Is Corruption A Social Issue

Is Corruption A Social Issue

social issues problem of corruption?​

Daftar Isi

1. social issues problem of corruption?​


Corruption is one of the most serious and dangerous social threats that directly affects the country's stability, security, and democratic, political, economic and social system. The consequences of corruption lead to a decline in moral values, to loss of confidence in public institutions, to threatening the proper functioning of the market economy and democratic institutions, to deepening of social inequalities and to violation of the principle of equal opportunities.

thats my answer

# carry on learning

2. political corruption social issue example​


Forms of corruption vary, but can include bribery, lobbying, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.

3. Expressing ideas that show relevance and truthfulness on the social issue of Corruption ​


hope it help


pa brain liest po sana tnx

4. III. DETERMINING VARIOUS SOCIAL, MORAL, AND ECONOMIC ISSUES DISCUSSED IN TEXT LISTENED TODirections: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer.26. Which of the following is considered as a moral issue?A. Criminality B.Trust and faith to the government C. Corruption D. None of the above27. Which of the following is considered as social issue?A. Criminality B.Trust and faith to the government C. Corruption D. None of the above28. Which of the following is considered as economic issue?A. Criminality B. Trust and faith to the government C. Corruption D. None of the above29. This is considered as an issue that is recognized by every member of the society.A. Moral Issue B. Economic Issue C. Social Issue D. Personal Issue30. This issue is considered to involve inflation, poverty, unemployment, and corruption.A. Moral Issue B. Economic Issue C. Social Issue D. Personal Issue31. What issue involves things that are against the beliefs, values, and preferences of the people in the society?A. Moral Issue B. Economic Issue C. Social Issue D. Personal Issue32. Junar is afraid of the inevitable inflation. As a solution, he invested to stocks, mutual funds, and life insurance. What issue Junar have solved?A. Moral Issue B. Economic Issue C. Social Issue D. Personal Issue33. Celine is undeniably against abortion. When asked why she is against it, she said that this is against the moral and biblical perspective of her religion. What issue is being portrayed in the given situation?A. Moral Issue B. Economic Issue C. Social Issue D. Personal Issue34. Jeremy is afraid to go outside at night because of the rampant cases of criminality in their community. What issue is being portrayed in the given situation?A. Moral Issue B. Economic Issue C. Social Issue D. Personal Issue35. What central issue does the Philippines face given that corruption is very much common in this country?A. Moral Issue B. Economic Issue C. Social Issue D. Personal Issue​


26. Corruption is considered as a moral issue.

27. Criminality is considered as a social issue.

28. Economic issue is considered as an economic issue.

29. Social issue is an issue that is recognized by every member of the society.

30. Economic issue involves inflation, poverty, unemployment, and corruption.

31. A. Moral Issue involves things that are against the beliefs, values, and preferences of the people in the society.

32. B. Economic Issue is the issue that Junar has solved by investing in stocks, mutual funds, and life insurance to address his fear of inflation.

33. A. Moral Issue is being portrayed in the given situation where Celine is against abortion because it goes against the moral and biblical perspective of her religion.

34. C. Social Issue is being portrayed in the given situation where Jeremy is afraid to go outside at night because of the rampant cases of criminality in their community.

35. A. Moral Issue is the central issue that the Philippines faces given that corruption is very much common in this country.

I hope this explanation has been helpful to you, and I would be honored to receive the "Brainliest" designation on Brainly.

5. A. Identify what issues is being presented.Social IssuesMoral IssuesEconomic Issues1. Suicide2. Unemployment3. Poverty4. Corruption5. Abortion6. Climate Change7. Racism8. Body Shaming9. Scarcity10. Inflation​


1. Moral Issues

2. Social Issues

3. Social Issues

4. Economic Issues

5. Moral Issues

6. Social Issues

7. Economic Issues

8. Moral Issues

9. Moral Issues

10. Moral Issues


i hope my answer will help you ❤️❤️

6. Is corruption a contemporary issue?


Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with a position of authority, to acquire illicit benefit or abuse power for one's private gain. Individual nations each allocate domestic resources for the control and regulation of corruption and crime.



7. what appropriate social sciences perspective can be utilized in solving the corruption issue​


Social science provides empirical data about what the problems are and encourages people to propose possible solutions, and you try them, and some of them work. The thinkers are not always right, but they come up with the ideas, some of which work.

8. Informative essay about Philhealth Corruption Issues​

Answer: Former PhilHealth interim president Celestina Ma. Jude de la Serna spent more than half a million pesos on hotel stays and travels between her residence in Bohol and her office in Pasig City.

A Rappler investigation, which cited Commission on Audit documents, found that at least P627,293.04 of government funds was spent on accommodations, flights, and terminal fees.

Explanation: you can cut in the dots if you dont like it to be long sorry

9. Essy About Corruption Issue In the Philippines​




10. identify if it's social,Moral, or economic issues•terrorism•transportation•corruption•animal cruelty•discrimination•governmentpasagot ng maayos!Brainliest agad pag Tama!​

1. Moral

3.econamic issues

4.economic issues



paki brainliest naman po pls ms

11. Reaction paper about philhealth corruption issues.​


Corruption in the Philippines is not something novel as the coronavirus that is plaguing the country and the world at large. It is rather an endemic, deep-seated, and deep-rooted virus that has afflicted the country since time immemorial. It is a social menace and a mammoth stumbling block to good governance that had penetrated not just the government but even the private and non-government sectors as well as Philippine society even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis in the country.

In as far as the corruption index is concerned, the country is ranked the 113rd least corrupt nation out of 180 countries according to the 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International. That's 14 notches below the 2018 ranking.

To note, “corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organisation entrusted with a position of authority, to acquire illicit benefit or abuse of power for one’s private interests and gains.”

Corruption in the Philippines is prevalent on different scales. It can be found at all levels of the state apparatus. It ranges from “petty bribery” to corruption that affects the government on a large scale, or what you call “grand corruption”, and the kind of corruption that is so prevalent that it becomes a part of the everyday structure of society like organised crime, or what you call “systemic corruption.”

Thus, the alleged corruption in the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) is an exemplification of “systemic corruption” in present-day Philippines.

12. which of the following is an example of a social issue in the philippines? A. teenage pregnancy B. poverty C. gay marriage D. graft and corruption​

- B. Poverty

Hope it helps!

Pa brainliest na rin po ^^


B. Poverty


Hope it helps :>

13. 75 words how are you going to solve the poverty social issues?75 words how are you going to solve the unempleyment social issues?75 words how are you going to solve the graft and corruptions social issues?75 words how are you going to solve the covid-19 social issues? thankyuuu ​


To address poverty, I would propose implementing policies such as a basic income program and increasing access to education and job training opportunities. Additionally, addressing systemic issues such as income inequality and discrimination would also be crucial.

To address unemployment, I would propose investing in infrastructure and industries that create jobs, as well as providing job training and education programs. Additionally, implementing policies that support small businesses and startups can also help to create jobs.

To address corruption, I would propose implementing strict transparency and accountability measures for government officials and institutions. Additionally, promoting a culture of integrity and ethical behavior, as well as encouraging active citizen participation in government affairs can help to combat corruption.

To address the social issues arising from COVID-19, I would propose investing in public health infrastructure and providing support to those affected by job loss or economic hardship. Furthermore, implementing measures to ensure access to vaccinations, mental health support, and increasing support to vulnerable communities will also be essential.


I plan to help solve the COVID-19 social issues by volunteering with local organizations, advocating for social justice initiatives, and providing support to those in need. I would focus on providing resources to those who have been affected the most financially, such as those in low-income communities. I would also work to expand access to mental health services, as well as support for small businesses and organizations. Additionally, I will stay informed on the current pandemic situation and use my voice to amplify the stories of those impacted by the pandemic.

14. what is your stand in dealing with the issue on corruption?​


1. Corruption is not only about bribes: People especially the poor get hurt when resources are wasted. That’s why it is so important to understand the different kinds of corruption to develop smart responses.

2. Power of the people: Create pathways that give citizens relevant tools to engage and participate in their governments – identify priorities,  problems and find solutions.3. Cut the red tape: Bring together formal and informal processes (this means working with the government as well as  non-governmental groups) to change behavior and monitor progress.

4. It’s not 1999: Use the power of technology to build dynamic and continuous exchanges between key stakeholders: government, citizens, business, civil society groups, media, academia etc.


5. Deliver the goods: Invest in institutions and policy – sustainable improvement in how a government delivers services is only possible if the people in these institutions endorse sensible rules and practices that allow for change while making the best use of tested traditions and legacies – imported models often do not work.


6. Get incentives right: Align anti-corruption measures with market, behavioral, and social forces. Adopting integrity standards is a smart business decision, especially for companies interested in doing business with the World Bank Group and other development partners.


7. Sanctions matter: Punishing corruption is a vital component of any effective anti-corruption effort.


8. Act globally and locally: Keep citizens engaged on corruption at local, national, international and global levels – in line with the scale and scope of corruption. Make use of the architecture that has been developed and the platforms that exist for engagement.


9. Build capacity for those who need it most: Countries that  suffer from chronic fragility, conflict and violence– are often the ones that have the fewest internal resources to combat corruption. Identify ways to leverage international resources to support and sustain good governance.


10. Learn by doing: Any good  strategy must be continually monitored  and evaluated to make sure it can be easily adapted as  situations on the ground change.


mark me as a brainliest

15. is corruption considered a moral issue?​




thats my answer



nasa pic


hope it helpsssss

16. A. Identify what issues is being presented.Social IssuesMoral IssuesEconomic Issues1. Suicide2. Unemployment3. Poverty4. Corruption5. Abortion6. Climate Change7. Racism8. Body Shaming9. Scarcity10. Inflation​


1 Moral issues

2 economic issues

3 moral issues

4 social issues

5 moral issues

6 social issues

7 economic issues

8 moral issues

9 social issues

10 social issues


Comment Kung mali

Sana makatulong

17. solution in the problem of issue of graft and corruption


Power of the people: Create pathways that give citizens relevant tools to engage and participate in their governments – identify priorities, problems and find solutions

18. What is your stand in dealing with the issue of corruption? ​


Invest in institutions and policy – sustainable improvement in how a government delivers services is only possible if the people in these institutions endorse sensible rules and practices that allow for change while making the best use of tested traditions and legacies – imported models often do not work.

19. what is the issue of the Philippines corruption​




The Philippines is getting a more bad and less equitable state under President Rodrigo Duterte. That is as per ongoing rankings distributed by worldwide offices. The Philippines is the 113 least degenerate country out of 180 nations, as per the 2019 Corruption Insights Record detailed by Straightforwardness Worldwide. Corruption likewise happened due to social qualities. The Filipino civil servant who didn't help a companion or relative in need was viewed as without a feeling of utang na loob, or reimbursement of obligations. Numerous Filipinos perceive this antiquated worth as being impeding to financial turn of events.

Corruption is an inescapable and longstanding issue in the Philippines. When he held onto power in 1972, Ferdinan Marcos, his significant other Imelda, and a little circle of close partners, the comrade bunch, gone ahead and practice corruption on a striking scale. That is on top of two indents it slid in 2018. Rising corruption implies that President Duterte's enemy of corruption manner of speaking that assisted him with filling in power was only that way of talking. In the mean time, his demise crews and assaults on media have subverted the country's vote based foundations, without aiding the Philippines in the corruption front.

Top 10 social issues in the Philippines:



Examples of corruption in the Philippines include graft,bribery,Favouritism,nepotism,impunity,embezzlement,extortion,racketeering,fraud,taxevasion,lack of transparency,lack of sufficient enforcement of laws and government policies,and consistent lack of support for human rights.


I hope it can help

20. which among the following is considered a social issue? a. inequality b. corruption c. religion d. inflation


B. corruption


The social issues like poverty, unemployment, migration, crime, delinquency, drug abuse, child abuse, crime against women, crime against children, discrimination on the basis of Caste, class & religion corruption , family and health problems, education, political, economic, cultural and environment issues and human ...

21. what is your stand in dealing with the issue of corruption​


The Philippines suffers from widespread

corruption.As can you see in todays situation of our country there is so many case and news about Corruption, A corrupt government officials or a hotel manager, Everyone can be corrupt.

22. is corruption is an ethical issue?​


Corruption hinders sustainable development and the respect for human rights. Everyone has a role in preventing corruption by acting with personal integrity and making ethical choices. Citizen and youth participation is critical to combating corruption.


Corruption hinders sustainable development and the respect for human rights.Everyone has a role in preventing corruption by acting with personal integrity and making ethical choices.Citizen and youth participation is critical to combating corruption

23. corruption as a moral issue​


Introduction: corruption as a spreading disease. To date, corruption is recognized as an issue of serious political, economic and moral significance representing a cost for growth and development. Yet, many corporations claim that they do not suffer any damage by corruption.

Findings: A compliance approach can only serve as a necessary first step to counter...

Purpose: Corruptive behaviour penetrates the business process itself and permeates ...

Practical implications: This paper proposes to restore the concept of an honourable ...

yan po ang sagot pa brainliest po

thanks and welcome

24. 2. Graft and Corruption Kind of Issue: Solution:​


Kind of issue: the greed of money

Solution: expose corrupt activities and risks that may otherwise remain hidden.

25. VI. SOCIAL, MORAL, AND ECONOMIC ISSUES: A. The following are different kinds of issues that exist today. Classify the following issues to which they belong. abortion poverty corruption of leaders land reforms racial discrimination divorce job creation Peace process Foreign investments Moral Issues Political Issues Economic issues​


thanks for the update and for the record I have a few questions about the record I have to go to the record I have to go to the store and get some rest and feel better soon and that is why I am asking for a friend to talk to you about it when I get home I will send you the record I have to go to the store and get some rest and feel better soon and that is the only way I can get a ride to the airport on Sunday and I will be there at Kanto na I have to go to the store and get some rest and feel better soon and that is the only way to get some rest and feel better soon and that is the only



26. what social issue is being discussed in the text above?A. Corruption B. Injustice C. Freedom D. Poverty​


[tex]b. \: injustice[/tex]


Explanation:Many fictional texts reflect the author's concern about a particular social issue in Literature has always been one effective way to explore and address social

27. Issue of graft and corruption.​


Political instability

Lack of stability in transitions to a newly elected government is particularly associated with public sector corruption. Notably, partisan administration can be the cause of corruption in certain countries.

Explanation; oa brainliest pls

28. if you will be the presidenr of the philippines,how are you going to solve the following social issues?ProvertyUnemploymentGraft ang CorruptionsCovid-19​

These social issues' solutions start within ourselves. This answer may be as simple as you think but basicness on the other hand is and understatement we all forgot. Poverty, unemployment, graft and corruptions and covid-19 are no ones fault. it is for us to decide when to act to atleast minimize this inevitable mini-hell on earth


29. is corruption a moral issue?​


To date, corruption is recognized as an issue of serious political, economic and moral significance representing a cost for growth and development. ... According to Transparency International, corruption defines the secret abuse of entrusted power to gain a private advantage.


A compliance approach can only serve as a necessary first step to counter



30. why corruption is an issue​

When jobs (or contracts) are given to people (or companies) who offer bribes or share a personal connection, this occurs to the detriment of competition. The result is that more qualified candidates and firms are turned down. The more widespread such practices are, the more inefficient the economy becomes. Corruption may involve many activities which include bribery, influence peddling and the embezzlement and it may also involve practices which are legal in many countries. Political corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts with an official capacity for personal gain.

Corruption is a major issue because it undermines the rule of law, leads to human rights violations, and creates an environment where crime can flourish. It also erodes public trust in government and makes it difficult for businesses to operate in a fair way. Corruption occurs when someone in a position of power uses their influence to gain an unfair advantage. They might accept bribes, engage in nepotism, or commit fraud. This can have serious consequences for society. Combating corruption is essential for ensuring a fair society. It is necessary to raise awareness of the issue and strengthen institutions to help prevent corruption.

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