Electrodynamic Meter

Electrodynamic Meter

What is the Law of Electrodynamics?

Daftar Isi

1. What is the Law of Electrodynamics?


This set of equations represent the state of electromagnetism when James Clark Maxwell started his work. The first equation of the set is Gauss's law. Gauss's law states electric flux begins and ends on charge or at infinity. Faraday' laws states that a changing magnetic field produces an electric field.

2. what are the different elements of electrodynamics​



3. Faraday:________:Ampere: Electrodynamics ​


thanks for the points


yea, thanks

4. Explain the difference between electrodynamics and electrostatics and cite atleast two examples of each. ​


Difference of Electrodynamics and Electrostatic :

Electrostatics is the study of static electrical charges (like balloons that can be made to stick to the ceiling if you first rub them against a jumper). Electrodynamics is the study of dynamic electrical charges (that is, ones that are changing over time).

5. 1. Hz. Hertz: m: 2. Velocity Time is 3. Maxwell: Hertz: Hertzian waves 4. Faraday: Ampere: Electrodynamics 5. joule: Speed: m/s 6. EM wave speed: Boiling point of water:100 °C 7. Electrical charge : + or - charge : North and South 8. Metal: good conductor : Non-metal: 9. Electromagnet: magnet and electricity: vibrating or flowing charges 10. Magnetic force: magnet: : voltage that gives to electric current 1993 ​​


Wavelength m/sEM Wave Theory Electricity Energy 3 x 10^8Magnetic Poles Insulator Electromagnetic Induction Electromotive Force

6. ✔Andre Marie Ampere- He is a French physicist who discovered the concept of electrodynamics. He first demonstrated that a magnetic field is generated when two parallel wires are charged with electricity.:3​


what is question po.?



7. How Faraday’s Law change the world of electrodynamics? How does it change our lives forever?

Faraday changed all that when he discovered electromagnetic induction in 1831. Through his innovative experiments, he found that by placing a conductor in a changing magnetic field, it would produce voltage across the conductor.

8. Who is considered the 'Isaac Newton of Electrodynamics?a.Andre'Marie Ampere'b.Georg Ohmc.James wattd.Michael Faraday​


c. james watt


i'm not really sure bout this but i guess its him

9. A French physicist is most known for establishing the relationship between electricity and magnetism and combining them into a new field called electromagnetism, or electrodynamics.


A French physicist is most known for establishing the relationship between electricity and magnetism and combining them into a new field called electromagnetism, or electrodynamics.


André-Marie Ampère


André-Marie Ampère, (born January 20, 1775, Lyon, France—died June 10, 1836, Marseille), French physicist who founded and named the science of electrodynamics, now known as electromagnetism.

10. who was one of the founder of the science of classical electromagnetism which he referred to as "electrodynamics"?a.andrê-marie ampereb.heinrich hertzc.james clerk maxwelld.michael faraday​

b.heinrich hertz


i hope it help

11. 7. It is the effect when current is induced in a conductor by changing the magnetic field.A. electrostaticsC. electromagnetismB. electrodynamicsD. electromagnetic induction8. These are formed when changing electric field comes contact with changing magnetic field and oscillateperpendicular to each other.A. electromagnetic waveC. mechanical waveB. longitudinal waveD. sound wave9. The scientist that showed mathematical equations on the speed of electromagnetic wave.A. FaradayC. MaxwellB. HertzD. Oersted10. How did Hertz prove the Electromagnetic Wave Theory. He proved the theory of Maxwell to be correct andaccurate byA. assumptionsC. hypothesisB. experimentsD. observations​


7. C. Electromagnetism

8. A. Electromagnetic wave

9. C. Maxwell

10. D. Observations

12. III. Directions: Answer the following analogies using the following clues given. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.CLUES: electromotive force, wavelength, m/s, Electricity, magnetic poles, insulator, EM wave Theory, energy 3 X 10 8 m/s, Electromagnetic induction1. Hz:Hertz : m: _______2. Velocity: _______: Time :s3. Maxwell: _______ : Hertz: Hertzian waves4. Faraday:________:Ampere: Electrodynamics5. ______: joule: Speed: m/s6. EM wave speed: _______: Boiling point of water:100 oC7. Electrical charge : + or - charge: _______: North and South8. Metal: good conductor : Non-metal:________9. Electromagnet: magnet and electricity: ______vibrating or flowing charges 10.Magnetic force: magnet : ________: voltage that gives to electric current ​



2. m/s




6. 3 X 10 8 m/s






hope it helps po.

13. ACTIVITY I: FACT OR BLUFFDirections: Read each statement carefully. Write FACT if the statement descobes electromagnetic waves. And BLUFF if the statementis incorrect.1. Electromagnetic wave is considered as longitudinal wave.2. EM waves do not require a medium to propagate.3. Hertz contributed in the developing equations showing the relationship of electricity and magnetism4. Faraday formulated the principle behind electromagnetic induction5. Transverse waves are waves in which the displacement of the medium is in the same direction as, or opposite directionto, the direction of propagation of the wave.6. Electromagnetic wave is a disturbance in a field that cames energy and does not require a medium to travel.7. Wave is a production of electromagnetic force across an electric conductor in a changing magnetic field.8. Hans Christian Oersted showed how a current wire behaves like a magnet9. Andre-Marie Ampere the predicts the force that one current exerts upon another which is the theory ofelectrodynamics.10. Heinnich Hertz invented a device for the production and reception of EM radio waves wherein the receiver consistsof coil with a spark of gap.11. An electromagnetic wave is produced by a vibration through air and other media12. Radio Waves have the shortest wavelength among the electromagnetic spectrum​















my answer are not totally correct but i known about electromagnetic wave the different kinds of wave and etc.

14. A material through which an electric charge is readily transferred.С ОDC TA stream of electrons flowing through a conductorLСС UE T2.3. A closed conducting path by which a current can transfer electric energy from a source to aloadE TE Tcl R U4. French physicist who determined the amount of electric force between two objects. Hefound out that the electric force is directly proportional to the product of the two chargesand inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects.CAR E А U1СL MB5. The unit for electrical resistance06. The device for measuring electric current.АMRMPE7. The unit of electric current.8. He is the Father of ModernElectrodynamics.АDEАEIAERАT9. It is the rate of doing work equal to one Joule per second.10. It is the relationship between magnetic forces and electricity.ETR ΜΙΑ NT T​

1. Conductors

2. Electric current

3. Electric circuit

4. Charles-Augustin de Coulomb

5. OHM

6. Ammeter

7. Ampere

8. Andre Marie Ampere

9. Power

10. Electromagnetism

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