Inflation Effects On Students

Inflation Effects On Students

The effect of inflation on student small businesses in metro manila?​

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1. The effect of inflation on student small businesses in metro manila?​

Increased prices
Small businesses are forced to increase the prices of their products during inflation to maintain their profit margin. However, this can have adverse effects as it reduces competitiveness. Increased prices may also discourage customers from buying your products.

2. give significance about the effects of high inflation rate to students budget​


Inflations cause a higher selling price while the payments stay low or doesn't change. It affects not only students but also all of the entire population. Since Students are studying they cannot be studying full-time thus makes their pay lower than the average job. It badly affects the students as they will continue to struggle with budgeting as the inflation gets higher. This will cause the students to try and not to spend money or even go to far as not eating due to many things that needs money such as projects, school activities, field trips even, food, rent, and many more.Pa-Brainliest po ! ^^


The effect of high inflation rate to students budget awful. When we say inflation it generally stands for the rise of the price of goods and services while the purchasing power of a currency weakens. If a students' budget is for example around 100 pesos a day. Now that our inflation rate is around 8% it means that prices of most goods and services have increased to 8%, example if one instant noodles cost 14 pesos back in the day, now it would be 15.12 pesos, it may seem small but if you're gonna add it up on a monthly basis, it will cost additional 30 pesos. The worse effect of high inflation rate is that it also affects the prices of fuel and gas. Fuel and gas can be considered as the blood of our economy. This is because fuel is required for the movement of people. We ride public transportation to go to our jobs and schools. Just last year, the minimum fare was raised twice, from 10 pesos to 11 pesos to our current, which is 12 pesos. This in turn will further slash the purchasing power of the student as he/she has to cut some expenses so that it can cover the increased price of the needs.  

3. what do you think are the effect of inflation rate to student, workers and drivers.​


Inflation is an increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. This can affect different groups of people in different ways. Here are some possible effects of inflation on students, workers, and drivers:

Students: High inflation can make it more expensive for students to afford education, as tuition fees and other education-related costs may increase.Workers: Inflation can erode the purchasing power of workers' wages, as the same amount of money will be able to buy fewer goods and services. This can be particularly challenging for workers on fixed incomes.Drivers: Inflation can also make it more expensive for drivers to afford gasoline and other car-related expenses, such as insurance and maintenance.

It's important to note that the impact of inflation on individuals and groups can vary depending on the specific circumstances and economic conditions.


4. Analyze the effects of INFLATION.(Analytical Paper) ​


there is a significant relationship between independent variable (Inflation) and stock returns. Plan of Analysis

5. family planning to mitigate effect of inflation​


yan po yung sagot ko


pa brainliest po ty

6. what are the effects of inflation in pros and cons?


Inflation is defined as sustained increase in the general price level in the economy over a period of time. It has overwhelmingly more negative effects for decision making in the economy and reduces purchasing power. However, one positive effect is that it prevents deflation.


Hope this helps

7. how does it countermand effect of inflation?​


What are the effects of inflation?

Inflation raises prices, lowering your purchasing power. Inflation also lowers the values of pensions, savings, and Treasury notes. Assets such as real estate and collectibles usually keep up with inflation. Variable interest rates on loans increase during inflation


I'm not sure about the answer because I couldn't really understand the question

this is what I have for now

8. causes of inflation and their effects to the economy​


Inflation is a measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services in an economy. Inflation can occur when prices rise due to increases in production costs, such as raw materials and wages. A surge in demand for products and services can cause inflation as consumers are willing to pay more for the product.


9. 1. What are the positive effects of inflation on the economy!? Cite an example? 2. Do you think that retired persons and full-time students are part of unemployment? Explain your answer. 3. Explain the relation of the concept of unemployment and inflation to the business cycle. 4. What is the effect of inflation on the income of the people? Explain.I hope you can help me to those questions above. Thank you. ​

What are the positive effects of inflation on the economy?

- Inflation favourably impacts the economy in the following ways: Higher Profits since producers can sell at higher prices. Better Investment Returns since investors and entrepreneurs receive incentives for investing in productive activities. Increase in Production.

Do you think that retired persons and full-time students are part of unemployment?

- Some people may be in school full-time, working in the home, disabled, or retired. These people are not considered part of the labor force and are therefore not included in the unemployment rate. Only those people actively looking for a job or waiting to return to a job are considered unemployed.

Explain the relation of the concept of unemployment and inflation to the business cycle.

- Unemployment increases during business cycle recessions and decreases during business cycle expansions (recoveries). Inflation decreases during recessions and increases during expansions (recoveries).

What is the effect of inflation on the income of the people? Explain.

- Usually, when inflation rises, your income also rises as there are adjustments based on cost of living. This is the case for anyone with a current income and also for those on Social Security. However, even with an increased income, expenses also rise.

hope this helps :)

10. what is the purpose of research in inflation on student?​

Answer: The activity results in higher prices when the money supply is greater. Students learn that if the money supply grows at a faster rate than the economy’s ability to produce goods and services, inflation will result. This is inflation caused by “too much money chasing too few goods.”

Explanation: grade inflation simply means that students are given higher marks without demonstrating higher levels of mastery.

11. what is the effects of inflation?

long term savings might erode

12. How can you help in fighting the effects of inflation in our daily life? As a student, how can you cope with the price increase?


"If you really want an inflation in your daily life, you need to reach your goal just try your best and keep moving forward".

13. what are the effects on output and inflation? ​


According to these models, low inflation favors both employment and productivity, resulting in higher capacity utilization, lower output gap and, as a consequence, higher output growth. As a result, the relationship between inflation and output growth may be positive for low levels of the inflation rate.

14. what is the effect of inflation to the unemployed person

However, wage inflation and general price inflation continue to rise. Therefore, over the long-term, higher inflation would not benefit the economy through a lower rate of unemployment. By the same token, a lower rate of inflation should not inflict a cost on the economy through a higher rate of unemployment.May 11, 2018

15. Family planning to mitigate effect of inflation

kailangan ko lang kasi ng points hehe

16. three causes of inflation and their effects to the economy? ​


demand pull inflationcost push inflationinflation ixpectations

17. How can you help in fighting the effects of inflation in our daily life? As a student, how can you cope with the price increase?


Save electricity and energy

as a student we can fight it by being practical, buy what we needs and not what we wants because at the and of the you will realize that our needs in daily life is more important than to waste our money on what we wants. Instead, save it for important matters

18. Describe the effects of inflation in the Philippines.

Being forced to pay more for the same goods and services you could previously afford at a lesser price is what inflation is all about. Making ends meet becomes more difficult as a result of the gain in income typically not being able to keep up with inflation. Effects of the Philippiness rising inflation:

1. Reduced ability to buy

You would have to pay more for the same items that you used to get at a reduced price if the inflation rate increased. For some people, this could entail a reduced level of living and giving up luxuries to buy necessities.

2. Not enough fixed income

Additionally, people with fixed incomes, such as pensioners who depend on pension benefits, would be impacted by the inflation rate. Given the rise in the price of necessities like food, medicine, and utilities, their regular pension may no longer be enough to support their way of life.

3. Weakened health

Even while it is anticipated that health care costs would increase more slowly this year, there is still a possibility that for those with average incomes, meeting daily requirements may take precedence over maintaining good health.

4. Less ability to save

A high rate of inflation makes it likely that you won't have enough money set aside for retirement, education for your children, unexpected medical expenses, and your business. This could have an impact on your future goals.

To know more about inflasi visit the link below:


19. what are effect of inflation in philippines today​

What are the causes of inflation in the Philippines today?

-Electricity,Gas and other fuels. Electricity increased .03 centavos from July to  August this year.  

-Fish. Increase in prices of fish is partly attributed to the recent restrictions of the Department of Agriculture to the commercial fishing vessels to stay away from municipal waters.


-Operations of personal transport equipment.  



20. cause and effects of inflation in bshm​


Inflation is a measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services in an economy. Inflation can occur when prices rise due to increases in production costs, such as raw materials and wages. A surge in demand for products and services can cause inflation as consumers are willing to pay more for the product.

21. what is the effects of inflation?​

The negative effects of inflation include an increase in the opportunity cost of holding money, uncertainty over future inflation which may discourage investment and savings, and if inflation were rapid enough, shortages of goods as consumers begin hoarding out of concern that prices will increase in the future.

22. What is the effect of inflation as a family member?


When that happens, your purchasing power or capacity to buy declines. Inflation might force you to cut out luxuries and “tighten your belt” to keep up with the rising cost-of-living. These small increases in expenses can also reduce your disposable income and erode the value of your savings over time.


based on web...


When that happens, your purchasing power or capacity to buy declines. Inflation might force you to cut out luxuries and “tighten your belt” to keep up with the rising cost-of-living. These small increases in expenses can also reduce your disposable income and erode the value of your savings over time.


Sana po makatulong

23. Practice in Savings in Senior High School StudentsEffectivess of Stress Management training on the Productivity of the Senior High School Students The effects of Inflation Relation to the Consumers Income variables plsssss​


paayos po ng mga sentences para ma understand

24. Practical Research 1Research title:The effects of inflation of the daily living of college students-Give Survey QuestionsPleasee pa helpp​


Here's my Survey Questions Ideas


1. What kind of lunch do you eat? Is it packed from home or bought?

2. How much is your daily or weekly budget?

3. Do you feel that the inflation of food prices are inconvenient for your daily or weekly budget?

4. Do you spend on anything else besides food?

5. Do you live with your family or do you live alone?

6. Do you have any other sources of budget besides your allowance?

I hope it helps ^^

25. Student perception in inflation rate

Commonly, taxpayers are the ones who complain too much regarding the issue of inflation rate. Taxpayers also include students so it is reasonable for us to complain about inflation rate. As a student, I am concerned of how to budget our daily expenses since the prices of our necessities are going extravagant. Bluntly speaking, it is making the poor go poorer than the usual.

26. effect of inflation on banks profitability

true/ ano po ba ang question?

27. 1. What are the experiences of the students with inflation? 2. What is the impact of inflation on the students as consumers? 3. How did the students manage the impact of inflation? HELP PO PLEASE KAHIT TAGALOG


Inflation is one of the root causes of price hikes in the education sector. The essential needs of students like uniforms, textbooks, tuition fees, school shoes, and transportation costs have become so expensive that it is slowly becoming impossible for a common man to afford his child's education.

Inflation is one of the root causes of price hikes in the education sector. The essential needs of students like uniforms, textbooks, tuition fees, school shoes, and transportation costs have become so expensive that it is slowly becoming impossible for a common man to afford his child's education.

Reduce your expenses

Reassess your budget to identify the essentials vs. the non-essentials. This will help you prioritize and ensure that your basic needs are met even with inflation. You may also want to explore more affordable alternatives to your usual choices.


sana makatulong pakibrainliest nalang po,ty

28. the effects of inflation​


hope this helps


Rising prices, known as inflation, impact the cost of living, the cost of doing business, borrowing money, mortgages, corporate, and government bond yields, and every other facet of the economy. Inflation can be both beneficial to economic recovery and, in some cases, negative.

29. what are the negative effects of inflation


The negative effects of inflation include an increase in the opportunity cost of holding money, uncertainty over future inflation which may discourage investment and savings, and if inflation were rapid enough, shortages of goods as consumers begin hoarding out of concern that prices will increase in the future.




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30. Practical Research 1Research Title:The effects of inflation of the daily living of college studentsGive a Statement of the problemHelp PleasePlease Answer It​


Statement of the Problem:

This study aims to investigate the effects of inflation on the daily living of college students. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

What is the current level of inflation and how has it affected the cost of living for college students?

How has inflation affected the purchasing power and budget allocation of college students?

What coping mechanisms have college students adopted in response to the inflationary pressures?

How has inflation impacted the academic performance and well-being of college students?

What policies or interventions can be implemented to mitigate the effects of inflation on college students' daily living?

Through the answers to these questions, this study seeks to provide a better understanding of the effects of inflation on college students and to offer insights for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders to develop appropriate strategies to support the needs of college students in times of inflation.


The statement of the problem for the research title "The effects of inflation on the daily living of college students" can be:

The problem addressed by this research is to investigate the impact of inflation on the daily living of college students. Inflation is a persistent increase in the general price level of goods and services over time, leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of money.

As college students are a vulnerable population with limited financial resources, it is important to understand how inflation affects their daily expenses, such as housing, transportation, food, and other essential needs.

This study aims to identify the specific areas where college students are most affected by inflation and to explore the coping strategies they use to manage their expenses in the face of rising costs. Ultimately, this research seeks to provide insights that can inform policy and practice in addressing the economic challenges faced by college students.

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