Famous Sepak Takraw Players In The Philippines

Famous Sepak Takraw Players In The Philippines

describ the moves of the sepak takraw players​

Daftar Isi

1. describ the moves of the sepak takraw players​


speak takraw is usually play by the pro players the moves is in different ways on how would you handle the situation it may be in your head legs and eveything



2. 3 rule of players in sepak takraw?​


Games of Sepak Takraw shall be played by two teams of three players. ... Players may only touch the ball with their feet, head, knees and chest. Touching the ball with the hand or any other part of the body can result in a fault and a point for the opposition.



3. What are the answer of these questions A group of athletes has 15 basketball players and 8 sepak takraw players. What is the ratio of the number sepak takraw to the number of basketball players?​




sana makatulong hahaghaha

4. a sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player , what is its acceleration after 1 a second?

Acceleration is a vector quantity that is defined as the rate at which an object changes its velocity. An object is accelerating if it is changing its velocity. If an object is in free fall it usually accelerates as it falls. It is accelerating at a constant rate of 9.8 m/s^2 or approximately 10 m/s^2. This acceleration value is due to the force of gravity that is acting on the object. In the case of sepak takraw, at any point of its flight, its acceleration is constant which is 9.8 m/s^2.

5. B.sepak takraw player kick the ball forward 1.what happens to the sepak ball ?​


it will go forward or straight

6. a sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player


-9.8 per square second


Pa-Brainliest po!Hope it helps

7. what is the three position of players in sepak takraw? ​

Answer: Tekong, Killer, Feeder



The main purpose of Tekong’s role is to serve the ball. Ideally, he will send the ball across the net with great speed making it hard for the opponent to defend. The Tekong can also surprise opponents by serving over a drop ball.


Also called the Striker, his goal is to execute volleys into the opponent’s court. When not in possession of the ball, the Killer will be responsible for blocking any incoming spikes.


The Feeder has the most control over the ball in the game. When in possession of the ball, they will set the ball to the preference of their strikers. Their toss also determines if the strikers can perform a clean strike. However, the feeder too should be able to spike the ball. This role is usually reserved for the most agile and responsive of the team.

8. you are sepak takraw player, in the middle of your play your co-player got sprained, what will you do?​






9. a sepak takraw that is kicked

Sepak Takraw or simply means Kick Volleyball. It is a foot volleyball game where players touch as well as handle the ball using only their feet, knee, chest and head. The rules and regulations of the game are very much similar to that of volleyball. It is a very popular game around Southeast Asia, the game is played using a rattan or synthetic ball. Since 1990, Sepak takraw is also included in Asian games. The game’s history stretches back to the 15th century with slightly differing versions of the game being played in different parts of Southeast Asia. It was in the 1940s, however, that the first set of formalised rules were introduced and the game took the official name of Sepak Takraw with, ISTAF, the International Sepak Takraw Federation governing the sport worldwide where it is growing in popularity year-on-year. Outside of Southeast Asia, the game is particularly popular in the USA and Canada and other western countries where there are significant southeast Asian communities.

For the importance of Sepak Takraw:


10. A sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player. What is its acceleration after 1 second?


9.8 m/s


di ko sure. pero prang ganun man kase bga acceleeation then upward so it increases.Pag downard decreaces so is upward its 9.8 m/s at pag downward -9.8 m/s

11. a sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player. what is its acceleration after 1second

The acceleration of the ball will be always -9.8 m/s^2 (the acceleration due to gravity directed downward) until the ball is hit the ground.

12. history of the sepak takraw​


Here's the answer sorry if its wrong


The origin of Sepak takraw is unclear, sepak takraw was introduced to Southeast Asia by Chinese who were inspired by traditional games, cuju, an ancient chinese military exercise, where soldiers would try to keep a feathered shuttlecock airborne by kicking it back and forth between two people.

First played: China, introduced to Southeast Asia

Equipment: rattan ball, synthetic rubberised plastic

Highest governing body: ISTAF

Team members: 2–4 players

13. a sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player what is its acceleration after 1 second


-9.8 meter per square second


The acceleration due to gravity directed downward.

14. A sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player what is acceleration after 1 second


Hi Shadow is here to Answer.

In the question, “a sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player, what is its acceleration after 1 second?,” the answer is -9.8 meter per square second.

We all know that gravitational acceleration is a constant, which means that anything dropped to the ground will have an acceleration of 9.8 meters per square second. Therefore, if the ball will be thrown upwards and away from earth, then the resultant will be negative.

Follow for more!

15. what is Sepak Takraw?​


Sepak takraw (“kick ball”) is a uniquely Southeast Asian game (now played in other regions) that is similar to volleyball but is played with a woven rattan ball and without using the hands. The sport is internationally competitive, and Malaysia has fronted winning teams.

Sepak Takraw, or Sepaktakraw, also called kick volleyball, is a team sport played with a rattan between two teams of two to four players on a court resembling a badminton court.

16. how many bounces is allowed before the player kicks the ball in sepak takraw​




17. 1. If you were a player, would you practice the skills in sepak takraw? Explain.​


Yes because it's important to know the skills to how to play better in sepak takraw and Practice can improve both your physical skills.

18. PHYSICAL EDUCATIONMOOIPED TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE W the statement is TRUE and UNDERLINE the wordsals and write the correct answer. Write your answer after each number1. Sepak takraw are games played between teams composed of a minimum of three (3) players orTree2. The name sepak takraw was taken from the words sepak (kick) and takraw (ball). It was calledSepak Jaring in 1945 because of a net that they called "jarring3. Sepak takraw as a game sport in the Philippines was introduced in Cebu in 19814. Tekong who stays at the right side and throws the ball when the tekong uses his right foot inTrue 5. A sepak takraw ball made out of rattan​







19. A sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player what is its acceleration after 1 second how to solve


Acceleration = speed divided by distance


20. a sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player, what is its acceleration after 1 a second?

In the question, “a sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player, what is its acceleration after 1 second?,” the answer is -9.8 meter per square second.


We all know that gravitational acceleration is a constant, which means that anything dropped to the ground will have an acceleration of 9.8 meters per square second. Therefore, if the ball will be thrown upwards and away from earth, then the resultant will be negative.

21. a sepak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player what is the acceleration after 1 seconds​


In the question, “sea pak takraw ball is hit vertically upward by a player, what is its acceleration after 1 second?” the answer is -9.8 meter per square second.


We all know that gravitational acceleration is a constant, which means that anything dropped to the ground will have an acceleration of 9.8 meters per square second. Therefore, if the ball will be thrown upwards and away from the earth, then the result will be negative.

22. WRITE TRUE IF THE STATEMENT IS CORRECT.IF FALSE WRITE THE CORRECT ANSWER BEFORE THE NUMBER. 1. There are 4 players in a sepak takraw game. 2. Sepak takraw is similar to the game of volleyball, gymnastics, and soccer. 3. Sepak takraw is very popular in Brazil. -4. In Malaysia, sepak takraw is known as "Sepa". 5. Using the arms in Sepak takraw is legal. 6. Official takraw ball today is made of rattan. 7. The first basic skill to master in sepak takraw is knee bump. 8. The international governing body of sepak takraw is ISTOP.​









Thank me later!!



southeast asia




inside kick

ISTAF, Internarional Sepaktakraw Federation

23. why should inside players stay during servicesepak takraw​


Sepak Takraw is a foot volleyball game where players touch as well as handle the ball using only their feet, knee, chest and head. The rules and regulations of the game are very much similar to that of volleyball. A very popular game around Southeast Asia, the game is played using a rattan or synthetic ball. Since 1990, Sepak takraw is also included in Asian games.

24. a sepak takraw ball of 1.5​


PE=14.7 N.m or jPE=29.4 N.m or jPE=58.8 N.m or j


way solutions Kay kapoy sigug type

25. which is the hypothesis in the statement "if you lile sepak takraw,then you go to yhe court"? A.if you go to the court B.you like sepak takraw C.if you like sepak takraw D.you go to the court​



Step-by-step explanation:

Yung if statement po kasi ang hypothesis, hindi lang po isinasama yung word na "if". For example... "If you eat nutritious foods, then your immune system will get stronger." Yung hypothesis po ay yung... "You eat nutritious foods".


Sepak Takraw is becoming one of the most popular sports included in the Southeast Asian Games. The Palawan province is known for the best Sepak Takraw players in the Philippines. However, the sport has been dominated by Malaysia and Thailand in the Southeast Asian Games since its début in 1965.


For me because we are modern now sepak takraw is not very popular because if you base arnis is the most popular game here in the philippines but there are still people who play sepak takraw it can be compared to a kick game like "soccer"

27. true or false_____1. Sepak raga is the ancient name for sepak takraw. _____2. Sepak came from a Thai word that means "kick". _____3. Raga refers to the rattan ball used in the game. _____4. Regu refers to a sepak takraw team. _____5. Each regu has three players on each side, namely, the feeder, the server, and the striker. _____6. Sepak takraw players are allowed to use their hands and arms during the rally. _____7. Rolling the ball over the body is not allowed in sepak takraw and is counted as two touches similar to a volleyball game. _____8. Each sepak takraw game is composed of three sets. _____9. The winning score in a sepak takraw set is 25 points. _____10. Service is alternately done after every other point made, even though it is in the first serving regu.pls answer correctly dont be badGOD BLESSbut if you do i will reportso please just dont​


1. true

2. true

3. true

4. true

5. true

6. true

7. false

8. false

9. false

10. true


ur welcome!


1. True2. True3. True4. True5. False6. False7. True8. True9. False10. True


I'm not sure if that's right but if it's still right Brainliests and follow

28. the sepak takraw ball movement depends upon the players hitting it. Is it inertia or acceleration ​


acceleration Tama Po ba

29. a sepak takraw that is kicked


yes sepak takraw is kicking by our foot

30. In sepak takraw when one of the 3 players get injured, do they loss the game why​


sorry o dont know


btw thanks

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