Concept Paper About Politics

Concept Paper About Politics

Directions: Write down what you know and want to learn about the basic concepts and principles of the major social science ideas. Do it on a separate sheet of paper. Psychoanalysis Rational Choice Institutionalism Socio-cultural Economic Political

Daftar Isi

1. Directions: Write down what you know and want to learn about the basic concepts and principles of the major social science ideas. Do it on a separate sheet of paper. Psychoanalysis Rational Choice Institutionalism Socio-cultural Economic Political




Social science is the part of science dedicated to the investigation of social orders and the connections among people inside those social orders. The term was previously used to allude to the area of humanism, the first "science of society", set up in the nineteenth century. Notwithstanding social science, it presently incorporates a wide cluster of scholastic disciplines, including humanities, prehistoric studies, financial matters, human geology, phonetics, the executives science, political theory, brain research, and history.

Positivist social researchers use strategies looking like those of the innate sciences as devices for getting society, thus characterize science in its stricter present day sense. Interpretivist social researchers, on the other hand, may utilize social scrutinize or representative understanding rather than building experimentally falsifiable hypotheses, and in this way treat science in its more extensive sense. In current scholastic practice, scientists are regularly varied, utilizing numerous approaches. The expression "social examination" has additionally procured a level of independence as specialists from different disciplines share similar points and techniques.

What is Social science? -


2. DATA RETRIEVAL CHART •This activity will allow you to organizer your ideas and concepts in more presentable manner. You begin with task! Most of the proponents and contributors of Anthropology, Sociology and political science are men. Research about women who contributed in the same field. Please be guided by the guide in doing your research. 1.You following this format in creating your chart . 2.Submit your output and your answer yo think about this in a separate sheet of paper. (contribution/significant works) proponents Anthropology _________ ____________ _________ ____________ _________ ____________ _________ ____________ Sociology Political science _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ ​


Adeline Masquelier=American Anthropologist

Adrien L. Kaeppler=American Anthropologist

Agnes Conway=British Anthropologist

Aileen Fox=American Anthropolpgist

Alana Cordy Collins=American archaeologist specializing in Peruvian prehistory

Alanah Woody=American Anthropolpgist

Alba Zaular=Brazillian Anthropologist

Alice Beck Kehoe=American Anthropologist

Alice G. Dewey=American Anthropologist

Amber Case=American Cyborg Anthropologist

Alicia P. Magos= Filipino Anthropologist

Amalia Signorelli=Italian Cultural Anthropologis

Explanation:That's all i know I hope it helps you <3 pa brainlest po

3. Political Science are men. Research about women who contributed in the same field.Additional ActivitiesData Retrieval Chartpresentable manner. You begin with this task!This activity will allow you to organize your ideas and concepts in a moreMost of the proponents and contributors of Anthropology, Sociology andPlease be guided by the guide questions in doing your research.1. You follow this format in creating your chart.2. Submit your output and your answer to think about this in a separate sheetof paper.Contributions/ Significant WorksAnthropologySociologyPolitical ScienceProponentsThink About Thisi1. What are their significant contributions in the field of anthropology,sociology, and political science?2. How did they use their beliefs and principles in bringing change in thesociety?​



2. By conducting it to themself


1.Anthropologists, help us to understand how different societies organize themselves politically and economically. Anthropologists, increasingly shed light on how complex social systems are created, established and maintained. It offers insight into the key political and social issues affecting the world today

2.nasa pic explanation


4. PRE-TESTMultiple Choice. Answer the question that follows. Write the letter of your answers on the answersheet provided.1. What type of academic writing presents the writer's stand or viewpoint on a particular issue byoutlining arguments and proposing the course of action?A. Concept Paper B. Critique Paper C. Position Paper D. Research Paper2. What document or letter is publiciy declaring the position or program, a set of ideas, opinions, orviews and can also lay out a plan of action and is often political in nature?A. AbstractB. Book Review C. ManifestoD. Research Paper3. In which part of a manifesto or a position paper does the writer express his/her stand about anissue which is strongly supported by evidence?A. BodyB. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Reference4. Which part of a manifesto or a position paper states the writer's vision about the issue and endswith a powerful call for action?A. BodyB. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Reference5. What represents the writer's thoughts and opinions about an issue?A. argumentB. stand/claimC. reasonD. counterclaim​






explanation: I hope it help for you, my answer.

5. 1. What type of academic writing that presents the writer's stand or viewpoint ona particular issue by outlining arguments and proposing the course of action?a. Concept Paper c. Critique Paperb. Position Paper d. Research Paper2. It is a document or letter publicly declaring the position or program, a set ofideas, opinions, or views and can also lay out a plan of action and is oftenpolitical in nature.a. Research Paper C. Abstractb. Book Review d. Manifesto3. In which part of a manifesto or a position paper where the writer expresseshis/her stand about an issue which is strongly supported by evidence?a. Introductionc. Bodyb. Conclusiond. Reference4. In which part of a manifesto or a position paper where the writer's vision aboutthe issue are stated ending with a powerful call for action?a. Introductionc. Bodyb. Conclusiond. Reference5. It represents the writer's thoughts and opinions about an issue.a. argumentC. reasonb. stand/claimd. counterclaim6. Which of the following can be used as supporting evidence?a. factual knowledge c. personal opinionb. hearsaysd. suggestion​









Hope it helps...

6. pasagot po kailangan lang please.I. Find out if the following abstract of a research paper is in keeping with your concepts about abstract writing. Write the results of your critical evaluation on the spaces provided. ABSTRACT The crucial role of language in the improvement of man’s critical thinking in this era of globalization, multiculturalism, knowledge explosion, or modern technology prodded several professionals, academicians, and graduate -school students to conduct research studies on language teaching and learning specifically, on language theories and pedagogical practices related to communicative approach and functional grammar. (Freeman &Anderson, 2012).One modern grammar theory this study assumed as the theoretical underpinning of any language teaching and learning methodology that zeroes in on critical thinking, a higher -order thinking strategy that every nation in this contemporary world needs to progress economically and politically, is the SFG or System Functional Grammar. The results showed that the ideas behind the Systematic Functional Grammar were likewise the ones applied in language teaching and learning activities infusing critical thinking. The SFG concepts : (1) multi-functionality of clauses, (2) grammar structures linked with communicative functions, (3) interactive activities, (4) contextualized exercises, (5) stressed macro-function of language, (6) exercises giving wide latitude of choice and, (7) use of discourse as the dominant language structure would trigger off critical -thinking acts like: comparing, classifying, patterning, planning, critiquing, hypothesizing, and reasoning inductively or deductively. (Bloor 1995; Eggins 1994; Halliday 1994, 2004, 2009) Validating the impact of the SFG theory on developing excellent communicators and reasonable or logical thinkers for global progress is the contribution of this paper to the field of language teaching and learning. Evaluation:​

The abstract of this research paper appears to be in keeping with the concepts of abstract writing in that it provides a clear overview of the research study and its findings. It clearly states the purpose of the study, which is to investigate the role of language in improving critical thinking through the use of the Systematic Functional Grammar (SFG) theory. The abstract also includes a summary of the key findings, which is that the SFG concepts and language teaching and learning activities can trigger critical thinking skills such as comparing, classifying, patterning, and reasoning. Finally, the abstract specifies the contribution of the paper to the field of language teaching and learning, which is the validation of the impact of the SFG theory on developing excellent communicators and logical thinkers for global progress.

7. cording toto distinguish the types of speeches according to purpose anddelivery. On the left are characterinties of the different speeches Cheek (/) theappropriate column described by each statementNote: More than one column may be selected. Use a separate sheet of paper foryour answerLegend1- informative speechPo persuasive speechE entertainment speechGence onMae manuscript apeechMe- memorlued epeechEx extemporaneous epeechIme impromptu speecho agreeDescriptionPurposeDeliveryMeMaImh wittyThe speech...1. provides the audience with a clearunderstanding of a concept or idea2. aims to convince the audience3. is delivered with limited preparation and laguided by an outline4. is delivered with no advance preparationand is usually for person knowledgeableabout the subject5. is used by theater actors6. is commonly used by candidates runningfor political office7. is employed when answering a questionabout oneself in an interview8. makes use of jokes, funny stories, and vividdescriptions.aids.hasech,9. is written in advance and should bepracticed in order to avoid monotony10. appeals to audience's emotion andprovides striking statistics that can supportthe ideason79​


informative speech


isdelivered with no advance preparation and usually for oerson knowleadgeable about the subject

8. Test 1. Choose only the letter of the correct answer1. What type of academic writing that presents the writer's stand or viewpoint on aparticular issue by outlining arguments and proposing the course of action?A. Concept PaperC. Critique PaperB. Position PaperD. Research Paper2. What do you call the document or letter publicly declaring the position orprogram, a set of ideas opinions, or views and can also lay out a plan of actionand is often political in nature?A Research PaperC. AbstractB Book ReviewD. Manifesto3. In which part of a manifesto or a position paper where the writer expresseshis/her stand about an issue which is strongly supported by evidence ?A. IntroductionC BodyB. ConclusionD. Reference4. In which part of a manifesto or a position paper where the writer's vision aboutthe issue are stated ending with a powerful call for action?A IntroductionC BodyB. ConclusionD. Reference5. What term refers to the writer's thoughts and opinions about an issue?A. argumentC. reasonB stand/claimD. counterclaim6. Which of the following can be used as supporting evidence ?A factual knowledgeC. personal opinionB. hearsaysD. suggestion7. Why position paper is challenging to write?A Because it requires too many writing activitiesB. Because it allows readers to involve themselves in giving stand.C. Because it shows credible evidences which is difficult to defend.D. Because it aims at convincing readers to take the author's position andcredible evidence needs to be presented.9. What are the essential parts of a position paper?A issue, argumentative thesis, claims and evidencesB. issue, methodology, claims and results and discussionC. background of the study, argumentative thesis, methodology, and evidencesD. background of the study, related literature, methodology, and results anddiscussion10. What is the difference between a typical essay and a position paper?A Essay needs evidences while position paper only discusses an issue,B. Essay usually discusses a topic while position paper discusses an issueC. Essay discusses two sides of an issue while position paper discusses morethan one issue.D. Essay elaborates a single topic while position paper focused on one side ofan issue with evidences​

Position papers are commonly one page in length. It is composed of a brief introduction followed by a comprehensive discussion of the writer’s position on the topic. A good position paper provides facts as well as proposals for resolutions. A position paper offers an argument about a topic. It aims to convince the audience about the topic.

Multiple Choice

These are the answers to the question about position paper:

b. position paper d. manifesto c. bodyb. conclusion b. stand/claim a. factual knowledge. d. Because it aims at convincing readers to take the author's position and credible evidence needs to be presented. a. issue, argumentative thesis, claims, and evidence B. Essay usually discusses a topic while position paper discusses an issue

Parts of a Position Paper

Below are the different parts of a position paper:

Introduction Body Conclusion

Learn more:

Importance of position paper:


9. 4. It is a helpful too for organizing your work. a. Summarizing c. Paraphrasing b.Note-taking d. Outlining 5. What does APA mean? a. Association of Psychologist in America b. American Psychological Association c. American Psychologist of America 6. The Teacher asked her students to report the topic that was assigned to them. What type of language should the students use as a mode in delivering their reports? a.Academic language c. Social language b. Colloquial language d. Business language 7. All of the following are elements of plot, except one. a Rising Action c. Analysis b. Introduction d. Climax 8.It refers to the language used by students in working on academic tasks in school. a Social language c. Business language b. Academic language d. Colloquial language 9. It refers to the language used by students in working on academic tasks in school. a.Social language c. Business language b. Academic language d. Colloquial language 10. It is also called white, is done before the submission of full proposal which is usually used in government contracting sector. a Academic paper c. Position paper b. Critique paper d. Concept paper 11. It is a system of rules enforced to govern behavior. a. Religion c. Arts b. Science d. Law 12. It means "love of wisdom" and a way to understand fundamental truths about man. a. Philosophy c. Religion b. Politics d. Science 13. All of the following are ways in paraphrasing, except one. a. Literal paraphrasing c. Alternative paraphrasing b.structural paraphrasing d.major paraphrasing​


C.Paraphrasing or D outlining

10. 1. Investigates all the possible reasons whether good or bad A. Claim of Value B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Items D. Claim of Fact 2.Asserts piece of information that is true, or a condition that exists or happens A. Claim of Value B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Items D. Claim of Fact 3. All are part of a Reaction paper EXCEPT. A. Body B. Introduction C. Critical Evaluation D. Conclusion 4. Provides a solution to the problem A. Claim of Value B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Items D. Claim of Fact 5. Approach in critiquing that focuses concerned with differences between economic classes. A. Feminist criticism or feminism B. Formalism C Marxist D. Reader response criticism 6. Kind of critiquing approach that focuses on connection to other literature, mythological or biblical allusions, symbols, character and themes utilized by the masterpiece A. Sociological Approach B. Formalism C Archetypal Approach D. Reader response criticism 7. Approach in critiquing that focuses on the text itself, literary works contain intrinsic properties and treats each work as a distinct work of art A. Feminist criticism or feminism B. Formalism C Marxist D. Reader response criticism 8. Is a form of paper writing in which the writer expresses his ideas and opinions about what has been read or seen. A. Critique paper B. Concept paper C. Research paper D. Review paper 9. Which statement is correct? A. The reference page is placed in the middle part of any report. B All citation styles has the same format. C. Each citation style is designed for a specific area where it is commonly used D. None of the above 10. Approach in critiquing concerned with the reviewer’s reaction as an audience of a work A. Feminist criticism or feminism B. Formalism C Marxist D. Reader Response 11. Reflects primarily on the author’s life and the political, economic and sociological context of his time A. Psychological Criticism B. Formalism C. Reader Response D. Historical or Biographical 12. Which is NOT an example of organization as author? A. Malacañang, 2020 B. Department of Health, 2020 C. Inter-Agency Task Force, 2020 D. Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, 2020 13. A statement that studies and explain the challenges that it will face. A. Psychological Criticism B. Formalism C. Reader Response D. Feminism 14It is a careful analysis of an argument, it is a systematic, yet has personal response and evaluation. A. Critique paper B. Concept paper C. Research paper D. Review paper


1. Investigates all the possible reasons whether good or bad

A. Claim of Value

B. Claim of Policy

C. Claim of Items

D. Claim of Fact

2.Asserts piece of information that is true, or a condition that exists or happens

A. Claim of Value

B. Claim of Policy

C. Claim of Items

D. Claim of Fact

3. All are part of a Reaction paper EXCEPT.

A. Body

B. Introduction

C. Critical Evaluation

D. Conclusion

4. Provides a solution to the problem

A. Claim of Value

B. Claim of Policy

C. Claim of Items

D. Claim of Fact

5. Approach in critiquing that focuses concerned with differences between economic classes.

A. Feminist criticism or feminism

B. Formalism

C Marxist

D. Reader response criticism

6. Kind of critiquing approach that focuses on connection to other literature, mythological or biblical allusions, symbols, character and themes utilized by the masterpiece

A. Sociological Approach

B. Formalism

C Archetypal Approach

D. Reader response criticism

7. Approach in critiquing that focuses on the text itself, literary works contain intrinsic properties and treats each work as a distinct work of art

A. Feminist criticism or feminism

B. Formalism

C Marxist

D. Reader response criticism

8. Is a form of paper writing in which the writer expresses his ideas and opinions about what has been read or seen.

A. Critique paper

B. Concept paper

C. Research paper

D. Review paper

9. Which statement is correct?

A. The reference page is placed in the middle part of any report.

B All citation styles has the same format.

C. Each citation style is designed for a specific area where it is commonly used

D. None of the above

10. Approach in critiquing concerned with the reviewer’s reaction as an audience of a work

A. Feminist criticism or feminism

B. Formalism

C Marxist

D. Reader Response

11. Reflects primarily on the author’s life and the political, economic and sociological context of his time

A. Psychological Criticism

B. Formalism

C. Reader Response

D. Historical or Biographical

12. Which is NOT an example of organization as author?

A. Malacañang, 2020

B. Department of Health, 2020

C. Inter-Agency Task Force, 2020

D. Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, 2020

13. A statement that studies and explain the challenges that it will face.

A. Psychological Criticism

B. Formalism

C. Reader Response

D. Feminism

14It is a careful analysis of an argument, it is a systematic, yet has personal response and evaluation.

A. Critique paper

B. Concept paper

C. Research paper

D. Review paper


11. Ctit pertains to stories that are imagined or not true A. Oprah Winfrey 2. responsible for financing and handling the cost of production B. Columnist N 3. delivers the news in a studio C. Fiction D Writer 4. employs a creative and literary style 5. it is based on facts and reality E. Non-fiction 6. writes papers that are more scholarly and academic in nature F. Publisher 7 someone who writes his opinion, insights and "G. Kris Aquino commentaries about political or social issues 8. Can be written in script using the Roman alphabet H. Reporter 9. the one who is in charge of the overall concept 1. Jessica Soho of the material in terms of art, designs and graphics 10 well known all over the world as great talk show J. Text Information host who produced her own show 11. an Emmy Award-winning talk show host known K Ellen DeGeneres for being funny and good-natured 12. is sent to cover an event and give the feedback to the audience L Blogger 13 one of the most visible figures on television M. Art Director 14 writes personal opinions about issues or topics that interest him N News Anchor​


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