Family Of Orientation

Family Of Orientation

deffirentiate of family oriented and spirit oriented?​

Daftar Isi

1. deffirentiate of family oriented and spirit oriented?​


Family Oriented means focusing on the family itself and the people inside it while spirit oriented is about focusing on his words (God's word), praising him most of the time and following his commands while avoiding the wrong doings.

2. What are the predominant characteristics of Filipinos?​Answer:●family oriented●meal oriented●kundiman oriented●bayani oriented ●spirit oriented


Cultural adaptability, lower taxes, availability of infrastructure and technology, and most importantly, human talent. Yes, it's the people doing the work that make the big difference. Not all workers are created alike and it's no secret that Filipinos are renowned for being hardworking, efficient and resourceful.

3. desscribe the family orientation of rizal's family​


The Rizals is considered one of the biggest families during their time. Domingo Lam-co, the family's paternal ascendant was a full-blooded Chinese who came to the Philippines from Amoy, China in the closing years of the 17th century and married a Chinese half-breed by the name of Ines de la Rosa.


pa heart and brainliest and follow :3

4. It is described to be family- oriented dance that display the important role of the family in the society​


di ko 0o alam ng answer thank you

5. orient your family about the possible hazards and safest exit ​


Orienting family members about safest exist and possible hazards makes them safe


Because when your family knows what they are doing they can help thier self and also other peoples when in great danger

6. cultures that are more family and community oriented​

the culture that is more family and community oriented are the indians

7. what are the behavioral affects of gender identity and sexual orientation to the family?​




because they will be afraid to reveal who they really are because they think what people will say to them, that they might not be accepted

8. Difference between family of orientation and family of procreation


A family of orientation refers to the family into which a person is born. A family of procreation describes one that is formed through marriage. These distinctions have cultural significance related to issues of lineage.

other explaination.

Family of procreation is often compared to family of orientation, which is the family that we are born into. In the same way that our family of orientation influenced us as children, we get to influence our own children when we create a family of procreation.


hope its helped.



A family of orientation refers to the family into which a person is born. A family of procreation describes one that is formed through marriage.

9. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng family orientation

Ibig sabihin ng family orientation

Family orientationIto ay sa kinalakihan nating pamilya at kung paano nila tayp pinalaki.Ang family orientation ang nagiging daan kung magiging matagumpay ba o hindi ang tao sa kanyang buhay.Kasama dito kung ano ang mga tinuturo ng mga magulang sa kanilang anak. At ano ang mga dapat gawin sa buhay.


Ang mag asawang Toni at Sylvia ay may anak na sina beb at mar. Pinalaki nila ang kanilang mga magulang na may takot sa Diyos. Tinuturuan din nila ang mga anak nila mag-ipon upang ng pera. Pinapakita din nila sa kanilang anak na sila ay masisipag at maingat sa pag hawak ng pera.

Family orientation: Basahin sa

10. list down the production group that focuses on family oriented


correct me if I'm wrong


I hope is help





11. In what way is the value orientation of the family reflective of the value orientation of the Filipino people?​


Strong family-orientation leads to closer bonds and supportive relationships in all areas of life. It is the quality and nature of family relationships that are of the most importance. Being family-oriented is synonymous with being family-centered or family-focused

The Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to the set of values that a majority of the Filipino have historically held important in their lives. This Philippine values system includes their own unique assemblage of consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette and cultural and personal values that are promoted by their society. As with any society though, the values that an individual holds sacred can differ on the basis of religion, upbringing and other factors.

As a general description, the distinct value system of Filipinos is rooted primarily in personal alliance systems, especially those based in kinship, obligation, friendship, religion (particularly Christianity) and commercial relationships.[1]

12. Family-oriented in Filipino or Tagalog.

Nakatuon sa pamilya

kahulugan: Nilalayon, iniangkop sa, o angkop para sa mga pamilya o pampamilya



13. name the production group that focuses on family oriented






The Philippine theater group "Trumpets" also began mounting grand productions in the 1990s, originally written with a slant towards good values for children and the whole family. This group focuses on family-oriented and values rich performances.

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

14. research title about "education 2022" and "family orientation"​


education 2022 and family orientation

15. Rizal's family orientation

I can't tabulate here but I'll answer it. I will arrange them with alphabetical letters to indicate them. Here:

Qualities of Rizal

A. Divine Intervention

-Dr. Jose Rizal believes that a supernatural power behind all of the creation had to exist.

-He considered himself a dependent being — to others and God, the Supreme Being.

-His first notion: he believes that God existed.

-His second notion: he believes that God is a Plus Supra.

-His third notion: he believes that God is the origin of nature, that is, the nature was the expression of God.

-He possesses a concious, well-thought inference or reasoning in his religious views.

-He was no longer a practicing Catholic, but remained very much a cultural one.

(I will try to add more...)

B. Family Orientation

-In a family of 13, he has a quality of thrift.

-He is a model brother and an ideal son to his family.


(Wait. My Brainly will crash ;-;)

16. family oriented and values performances​


Production group that focuses on family oriented and values rich performances

Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA), Created in 1967 by Cecile GuidoteAlvarez and Tanghalang Pilipino, the Philippine Cultural Centre's resident theater company, founded in 1987.Such groups ' productions range from groundbreaking new presentations of classical plays to the Philippine myths and legends showcase, to commentary on contemporary social and political issues.

New Voice Company New Voice Company, founded in 1994 by Monique Wilson, is also making its own distinct contribution to the Philippine theater scene — also a protegée of the Repertory Philippines who starred on the international stage. New Voice has gained a reputation for producing thought-provoking productions on audacious and insightful themes.

Philippine Opera Company The Philippine Opera Company (POC) was founded in 1999 by a group of committed classically trained singers, led as artistic director by the soprano Karla Gutierrez. The POC aims to cultivate both performers and audiences for performances of classical music, both international and Filipino.

Theater Down South - Theater Down South was founded in 2007, with Michael Williams as artistic director of Philippine theater. The company's aim is to expand the scope of stage productions beyond Metro Manila's conventional centers and thus grow a wider audience base.

Repertory Philippines In 1967, artistic director Zenaida Amador fulfilled her vision of introducing to Filipino audiences the best of Broadway and the West End of London. Together with actress Baby Barredo, Amador formed Repertory Philippines, a company that not only staged year-round English-language plays and musicals but also trained actors and actresses. With this dream the organization continues to this day.

17. How can being family oriented benefit you, your family, and your community?


Improves Mental Health. ...

Helps Children Perform Well Academically. ...

Lowers Risk Of Behavioral Problems. ...

Boosts Self-Confidence. ...

Helps Kids Learn Future Parenting Skills. ...

Promotes Adaptability And Resilience. ...

Enhances Physical Health. ...

Lengthens Life Expectancy.

18. What are the possible hazards and safety exits to orient your family


falling debris


slippery floor/stairs

unguarded machinery and moving machinery parts

19. What is a family-oriented society?


It's about the challenges of someone – namely me – who was raised in a society that stresses the importance of the individual, and who moves to a society that stresses the importance of family (or society) over the individual.

20. Define Family oriented?​


A family-oriented person is someone who always has a special place for family in his or her life. ... At times, this can mean being physically present in the home or at key family events or milestones. But a family-oriented person also focuses on being emotionally present and available for family members.


hope this help

21. difference and similarities of Oriental and Occidental families​

Eastern world is comprised of nations in Asia including the Middle East whereas Western world refers to North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. East and West may have myriad differences based on culture and education. These differences can be noted for the most part in people’s behavior and attitudes.

The major difference between eastern and western culture is that people in the east are more conservative and traditional than the general population in the west. In Eastern education, however, it is all about hard work and struggle. Nothing is difficult if you practice hard. Consequently, kids are given lots of homework and are instructed to buckle down. That is the reason why most Asian students, more often than not, are better performers academically than their peers when they get into the more casual Western educational institutions.


(Hope I get 2-5 thanks, or a brainliest! :D)

Have a nice day guys! <3

22. What are the attitude, traits and family practices in relation to family orientation?​


mabuti naman ang attitude sa aking pamilya

23. Which is better, Family of Orientation or Family of Procreation?​

Family of Orientation


The family of orientation refers to the family in which a person is raised. Although this generally includes one's parents and siblings, it may also include grandparents or other relatives.

24. what is the function of the family of orientation?​


From the perspective of children, the family instills a sense of orientation: The family functions to locate children socially, and plays a major role in their socialization. From the point of view of the parents, the family's primary purpose is procreation: The family functions to produce and socialize children.


sana maka help

25. How different is the family of orientation from a family of procreation?​


Sociologists identify different types of families based on how one enters into them. A family of orientation refers to the family into which a person is born. A family of procreation describes one that is formed through marriage.


paki thanks namn

26. In what way is the value orientation of the family reflective of the value orientation of the Filipino people?


Thats true



that's true

i hope it's help

27. is your family meal-oriented? Explain.​




28. What is family orientation in filipino values!​


Filipinos are known for having strong and close family ties. They place high regard and put importance on their family before anything else. They work all day and do all they can to feed and provide for their family. In other countries, when a person turned 18, he/she can live away from his/her family.


29. Family - Oriented in Filipino traits?

Pagmamano, saying po and opo could be good examples of this because growing up they teach us value and respect to who’s upon us

30. CULTURE Example: Family Oriented 1. 2 3.



2.maginhawang pamilya


yan Po Yung sagot






I'm correct?

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