Appeal To People s Self Interest

Appeal To People s Self Interest

appeal to people example/s​

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1. appeal to people example/s​


example, “All the cool people are voting for Bernie; you should too.” Or, “George Cluny uses an iPhone, therefore they are better than Androids.” Or, John deserves a raise, after all he has a sick child at home and his wife left him.”

2. meaning of appeal to the people​

[tex] \bold \blue {CarryOnLearning}[/tex]

[tex] \bold \pink {Darnit!}[/tex]

3. what is the the appeal of selling junkfood presents a conflict of interest​


Junkfood are mainly used on roadtrips, watching movies, picnics, or any miscellaneous activites. Since all of these are commonly done.


Since its common, many people will buy food that are eaten and junkfood are mainly one of the things used

4. what groups of people did it appeal to zoroastrianism and why​



Zoroastrianism was never, even in the thinking of its founder, as insistently monotheistic as, for instance, Judaism or Islam, it does represent an original attempt at unifying under the worship of one supreme god a polytheistic religion comparable to those of the ancient Greeks, Latins, Indians, and other early peoples. Its other salient feature, namely dualism, was never understood in an absolute, rigorous fashion. Good and evil fight an unequal battle in which the former is assured of triumph. God’s omnipotence is thus only temporarily limited. In this struggle all human beings must enlist because of their capacity for free choice. They do so with soul and body, not against the body, for the opposition between good and evil is not the same as the one between spirit and matter. Contrary to the Christian or Manichaean (from Manichaeism—a Hellenistic, dualistic religion founded by the Iranian prophet Mani) attitude, fasting and celibacy are proscribed except as part of the purificatory ritual. The human struggle has a negative aspect, nonetheless, in that it must strive for purity and avoid defilement by the forces of death, contact with dead matter, etc. Thus, Zoroastrian ethics, though in itself lofty and rational, has a ritual aspect that is all-pervading. On the whole, Zoroastrianism is optimistic and has remained so even through the hardship and oppression of its believers.

5. how can troubadour music be more appealing to people nowadays?​


The Medieval saw the emergence of great changes in English society including the music played during the Medieval times and era. ... Travel, prompted by the Crusades, led to a new and unprecedented interest in beautiful objects, elegant manners, poetry and music. Medieval Music in Europe was influenced by Arab love songs.

6. From the five elements of a flot, what do you think is the most appealing and interesting?​

It is the darkness or lightness of a color and can be measured through the use of a value scale. Lighter values are referred to as “tints”, while darker values are referred to as “shades”. When it comes to drawing and painting, value is arguably the most important element of art

Sana makatulong po:)

7. self concept invintory i have stong sex appeal​


Sex is a great place to work

Pop Music -

emerged with songs about youthful rebellion and teenage love.

9. what group of people did it appeal to hinduism and why?​


god will make a way for thers seems to be no way

10. Why it is that knowing deeply the point of view globalization find most interesting and appealing

Although globalization has promised an improved standard of living and economic development, it has been heavily criticized for its production of negative effects. Globalization is not simply an economic project, but it also heavily influences the country environmentally, politically, and socially as well.

11. why is cartoon appealing to so many people?​


Because it is fun

And for your skills


I think cartoon is appealing to many people because they can give us something that can't be given in the real world. For introverted people like me, it can also be an escape--or a breath of fresh air. And for the children, they enjoy the light-like stories that cartoons give them. In addition to that, the animation of some cartoons are also really appealing which makes it good to look at.

12. 1. Why was communism an appealing system for underdeveloped countries and people in Asia during that time? 2. Despite fighting for the same thing (liberation and self-determination), why do you think Asians resorted to wars and conflict?

1. Communism was appealing to underdeveloped countries and people in Asia during that time for several reasons. Firstly, it promised equality and fairness for all citizens, which was a stark contrast to the existing class systems and income inequalities in many countries. Secondly, it promised to abolish poverty and provide basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare to all people. Lastly, it promised to promote industrialization and economic development, which was seen as a way to improve the standard of living for the people in these countries.

2. Despite fighting for the same thing, Asians resorted to wars and conflict for various reasons. Firstly, there were different interpretations of what liberation and self-determination meant, leading to disagreements and competition among different groups. Secondly, there were conflicting interests between different nations, ethnic groups, and religious communities, leading to tensions and violence. Thirdly, there were external factors such as the influence of foreign powers and the exploitation of resources, which further complicated the situation and resulted in conflict. Lastly, there were historical grievances and cultural differences that contributed to the tensions and wars in the region.

13. how would you want the 20th century Filipino song composer to appeal to your future self​


[tex]\orange{ \rule{10pt}{100000pt}} \pink{ \rule{10pt}{100000pt}} \green{ \rule{10pt}{100000pt}} \red{ \rule{10pt}{100000pt}}[/tex]

14.  It is used to have product becomes appealing and entice the interest of thecustomer/buyer ​


advertising the product

15. example of argumentum ad Populum ( appeal of people)


Everyone drives over the speed limit, so it should not be against the law. Just because a lot of people do something, it does not make it the right thing to do.


16. Explain Contrast of the varied art elements are done to make an artwork more interesting and more appealing to the viewers​


Contrast gives depth and the control sensitivity of of light and dark hues. This can give or express rhythm and strengthens the focus of the artwork. Contrast is significant because it adds variety to the total design and creates unity. It draws the viewer's eye into the painting and helps to guide the viewer around the art piece

17. It appeals to ordinary people like you and me.A.plain folkB.bandwagonC.transferD.snob appeal​


A. Plain folk

B. Bandwagon

C. Transfer

D. Snob appeal


Sana makatulong



18. What group of people did appeal to Taoism and why?

What group of people did appeal to Taoism and why?

19. Discuss what makes a product particularly appealing to people


Be wary of how that product is endorsed and who endorsed it. It is a good strategy to use bandwagons which implies that you have to use this product because everybody uses it. You also have to know who will be your customers to have the appropriate focus which will affect the appeal, and interest of customers.

20. 9. This fallacy evaluates the arguments based on the personal identity of thepersona. Appeal to the peoplec. Appeal to forceb. Appeal to pityd. Division10. This fallacy makes a generalizationfrom insufficient number of cases.a. Appeal to forceb. Appeal to peoplec. Equivocationd. Hasty generalization​


B.appeal to people


to know of his identity

21. which word in each line is not a synonym a. repulsive b. interesting c. attractive d. appealing​





‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎

23. example of appeal to the people or majority​


For example, “All the cool people are voting for Bernie; you should too.” Or, “George Cluny uses an iPhone, therefore they are better than Androids.” Or, John deserves ...

24. art is a process because it involves arranging the aesthetic elements in an artistically interesting and appealing mannert​


anb meanknb sa art kananv mag drawing ka pareha sa ap no elements artitically or interestjng

25. which group of people will this advertisement appeal to?​

1. Heinz ketchup advertisement

2. Tomato Ketchup is most often used as a condiment to dishes that are usually served hot and may be fried or greasy.


Correct me if I'm wrong

Thank you

26. why it is that social media is so appealing to people?​


It is convenient


Social media nowadays are now used by people. It is convenient in terms of communicating to your friends or loved ones. Also, you can gather information from what is happening around the world.

27. "Gripping and enduring interests frequently grow out of initial learning efforts that are not appealing or attractive".​


gripping and enduring interests frequently grow out of initial learning efforts that are not appealing or attractive.

28. 1. Why was Ramon Magsaysay appealing to the masses/people?​



He was “Champion of the Masses” because of his advocacy for fairness and justice, embodied in his credo: “Those who have less in life

29. ExplainContrast of the varied art elements are done to make an artwork more interesting and more appealing to the viewers ​


is contras is of abote a viewers in philllpine

30. What aspects of Christianity do you find appealing to ordinary people? ​


sand may be able and the turtle and cold weather is good pm sir please see the monkey and the monkey business the monkey and cold and the monkey business ☺️☺️ the turtle a good time for you ☺️☺️

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