Understanding the interdependence among people and nations and having the ability to interact and collaborate successfully across cultures.

Visual Literacy: Based on the idea that visual images are a language, visual literacy can be defined as the ability to understand and produce visual messages.

Computer Literacy: The ability to use a computer and its software to accomplish practical tasks.

Mathematical Literacy or Numeracy: Numeracy is a mastery of the basic symbols and processes of arithmetic.

New Media Literacies: Particularly literacies in digital mediums and on the Internet, involving the new tools of hypertext, multimedia and electronic forms of synchronous and asynchronous communication.

6. What is the importance of bringing together media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy to form media and information literacy?​


digital technologies, awareness of media is acquiring crucial importance. Media literacy, information literacy and digital literacy are the three most prevailing concepts that focus on a critical approach towards media messages. This article gives an overview of the nature of these literacies, which show both similarities and differences with each other. The various contexts of their functioning are outlined and additional literacies are mentioned. Especial attention is given to the question of the blurring line between media consumers and producers.


7. How do Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy and Media and Information Literacy differ in terms of use?​


Literacy in a broad sense is related to technology literacy, information literacy, critical thinking, and sensitivity to the environment, society and society. Information technology demands skills in identifying, analyzing and evaluating information and developing media. The capabilities required are information literacy and media literacy skills that are integrated with each other but still in their respective portions in increasing one's ability to avoid hoax news.


Information literacy according to UNESCO is directing knowledge of one's awareness and information needs, and the ability to identify, to find, to organize and effectively create, use, communicate information to find solutions to problems at hand. Then it is also a requirement to participate in the information society, and is a human right for lifelong learning.


Media literacy is the ability to understand, analyze, access and produce mass communication messages, and is a form of empowerment so that consumers can use media smarter, healthier and safer. Not much different understanding of media literacy and information literacy which both aim to prevent someone from being untruthful in the content or information disseminated by the media, this is related to the lack of neutrality of the media in conveying information.


Media and information literacy is lifelong education. Media and information literacy empowers people at every step of their lives, helping them to develop themselves in order to achieve a better life socially and politically.


Information literacy places more emphasis on knowledge of awareness and information needs and identifying them.Media literacy emphasizes understanding, analyzing, accessing and producing mass communication messages, and using them smarter, healthier and safer.Meanwhile, information and media literacy is a mixture of the two aspects above which are basic needs in the digital era. In other words, basically media and information literacy aims as a tool for social change in a better direction in dealing with the world of media and digital information.

Learn more about the evolution of media literacy here:


8. how do media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy and Media and Information Literacy differ in terms of use?​


there important because we can use theme


I think mali ang sagot ko

9. In your own words what is the meaning of Media Literacy,Information Literacy, technology Literacy and, Media and Information Literacy? ​

Media and Information Literacy


Media Literacy

Media literacy refers to the ability of a person to identify the different messages that media tries to send. This may be through print media or digital media. Media literacy helps us understand a certain topic, and contribute on that topic along the way. This enables us to give critical assessments regarding a topic of interest

Seen in: newspapers, social media, etc

Information Literacy

It refers to one's ability to evaluate information in various formats. This may be used in decision making or problem solving situations. It also helps us find and organize information we find online or offline.

Technology Literacy

It refers to our ability to use technology appropriately in communicating, accessing, and managing information. It also helps us develop and earn the required skills needed in order to adopt in the society.

Seen in: digital devices

Media and Information Literacy

It encompasses all the attitudes and skills in gathering information, and be able to know when and what types of information are needed. Also, it helps us make critical assessments and organizations in the most ethical way.

Refer to the following link to learn more:

Relationship of media, information, and technology literacy with each other


10. How do Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy and Media and Information Literacy differ in terms of use?​


Literacy to me is an understanding of something. In the case of reading literacy, your comprehension level, understanding of the material read and the level at which you read; i.e. a transitional level versus an advanced level, etc.

In relation to your three specific literacy types, this is how I see it:

Media literacy - Your understanding of the media, how it works, the way it’s presented and the understanding that it is not all objective or accurate all the time. Much of it can be misinformed or biased.

Information literacy - I would couple this with reading literacy in the sense that it’s your understanding/comprehension of the information presented to you, in any format, whether it’s reading, television, audio, etc.

11. Essay WritingHow do Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy andMedia and Information Literacy differ in terms of use?​


Information Literacy: The ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand.

•Media Literacy: Media literacy is an informed, critical understanding of the mass media.

•Technology Literacy: The ability to use new media such as the internet to access and communicate information effectively.

I hope it helps you

12. how do media literacy information literacy and technology literacy and media and information literacy differ in terms of use​


Media literacy, put simply, is the ability to identify different types of media and the messages they are sending. Therefore, we as the readers or viewers need to view the media objectively, with the goal to find out or analyze what is being presented.

Information literacy helps students recognize misleading, out-of-date, or false information. It also helps them sort through the data and interpret it intelligently. Libraries full of books are still available and a valuable resource for students, but information literacy includes the Internet and beyond.

13. III- ESSAY: (3 Points)Explain the relationship between media literacy, Technology literacy, Information Literacy and media andinformation Literacy.​


Media literacy, put simply, is the ability to identify different types of media and the messages they are sending. When we speak of media, it encompasses print media, such as newspapers, magazines and posters, and theatrical presentations, tweets, radio broadcasts, etc.

Technology literacy is the ability of an individual, working independently and with others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technology tools to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information

Information Literacy is: The ability to articulate one's information need. The ability to identify, locate and access appropriate sources of information to meet the information need. The ability to effectively use information resources, regardless of format.

Information and media literacy enables people to show and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right.

14. Essay WritingHow do Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy andMedia and Information Literacy differ in terms of use?​​


Information and media literacy enables people to show and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right

15. definitions of;1) Technology Literacy2) Media Literacy3) Information Literacy4) Media and Information Literacy5) Communication​

Information and media literacy (IML) enables people to show and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right.[1] Renee Hobbs suggests that “few people verify the information they find online ― both adults and children tend to uncritically trust information they find, from whatever source.”[2] People need to gauge the credibility of information and can do so by answering three questions:

Who is the author?What is the purpose of this message?How was this message constructed?

Prior to the 1990s, the primary focus of information literacy was research skills.[3] Media literacy, a study that emerged around the 1970s, traditionally focuses on the analysis and the delivery of information through various forms of media.[4] Nowadays, the study of information literacy has been extended to include the study of media literacy in many countries like the UK,[5] Australia and New Zealand.[6] The term "information and media literacy" is used by UNESCO[1] to differentiate the combined study from the existing study of information literacy. It is also referred to as information and communication technologies (ICT) in the United States.[7][8] Educators such as Gregory Ulmer have also defined the field as electracy.

IML is a combination of information literacy and media literacy. [9]The transformative nature of IML includes creative works and creating new knowledge; to publish and collaborate responsibly requires ethical, cultural and social understanding.

16. 4. The skill that allows people to recognize when information is needed and how hewill be able to access, locate, evaluate and use it effectively.A. mediaC. Media literacyB. Information literacyD. Technology literacy5. Refers to how person is able to look for relevant information from various media.A. mediaC. Media literacyB. Information literacy D. Technology literacy6. Examples of these are radio, television, newspaper, magazines and social media.A. informationC. literacyB. technologyD. media7. An ability to acquire relevant information and use modern day tools to get,manage and communicate information.A. Information mediaC. Media literacyB. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy8. Harry found erroneous facts from the magazine he is reading. What literacy ispresented by Harry?A. Information mediaC. Media literacyB. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy9. Laika prepared a Powerpoint presentation for her business report. Laika displays?A. Information mediaC. Media literacyB. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacythe nroyince every other day.​


4. b

5. C

6. B

7. d

8. A.

9 D.

double check

17. How do media literacy information literacy and technology literacy and media and information literacy differ in terms of use?​


Media literacy means that you are aware of a significant majority of what is in the media, information literacy means that certain useful hard facts are recognized in addition to the clutter on mainstream media, and technology literacy means that you have the right to differentiate what you read in the media based on your ability to think rationally of the medium itself.

Being “literate” in media usage refers to how much a person really knows about the type of media they most often use. If you understand what is meant by “agenda-setting,” you know that the gatekeepers in such media sources (whether in print or online) determine what kind of messages will be transmitted, and how the messages are organized. You are not completely media literate if you think they are neutral and do not understand the meaning.

Content analysis is the foundation of information literacy. How much of what the author is attempting to tell do you comprehend? Consider all of the exams you took as a child to determine your level of "reading comprehension." You would have a high level of understanding if you are very literate in your abilities to analyze the context behind the information you get. Make a distinction between what is reality and what is propaganda in that case (as an example).

Information technology is the process of managing information with the use of machine learning, algorithms, and computing platforms that compute the information in manageable bits and bytes. It also requires the server technologies and architecture infrastructure that enables different programs to communicate with one another despite the fact that certain code on a network might be vastly different. It has little to do with communication theory because it needs the participation of a third party and is commonly regarded as a mathematical construct.

Just the first two are communication theories that are found in public relations, marketing, and publishing. Information technology had little to do with it. Visit the Association for Media Literacy for more knowledge on media literacy.

18. Ey WritingHow do Media Literacy. Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy andMedia and Information Literacy differ in terms of use?​


Information Literacy: The ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand.

•Media Literacy: Media literacy is an informed, critical understanding of the mass media.

•Technology Literacy: The ability to use new media such as the Internet to access and communicate information effectively.

•Global Literacy: Understanding the interdependence among people and nations and having the ability to interact and collaborate successfully across cultures.

•Visual Literacy: Based on the idea that visual images are a language, visual literacy can be defined as the ability to understand and produce visual messages

.•Computer Literacy: The ability to use a computer and its software to accomplish practical tasks.

•Mathematical Literacy or Numeracy: Numeracy is a mastery of the basic symbols and processes of arithmetic.

•New Media Literacies: Particularly literacies in digital mediums and on the Internet, involving the new tools of hypertext, multimedia and electronic forms of synchronous and asynchronous communication

19. How do media literacy information literacy and technology literary and media and information literacy differ in terms of use?​


media literacy means that one is cognizant of a large portion of what is on the media, information literacy means that some useful hard facts are known along with the clutter that is on mainstream media, and technology literacy means that one has the savvy to differentiate what one hears in the media based on the ability to engage in rational thought about the medium itself


tama po ba :)

20. Essay WritingHow do Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy andMedia and Information Literacy differ in terms of use?​


The all have different ways in terms of use.

First of, is Media Literacy. Media literacy, put simply, is the ability to identify different types of media and the messages they are sending. When we speak of media, it encompasses print media, such as newspapers, magazines and posters, and theatrical presentations, tweets, radio broadcasts, etc. Being media literate means being able to access, analyze, and evaluate information, which we receive through media. Being media literate means being able to create media messages and to use the technology tools available to us. It means being able to think critically and speak confidently.

Second, Information Literacy. Information Literacy is the ability to articulate one's information need. The ability to identify, locate and access appropriate sources of information to meet the information need. It equips them with the critical skills necessary to become independent lifelong learners. ... They know how to learn because they know how knowledge is organized, how to find information, and how to use information in such a way that others can learn from them.

Third, Technology Literacy. It enables people to perform their daily tasks and supports their ability to make informed, responsible decisions that affect them as individuals, society as a whole, and the environment. ... In the past, society could afford to let its citizens develop their technological literacy through their daily lives. Improving Decision Making. Technological literacy prepares individuals to make well-informed choices in their role as consumers. The world is full of products and services that promise to make people's lives easier, more enjoyable, more efficient, or healthier, and more and more of these products appear every year.

And last but not least, Media and Information Literacy. Information and media literacy enables people to show and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right. Media and information literacy (MIL) is linked to access to information, free expression and education. ... Media and Information Literacy (MIL), defined as the ability to access, analyze, and create media, is a prerequisite for citizens to realize their rights to freedom of information and expression. Put simply, MIL aims to enable individuals to think critically about the media and the information they consume by engaging in a process of inquiry. The aim, according to UNESCO's definition of media and information literacy, is to allow individuals to become engaged citizens and responsible decision-makers.

21. 1.It is the ability to detect propaganda and subjective exposition of information available channels like television, smartphones, social media platforms, radio and newspaper. A. Technology literacy B. Media literacy C. Information literacy D. Media and information literacy 2. It is the ability to develop an informed and critical understanding of the nature of the mass media, techniques used by them, and the impact of these techniques. A. Technology literacy B. Media literacy C. Information literacy D. Media and information literacy ​ 3. It is the ability to distinguish fact and opinion. A. Technology literacy B. Media literacy C. Information literacy D. Media and information literacy 4. It is the ability to easily use computers, smartphones, tablets, e-mail, Internet, social media to access, retrieve, create and share knowledge. A. Technology literacy B. Media literacy C. Information literacy D. Media and information literacy ​ 5. It is the ability to interpret, assess, investigate, and create print, non-print, and electronic design for data. A. Technology literacy B. Media literacy C. Information literacy D. Media and information literacy ​ 6. It is the ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate, evaluate and effectively communicate information in its various formats. A. Technology literacy B. Media literacy C. Information literacy D. Media and information literacy ​​​​




22. How do Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy andMedia and Information Literacy differ in terms of use?​

Media literacy is an individual's ability to read and interpret and create texts using various media. ... Technological literacy is the ability to quickly adopt new technologies and understand the actual benefit offered by them as well as the ability to select those technologies which best correspond to one's own needs.

23. 1.what are the similarities of media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy would you differentiate the media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy​


1. What are the similarities of media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy?

Media: A means of sharing information which in turn is comprised of subjectively interpreted data.

Information: Data - information without context

Technology literacy: Knowledge and understanding of the hardware and software machinery used by the media

2. How would you differentiate the media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy?

The main difference between information literacy and media literacy is that information literacy is the ability to identify that there is a need for information and locate, evaluate, and use information effectively to solve a problem whereas, media literacy is the ability to access, evaluate, manipulate, and produce



24. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety offorms.a. Media Literacyc. Information Literacyb. Technology Literacyd. Media and Information Literacy​


Letter A. Media literacy


Because it allows people to access, critically evaluate, and create or manipulate media.

25. similarities between Media literacy and Media and Information Literacy​


the similarities of these two are;


They share the same goal, and their publications overlap in terms of subject areas, countries of origin, and titles. The two fields could find common ground by cooperating together to contribute to the promotion of new literacy in knowledge societies. (UNAOC, 2017)

26. writing essay how do media literacy, information literacy and technology literacy and media and information literacy differ in terms of use​


Being “literate” in media use is in basic terms how much a person truly understands about the chosen form of media they most use. If you understand that news organizations do what’s called “agenda-setting” you know that the gatekeepers of those information outlets (whether in print or online) decide what kind of messages will be delivered even up to and including how the messages are structured. If you believe them to be impartial and don’t understand the context, you are not fully media literate.

Information literacy is based on content analysis. How much of what the writer is trying to say do you understand? Think about all those tests you took as a kid for scores on “reading comprehension.” If you are very literate in your ability to analyze the meaning behind the information you receive you would possess a high degree of comprehension. In that case, distinguish between what is true and what is propaganda (as an example).

Information technology is how information is managed using machine knowledge, algorithms, and software platforms that compute the information in manageable bits and bytes. It also includes the server technology and architecture infrastructure that allows different programs to communicate with each other even though some code may be wildly different across a platform. It isn’t related to communication theory in any way because it requires intervention by a third source and is generally seen as a mathematical construct.


27. Sending an electronic message a. media literacy b. information literacy c. media and information literacy

i think letter c


because your question is sending electronic message the and the answer is LETER C.

28. is media literacy information literacy technology literacy and media and information literacy similar in use yes or no​

Answer: the answer is yes


29. How do media literacy, information literacy, and technology literacy and media information literacy differ in terms of use?


Media literacy means that you are aware of a significant majority of what is in the media, information literacy means that certain useful hard facts are recognized in addition to the clutter on mainstream media, and technology literacy means that you have the right to differentiate what you read in the media based on your ability to think rationally of the medium itself.

Being “literate” in media usage refers to how much a person really knows about the type of media they most often use. If you understand what is meant by “agenda-setting,” you know that the gatekeepers in such media sources (whether in print or online) determine what kind of messages will be transmitted, and how the messages are organized. You are not completely media literate if you think they are neutral and do not understand the meaning.Content analysis is the foundation of information literacy. How much of what the author is attempting to tell do you comprehend? Consider all of the exams you took as a child to determine your level of "reading comprehension." You would have a high level of understanding if you are very literate in your abilities to analyze the context behind the information you get. Make a distinction between what is reality and what is propaganda in that case (as an example).Information technology is the process of managing information with the use of machine learning, algorithms, and computing platforms that compute the information in manageable bits and bytes. It also requires the server technologies and architecture infrastructure that enables different programs to communicate with one another despite the fact that certain code on a network might be vastly different. It has little to do with communication theory because it needs the participation of a third party and is commonly regarded as a mathematical construct.Just the first two are communication theories that are found in public relations, marketing, and publishing. Information technology had little to do with it. Visit the Association for Media Literacy for more knowledge on media literacy.


sana makatulong

30. how do media literacy information literacy and technology literacy and media and information literacy differ in terms of use


Media literacy encompasses the practices that allow people to access, critically evaluate, and create or manipulate media. Media literacy is not restricted to one medium.

Literacy is popularly understood as an ability to read, write and use numeracy in at least one method of writing, an understanding reflected by mainstream dictionary and handbook definitions.

Technology literacy is the ability of an individual, working independently and with others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technology tools to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information.

Information and media literacy enables people to show and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right.

hope it helps

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