Examples Of Man Made Ecosystem

Examples Of Man Made Ecosystem

and are example of man-made ecosystem​

Daftar Isi

1. and are example of man-made ecosystem​





Fish Pond

2. 8._________ and __________ are examples of man-made ecosystem?​


greenhouses and aquariums are man-made ecosystems.


aquarium and zoo's

# pa follow po ty and pa brainliest po ty

3. two examples of man made ecosystem​


Garden and Aquarium



It is of two types, natural ecosystem and artificial or man made ecosystem. Examples of natural ecosystem include forest, aquatic ecosystem. Examples of man made ecosystem includes aquarium, zoo, botanical garden. In man made ecosystem, the plants and animals grow or survive outside their natural habitat in an artificial environment.

4. Which of the following is an example of man-made ecosystem? a. Tubattaha Reefb. Night Safaric. Pacific Oceand. Manila Ocean Park​

letter d and b



D po



5. can you think of example of natural and man made ecosystem found in your area?​


An ecosystem, which is created and maintained by human beings, is called artificial or man- made ecosystem. Some examples of man- made ecosystem are aquarium, garden, agriculture, apiary, poultry, piggery etc.

#Carry on learning


6. 1. Which of the following is an example of a man made ecosystem?A. ZOOB. grassland C. rain forest D. hills2. Which of the following is a natural ecosystem?​


1. A ZOO


7. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answer onthe blank before each number.1.Corals are living organisms found in shallow and tropical seas.2.Ecosystem can be destroyed by human activities.3.Artificial ecosystems are man-made and manually or artificially maintained.4. Mangroves, coral reefs, and rainforest are examples of ecosystem.5.Destroying the ecosystem can harm humans and other forms of organism.6. Competition between organisms in order to survive happened in an environment7. If there are no mangroves forest, then the sea will have no meaning.8. Coral reefs is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world.9. Mangroves swamps are found along tropical seacoasts on both sides ofthe equator.10. When both organisms benefit from each other, their relationship is calledpredation​

Estuaries provide us with a wide range of resources, benefits, and services.

Estuaries provide places for habitat of valuable species of plants and animals,

recreational activities, scientific study, important centers for transportation,

and international commerce. Estuaries are irreplaceable natural resources

that must be managed carefully for the mutual benefit of all who enjoy and

demand on them.

• Estuaries rank among the most productive ecosystems on earth, but

they are also subject to considerable ecological degradation associated with the

loss and alteration of habitats and impairment of water quality due to multiple

anthropogenic and natural drivers of change

• Escalating population growth, urban and industrial development,

modification of coastal watersheds and estuarine basins, pollution inputs, and

overharvest of recreational and commercial species can threaten the system

structure and function and the sustainability of the system resources.

• Putting coconut fiber mat, planting marsh grass, and Mussels bed are

some activities that protect our estuaries and intertidal environment.

Why is the Intertidal Zone Important?

The intertidal or littoral zone maintains a balance between the land and the

sea. It provides a home to specially adapted marine plants and animals. Those

organisms, in turn, serve as food for many other animals.

The intertidal zone also staves off erosion caused by storms. Oyster reefs are

one such example of a protective feature. This helps protect the structures built

by people.

The intertidal zone is also an important indicator for climate change on marine


The intertidal zone is a delicate ecosystem, threatened by rising sea levels due

to climate change. Development by humans threatens the intertidal zone as


Changes in temperature due to climate change also threaten the organisms


The intertidal zone is also susceptible to pollution and trash. When you explore a

beach, rocky shores or tide pools, leave shells for the hermit crabs. Collect any

trash you see. Volunteer to help conserve this fascinating ecosystem.

• Estuaries serve as the breeding ground of organisms that play a vital role

in the balance of nature.

• There are so many ways in protecting and conserving our estuaries but

the simplest and easiest way to conserve is to conserve water and native

plants which do not require fertilizers.

• According to study, the economy of many coastal areas is based primarily

on the natural beauty and bounty of estuaries. When those natural

resources are imperiled, so are the livelihoods of those who live and work

in estuarine watersheds.

• The use of fertilizers, sewage from falling septic tanks, pet waste,

wastewater discharge from industrial facilities, sediment from construction

sites, and the rapid increase in population are the main reasons that

makes estuarine system imbalance.


1 true











tama po iyan

ihope its help

carry on learing

8. REVIEW/ MOTIVATIONDIRECTIONS: Ecosystem classification: Classify theecosystems below into natural or man-made ecosystem. WriteN if it is an example of natural and M if it is man-madeecosystem. Write your answer in your Science ActivityNotebook1. ocean2. pond3. orchidarium4. sea5. rivers6. terrarium7. aquarium8. lakes9. forest10. rice fieldkûńg hìńđì ńÿö àlam wag nyo na sagutan ha auto report na ha​




hope it helps:)

Correct me if Im wrongAnswer:1.N2.M3.N4.N5.N6.M7.M8.N9.N10.M


9. Which of the following is an example of a man made ecosystem?A. zooB. grasslandC. rain forestD. hillspasagot po​




kasi po marami po doon makikita brainliest po

A. Zoo

Examples of man-made ecosystems are orchards, home aquarium, zoo, botanical gardens and park. These ecosystems are sustained by human interventions. Aquarium and zoo ecosystem, for example, cannot survive without the care of humans. Man-made ecosystems are created for specific purposes.

10. ACTIVITY 1. LIST AND CATEGORIZE DIRECTIONS: In the table below, provide 3 examples of environmental resistance and categorize them into diseases availability of food and predatorDISEASE 1.2.3.AVAILABILITY OF FOOD1.2.3.PREDATOR1.2.3.ACTIVITY 2. EXPLORING YOUR ECOSYSTEMDIRECTIONS: following the procedures below, write your observations in the space provide. procedures:1. Go around your community and select one natural or man made/artificial ecosystem. (note: if no observable animals in the area, you can include humans in the ecosystem). 2. You can take pictures to have a picture of the ecosystem that you will describe3. Take note of pollution, human intervention that may affect the ecosystem.4. Observe any environmental resistance that may limit the population of organisms living in the ecosystem 5. Write your observations in the box provided.​



2. lungs cancer

3.bone cancer

11. II. Choose the letter of the correct answer.6. It a place where animals or plants live.A. ecology B. habitat C. niche D. community7. Group of plants and animals of different species living in the same environment.A. ecosystem B. population C. communityD. habitat8. Group of plants and animals of the same species living in the same environment.A. ecosystem B. population C. communityD. habitat9. Forest and desert are examples ofA. land habitat B. water habitat C. aerial habitatD. man-made habitat10. Pond and oceans are examples ofA. land habitat B. water habitat C. aerial habitatD. man-made habitat​








pa heart and follow, salamat

12. 1. Which of the following is an example of a man made ecosystem? A. ZooB. GrasslandC. Rain ForestD. Hill's2. Which of the following is a natural ecosystem?A. Corn Field B. DamC. SwampD. Zoo3 Which is an example of a biotic factor in an ecosystem?A. Decomposers B. RocksC. WaterD. Temperature4. This is the shady lower of the part of a rain Forest.A. CanopyB. FloorC. Sub Canopy D. Understory 5. What is the main reason for the diminishing coral reef area in the Philippines?A. Climate Change B. DeforestationC. Dynamite Fishing D. Erosion6. This a type of circular reef system where it is roughly sorrounded w lagoon?A. AtollB. Barrier ReefC. Fringing Reef D.Lagoon7. Coral reefs are made up of __A. Algae B. LimestoneC. Rocks D. Sand 8. Which of these is called the 'Rain forest Sea' ?A. Beach B. Coral Reef C. Estuary D. Lagoon 9. An environment where both living and non-living exist continuously.A. EcosystemB. Coral ReefC. Rain Forest D. Corn Plantation10. Which is a function of mangrove roots?A. Filter out sands B. Build-up shady parts C. Absorb and store sugar from the water D. Remove impurities and pollutants from water ​


1 a




yan lNg alm ko kase ambubo mo sa ap

13. List five examples of man made ecosystems​


zoo, aquarium,dam,fish farm,crop Field








These ecosystems are sustained by human interventions. Aquarium and zoo ecosystem, for example, cannot survive without the care of humans.


14. Which of the following is an example of a man made ecosystem?








15. 1.which ofthe folliwing is an example of a man made ecosystem


-Some examples of man- made ecosystem are:aquariumgardenagricultureapiarypoultry piggery


An ecosystem, which is created and maintained by human beings, is called artificial or man- made ecosystem. Some examples of man- made ecosystem are aquarium, garden, agriculture, apiary, poultry, piggery

What are examples of man made ecosystems?

Examples of man-made ecosystems are orchards, home aquarium, zoo, botanical gardens and park. These ecosystems are sustained by human interventions. Aquarium and zoo ecosystem, for example, cannot survive without the care of humans. Man-made ecosystems are created for specific purposes.






16. TRUE OR FALSE.1.ecosystem can be natural or man-made.2. mutualism is a type of relationship where only one organism is benefited.3.coral reef is a man made example of ecosystem4.biotic component of ecosystem refers to the non living things5. in the relationship of snake and rat,the snake is the predator and the rat is the prey.​












17. certain term are used in ecology to provide a consistent description of conditions and events. A population refers to all the members of a given species that live in a Certain terms are used in ecology to provide a consistent description of conditions population of maple trees, a population of beech trees, a population of deer, and particular location. For example, a beech-maple forest will contain a population a population of other species of plants and animals. All the plant and animal populations living and interacting in given environment are known as community. The living community and the nonliving environment work together in a cooperative ecological system known as ecosystem. An ecosystem has no size requirement or set boundaries. A forest, a pond and a field are examples of ecosystems. So is an unused city lot, a small aquarium, the lawn in front of a residential dwelling, or a crack inside walk All these examples reflect areas where interaction is taking place between living organism and the nonliving environment. 30. Which sentence in the paragraph expresses the main idea? A. first C. last B. second D. none of the above 31. The following are examples of ecosystem, except: A. A population of plants and animals in the pond. B. residential parking lot with a sidewalk C. a man-made forest 32. Which are the following concepts was not defined in the paragra A. community C. interaction B. ecosystem D. population 34. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an ecosystem? A. The living community works with non-living environment B. It has definite size and fixed boundaries. C. It contains populations and communities. D. A cooperative ecological system exists.​


Can u post this question again?


Ndi ko masyado naiiintindihan kung ano ang sasagutan ko








18. 1.What do you call the factors that include rainfall, temperature and water? 2.What do you call the marine biome that compose also of fishes, mollusks, cnidarians? 3.What do you call the marine biome that compose also of fishes, mollusks, cnidarians? 4.What type of interaction or relationship when big fishes eat small fishes? A. Mutualism B. Commensalism C. Predation d.Competition 5.Ecosystem should remain a balance population of both producers and consumers. Which organisms are directly affected if the population plants decrease? * 1 point A. carnivores B. predators C. decomposers D. herbivores 6.Our environment has been suffering from destruction due to human activities and leads to loss of habitat. Which among these activities will restore their habitat? * A. Buying products made from the body parts of animals. B. Building man made sanctuaries C. Mangrove rehabilitation D. Deforestation 7.An ecosystem has different organisms that may serve as producers, consumers, or decomposers. Which among these examples is considered as the producer in the coral reef ecosystem? * 1 point A. algae B. coral C. mangrove D. small fish


Abiotic factorsmarine ecosystemmarine ecosystemc. predationd. herbivore'sC. Mangrove rehabilitationA. algae


19. 2. What is a man-made ecosystem? Give examples​


An ecosystem is a community of living and non-living factors. ... Man-made ecosystems, on the other hand, are created to copy the conditions of natural ecosystem. Examples of man-made ecosystems are orchards, home aquarium, zoo, botanical gardens and park. These ecosystems are sustained by human interventions

20. . Define the following terms: 1. Ecosystem 2. Natural ecosystem 3. Man-made ecosystem 4. Abiotic component 5. Biotic component 6. Producers 7. Consumers 8. Decomposer 9. Living things 10. Non-living things 11. Mutualism 12. Commensalism 13. Predation 14. Parasitism 15. Prey 16. Predator 17.commensal 18.competition 19. Carnivores 20. Herbivores 21. Omnivores 22. Insectivores B. 1- 5 examples of biotic components 6-10 examples of abiotic components 11-15 examples of consumers 16-20 examples of producers 21-22 examples of decomposers 23- 27 examples of carnivores 28-32 examples of omnivores 33-37 examples of herbivores 38-40 examples of insectivores


1.An ecosystem is all the living things, from plants and animals to microscopic organisms, that share an environment. Everything in an ecosystem has an important role. Well, almost everything.

2.A natural ecosystem is the result of interactions between organisms and the environment. For example, an ocean is classified as a marine ecosystem, which consists of algae, consumers and decomposers

3.An ecosystem, which is created and maintained by human beings, is called artificial or man- made ecosystem. Some examples of man- made ecosystem are aquarium, garden, agriculture, apiary, poultry, piggery etc.

4.In biology and ecology, abiotic components or abiotic factors are non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment that affect living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems.

5.Biotic components are living organisms in an ecosystem. A biotic factor is a living organism that affects another organism in its ecosystem. Examples include plants and animals that the organism consumes as food, and animals that consume the organism.

6.Producers are organisms that make their own food; they are also known as autotrophs. They get energy from chemicals or the sun, and with the help of water, convert that energy into useable energy in the form of sugar, or food.

7.A consumer in a food chain is a living creature that eats organisms from a different population. A consumer is a heterotroph and a producer is an autotroph. Both are organisms that obtain energy from other living things.

8.Decomposers are organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms; they carry out decomposition, a process possible by only certain kingdoms, such as fungi.

9.A living thing pertains to any organism or a life form that possesses or shows the characteristics of life or being alive.

10.A non-living thing in biology means any form without life, such as an inanimate body or object. Compared with the entity that has life, a non-living thing lacks the features that characterize a living thing.

11.Mutualism describes the ecological interaction between two or more species where each species has a net benefit. Mutualism is a common type of ecological interaction.

12.commensalism, in biology, a relationship between individuals of two species in which one species obtains food or other benefits from the other without either harming or benefiting the latter.

13.Predation is a biological interaction where one organism, the predator, kills and eats another organism, its prey. It is one of a family of common feeding behaviours that includes parasitism and micropredation and parasitoidism

14.Parasitism is a close relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life.

15.an animal hunted or seized for food, especially by a carnivorous animal.

16.an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals : an animal that preys on other animals.

17.Commensalism is a long-term biological interaction in which members of one species gain benefits while those of the other species neither benefit nor are harmed.

18.the act or process of trying to get or win something (such as a prize or a higher level of success) that someone else is also trying to get or win : the act or process of competing.

19.A carnivore, meaning "meat eater", is an animal whose food and energy requirements derive solely from animal products whether through hunting or scavenging.

20.A herbivore is an animal anatomically and physiologically adapted to eating plant material, for example foliage or marine algae, for the main component of its diet.

21.An omnivore is an organism that eats plants and animals. The term stems from the Latin words omnis, meaning “all or everything,” and vorare, meaning “to devour or eat.”

22.An insectivore is a carnivorous plant or animal that eats insects. An alternative term is entomophage, which can also refer to the human practice of eating insects. The first vertebrate insectivores were amphibians.

B.Examples of Biotic components1.Aquatic plant2.Fish3.Algae4.Deer5.AmphibiansExamples of Abiotic components6.Water7.Temperature8.Sunlight9.Soil10.Atmosphere

Examples of consumers11.Omnivores12.Carnivores13.Herbivores14.Decomposers15.Producers

Examples of producer16.Grass17.Moss18.Flowers19.Weeds20.Flowers

Examples of decomposers21.Bacteria22.Fungi23.Termite24.Mold25.Millipede

Examples of carnivores26.Felidae27.Canidae28.Bears29.Mustelids30.Hyenas

Examples of omnivores31.Humans32.Birds33.Dogs34.Raccoons35.Foxes

Examples of herbivores36.Squirrels37.Elk38.Cows39.Buffalo40.Rabbits

Examples of insectivores1.Frogs2.Carp3.Bats4.Spiders5.Pangolins


21. which of the following is NOT an example of man-made ecosystem?A. AquariumB. ForestC. GardenD. Terrarium​


which of the following is NOT an example of man-made


A. Aquarium

B. Forest

C. Garden

D. Terrarium


B. Forest

Forest is naturally from ecosystem and not made by Man


22. list five examples of man made ecosystem


An ecosystem, which is created and maintained by human beings, is called artificial or man- made ecosystem. Some examples of man- made ecosystem are aquarium, garden, agriculture, apiary, poultry, piggery etc.


pabrainliest po

23. PROCESS QUESTIONS:1. What is Biological Components?2. What composes ecological concepts?3. Differentiate a terrestrial from aquatic system.4. Cite examples of man-made ecosystems.​


1.The biological component includes the plants, animals, insects, earthworms, nematodes, arthropods, protozoa, fungi, and bacteria that live in the soil. The biological community is a very important component of soil health

2.In ecology, ecosystems are composed of organisms, the communities they comprise, and the non-living aspects of their environment. The four main levels of study in ecology are the organism, population, community, and ecosystem. Ecosystem processes are those that sustain and regulate the environment.

3.Terrestrial ecosystems are ecosystems found only in land; these include tropical rainforests, deserts, grasslands, deciduous forests, tundra, and taiga. Aquatic ecosystems are ecosystems found in bodies of water; these include lakes, rivers, ponds, wetlands, oceans, and seas.

4.Examples of man-made ecosystems are orchards, home aquarium, zoo, botanical gardens and park.

24. II. Choose the letter of the correct answer. ________1. It a place where animals or plants live. A. ecology B. habitat C. niche D. community ________2. Group of plants and animals of different species living in the same environment. A. ecosystem B. population C. community D. habitat ________3. Group of plants and animals of the same species living in the same environment. A. ecosystem B. population C. community D. habitat ________4. Forest and desert are examples of _________________. A. land habitat B. water habitat C. aerial habitat D. man-made habitat ________5. Pond and oceans are examples of _______________. A. land habitat B. water habitat C. aerial habitat D. man-made habitat​





4.A.land habitat

5.B.water habitat

Hope it helps


#Lets Study

25. 1. Which of the following describes abiotic component? A. It has a living and non–living organism. B. It is a living organism in an ecosystem. C. It is a non–living thing in an ecosystem. D. It is an organism that lives in an ecosystem.2. The following are examples of abiotic components of an ecosystem EXCEPT . A. bird C. sunlight B. rock D. water 3. Why is water said to be universal solvent? A. It dissolves some substances. B. It dissolves almost all substances. C. It is dissolved by some substances. D. It is dissolved by almost all substances.4. How important is oxygen to the living things? A. It is important since we can live without it. B. It is important since it is used in the process of photosynthesis. C. It is important since we cannot produce carbon dioxide without it. D. It is important since it is used by our cells in the process of respiration. 5. Which is the main source of energy on Earth? A. Moonlight C. Sunlight B. Radiation D. Ultraviolet rays6. Which abiotic components influence the survival of plants and animals that living in a certain location? A. Boulder, Pebbles, Sand C. Nitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen B. Minerals, Nutrients, Rocks D. Temperature, Water, Soil 7. What abiotic component is made up of small particles of rock mixed with decomposed living things like animals? A. Oxygen C. Temperature B. Soil D. Water 8. Which of the following statements show the importance of the abiotic components of ecosystem? I. It decreases the biodiversity. II. It supports the living organisms. III. It replaces the biotic components. IV. It helps shape healthy ecosystems. A. I, II, III C. I, III, IV B. I, II, IV D. II, III, IV 9. Which of the following is NOT a natural disturbance to the abiotic components in an ecosystem? A. disease C. land clearing B. earthquake D. typhoon10. Which of the following is a man–made disturbance to the abiotic components of an ecosystem? A. climate change C. migration B. earthquake D. typhoon​


1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. C

6. A.

7. B.

8. C.

9. A

10. B


hope it helps


26. Name at least 3 examples of man made ecosystem and state ways on how to take care of each.


Examples of ecosystems are: agroecosystem, aquatic ecosystem, coral reef, desert, forest, human ecosystem, littoral zone, marine ecosystem, prairie, rainforest, savanna, steppe, taiga, tundra, urban ecosystem and others.


‘yan po ba? correct me if im wrong.

27. Before you start studying this module, take this simple test to find out what you knowabout the topics in this module.NameDateGrade and SectionDirections. Read and understand each item. Choose the letter of the correct answerWrite your answer on a sheet of paper.1. Which of the following is an example of a man made ecosystem?A. ZOOB. grassland C. rain forestD. hills2. Which of the following is a natural ecosystem?A corn fieldB. damC. swampD. zoo3. Which is an example of a biotic factor in an ecosystem?A decomposers B. rocksC. waterD. temperatur4. This is the shady lower part of a rain forest.A canopyB. floorC. sub canopyD. understory5. What is the main reason for the diminishing coral reef area in the PhilippineA. climate change B. deforestation c. dynamite fishing D. erosion​


1. Zoo

2. Swamp

3. Decomposers

4. Floor

5. Dynamite fishing

28. True or False1.Organisms of the same kind constitute a biological population.2.In studying a biotic community, the focus is on the relationship between the biotic and abiotic community and the physical environment meaning between the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystem.3.Autotrophs are organisms can make their own food, either with the use of light energy or with the chemical energy.4.The abiotic components of the ecosystem include: climate,soil and topography.5.Wildlife sanctuary is an example of man-made ecosystem only.pa help thank you:)​


true false false true true







29. Fill in the blanks 1 are also called autotrophs. 2. The role a species occupies in its habitat is its 3. is a measure of an ecosystem's stability 4. is the practice of cutting and burning trees in order to tum a forested area into an agricultural land 5. Coral reefs are made from skeletons of 6. are the trees commonly found in our country's rain forests. 7 serves as a primary food source for marine animals such as dugong and sea turtles. 8. and are examples of man-made ecosystems. 9. Air, water, and soil are examples of components in an ecosystem. 10 takes place when a community is replaced by another community in an ecosystem.HELLLLPPPP² GUYSSSSS.​


Biteable, we like to think we know a thing or two about creating great video commercials and ads. For fun, we decided to pool together some of our favourite commercials of all time to provide inspiration for your next video ad.

What makes a great TV commercial or video ad?

Since the very first television commercial ran — for $9 — more than 75 years ago, television advertising has grown into a $75 billion/year industry. Though TV’s market share has dropped as many viewers cut the cord, internet advertising has ensured that video ads are more popular than ever.

So what does it take to make a good ad? Well, as you’ll see in the examples below, there are a few common traits the best commercials share.

They’re memorable: From “Wassup!” to “Where’s the Beef?” the most successful ads have a way of ingraining themselves in your memory (whether you want them to or not!) Today’s average urbanite sees some 5000 advertising messages in a single day. Your job, as an advertiser, is to cut through the noise and stand out with a message that’s relevant, different, and effectively represents your brand identity.

They’re shareworthy: For maximum exposure, your ad should make people want to talk about it with other people, both in real life and on social media. Usually the ads that inspire that kind of dialogue have elicited some kind of emotional reaction: they’re funny, shocking, weird, or emotionally touching.

They communicate the brand’s values: The best ads capture the brand’s voice and identity, and communicate the ethos behind the company. Your audience should watch the ad and think, “this brand is for people like me.”

Call to action: Lastly, an effective commercial makes it clear what it wants you to do next, whether it’s to visit a website, lease a car, or buy some candy. While some advertisers skip this step, incorporating the brand more subtly or focusing on awareness, you can really only get away with this if you’re already a household name like Nike or Apple.

Create your perfect video in minutes

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Make a video — it’s free!

Funniest Commercials

Let’s get this out of the way: humor is hard. What’s hilarious to one person might be downright annoying to another. When it’s effective, a funny ad can grab attention and inspire positive feelings for a brand. But a joke that falls flat can do the opposite, or even inspire a negative backlash.

Moreover, experts are split on whether even a hilarious, popular ad will actually translate to increased revenue and awareness. In some cases, a funny ad can cause a so-called “vampire effect” in which viewers remember the ad, but not the product or company it’s associated with.

The key, it seems, is to strike just the right balance between being funny, relevant, and informative. Here are some of the most effective, and funniest commercials we’ve seen:

Old Spice: “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” (2010)

When Old Spice realized that women made the majority of purchasing decisions when it came to men’s body wash products, they took a different approach with their next campaign. While the tagline “don’t let your man smell like a woman,” might not fly these days, the genuinely funny non-sequitur dialogue and Isaiah Mustafa’s perfect delivery made it a massive hit.

Old Spice’s ad was perhaps the pinnacle of the absurdist, unpredictable, meme-able humor many advertisers have embraced, in hopes of creating a viral hit. And it worked. The ad took home nearly every major industry award that year and currently stands at over 55 million views on YouTube. Old Spice, meanwhile, has continued to hone their off-beat brand voice with a hugely popular follow-up campaign starring actor Terry Crews.

Reebok: “Terry Tate, Office Linebacker” (2003)

Slapstick violence: since the earliest days of comedy it’s been a foolproof way to make ‘em laugh. Reebok’s Super Bowl XXXVII ad had plenty, along with an amusing premise (boosting office productivity), an element of surprise, and solid one-liners and delivery.

The spot was roundly praised by critics and viewers alike that year, though whether it actually succeeded in boosting Reebok’s brand is questionable. According to one poll after it aired, just 55% of viewers recalled that the ad was affiliated with Reebok. Though Reebok considered it nonetheless a success, citing a 4-fold increase in online sales, it’s still a good reminder to consider whether misaligned subject matter may cause your ad to become a victim of the

30. 2. Coral reefs ecosystem is an interactive area of coral reef development. What do you think is the role of coral reefs in this ecosystem? A. It serves as tourist attraction. B. It provides a shallow part of the water. C. It contains minerals that are deposited under water. D. It serves as the habitat, hatchery, and nursery of different marine animals. 3. Why do mangrove plants survive in salty water? A. It has roots that can filter salt water and excrete salt in their leaves B. It has roots that are often exposed above water. C. It has strong trunk and roots. D. It can filter sea water. 4. An ecosystem has different organisms that may serve as producers, consumers, or decomposers. Which among these examples is considered as the producer in the coral reef ecosystem? A. algaeB. coral C. mangrove D. small fish 5. Our government has been pushing different activities to protect and conserve our ecosystem. What do you think is the goal of the government? A. To maintain the biodiversity of the area. B. To control the extinction of animals. C. To expand the protected areas. D. To increase trees population. 6. In an ecosystem each living and non-living thing plays a big role, what do you think is the role of crustaceans like crabs in the mangrove ecosystem? A. They attach themselves to the roots of mangroves. B. They help break down leaf litter through grazing. C. They serve as food of other animals. D. They find food in the water. 7. Ecosystem is composed of different living organisms and its environment. Why do you think an ecosystem should have different kinds of organisms? A. To support the greatest variety of organisms over the longest period. B. To support the abiotic components of the environment. C. To protect the biotic components of the environment D. To provide food for the plants. 8. Our environment has been suffering from destruction due to human activities and leads to loss of habitat. Which among these activities will help restore their habitat? A. Buying products made from the body parts of animals. B. Building man made sanctuaries. C. Mangrove rehabilitation D. Deforestation 12​






6.a or c




hope it helps poヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ


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