Example Of Monologue About Love

Example Of Monologue About Love

Monologue about the lovely bones

1. Monologue about the lovely bones

If it is self made this is my work.

I am Susie Salmon yeah my surname is like the fish, the salmon. A fourteen year old who got murdered and raped. I was so heart broken to see my family suffer and grieve almost everyday because of my passing. I couldn't do anything about it for I couldn't touch them nor talk to them, I can only watch and hear them. Like them all I want is justice before the light would finally fetch me. And after all of the efforts and perseverance of my family especially daddy and my sister they got a clue about my murderer that it's our old man neighbor. But despite this he was still on the loose and was targeting teenagers who ran away from home. But I guess his time just expired and justice was served when he's about to attempt another attack, but is foiled by a falling icicle. He plunges to his death into a ravine. Then now I could finally found peace of mind knowing that I now got the justice that we wanted and my family is now alright. That's why I also love a photo for it captures a moment before it is gone.

2. Give an example about about monologue


A better example of monologue is Polonius


Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls!

Tonight, your faces will glow with wonder

As you witness some of the greatest acts ever seen in the ring!

Beauties and beasts, giants and men, dancers and daredevils

Will perform before your very eyes

Some of the most bold and wondrous stunts

You’ve yet beheld!

Watch, now,

Step-by-step explanation:

3. Give an example about monologue


A monologue involves one character speaking to another. A better example of a monologue is Polonius' speech to his son, Laertes, before Laertes goes to France. Here, he gives advice for how Laertes should conduct himself overseas.

4. Monologue about Heneral Luna


Heneral Antonio Luna was a great Filipino general, patriot, and revolutionary who played a crucial role in the Philippine Revolution against the Spanish colonial rule, and the Philippine-American War that followed. He was a man of great intelligence, strategic thinking, and courage who fought tirelessly for the freedom and independence of the Philippines.

Despite his contributions to the Philippine revolution, Heneral Luna was a controversial figure. He was known for his short temper, impatience, and his tendency to speak his mind, which often got him into trouble with his fellow revolutionaries and government officials.

But despite his flaws, Heneral Luna remained true to his principles and convictions. He believed that the Filipino people needed to work together and put aside their personal differences to achieve their common goal of independence. He also believed in the importance of discipline, hard work, and education as the keys to building a strong and successful nation.

Heneral Luna's legacy continues to inspire many Filipinos to this day. His commitment to the cause of Philippine independence

5. what was the monologue all about?​



In theatre, a monologue is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience. Monologues are common across the range of dramatic media, as well as in non-dramatic media such as poetry.

6. monologue about the world​


ang monologue about the world ay tayung lahat ay masayahin

7. 2 sentence of monologue about book


exterior monologue speaks to another person.

interior monologue speaks for himself

8. long monologue example


dramatic monologue

operatic monologue

comic monologue



pa brainliests po

9. example of happy monologue​


speech to his son, Laertes, before Laertes goes to France. Here, he gives advice for how Laertes should conduct himself overseas.


pa brainliest

10. dramatic monologue about the story of keesh

MONOLOGUE ( don't forget to give me credits)

KEESH: Hi! I’m keesh only son of Bok

Person 1: Then, who cares about you?

Keesh: Did you even forget what my father did to save us?

Person 1: Please, settle up yourself and go to sleep.

Keesh: My father left this world with dignity to save us. Do yo even foerget me?

Person 1: Nah…Nah… Go on!

Keesh: My father is a great hunterwho brings meat suitable for every one.

Person 1: You may talk to the council.

Keesh: If you don’t care, we’ll I will go to the forest and hunt for food.

Person 1: okay! If that so…

Keesh: I must go on.

(They Laughed)

Keesh: I believe that If I come back here, I bring lot of meat for everyone.

(Four days later)

Person 1: What happened to keesh right now! I never see him anymore.

Person 2: I never hear anything about him too.

Person 3: I think he died for coldness of the climate or being killed by a wild animals there.

Person 4: Let us not to think about him.

(Keesh appeared with an enormous burden of freshly-killed meat over his shoulders)

Person 2: Hey everyone it’s Keesh!

Person 3: What happened to you out there.

Person 1: Look at those enormous meat he bring.

Keesh: I think its enough for everyone survival. My journey is success.

Person 4: What kind of meat did you bring?

Keesh: It is an entire Polar Bear!

Person 1: OH! That’s amazing

Narrator: The villagers were stunned by this boy having endured the elements and succeeded in his quest, became suspicious. After several more hunting excursions on Keesh’s part, all alone and all resulting in enormous amounts of meat for the tribe, the villagers begin whispering that Keesh is undoubtedly practicing witchcraft.

Person 1: I think Keesh is practicing witchcraft.

Person 2: Maybe he used of some kind of black powers so he always succeed in his journey.

Person 3: Oh my! It’s terrible!

Person 4: Stop it guys! We should be loyal for keesh! Can you imagine? He always give us enough food to survive.

Person 2: Yeah that’s right.

Person 4: let’s stop these false accusation.

Person 3: We should be good to Keesh starting today.

Narrator: After more speculation and Inuendo as to the source of Keesh’s hunting powers, it was decided to send two scouts to follow him on a hunting exhibition. They returned several days later, having been successful in trailing Keesh to his kill, an enormous (and dangerous) polar bear. They told a tale that the tribal council simply couldn’t believe. Upon his return, the tribe gathered in Keesh’s igloo to accuse him of witchcraft.

Person 3: You’re horrible!

Person 4: You witchcraft! How can you bring enormous meat  when you go hunting? Is that because you have black magic?

Keesh: How could you all accuse me like that! I’m not witchcraft and also I don’t have any black magic.

             I respect you all for forgotten my father and his family. Is this you can paid us for the good deeds                         

             we brought to make us survive?

Person 1: If it’s so… How can slay all those huge polar bears everytime you go hunting? You don’t even

                  get any scratch from it!

Narrator: He answered their charges well. Keesh explained the source of his hunting success. He explained why the         two scouts sent to follow him observed him striding up to the bear, enraging it, and convincing it to follow him. He explained why the scouts witnessed his leaving small round balls of food on the ice for the bear, and why the bear soon became ill, and deranged. He explained how he was then able to spear the bear without endangering himself.






11. monologue examples english

What are determiners

12. monologue about economics​

The economics of the performing arts is a subdiscipline of economics that focuses on the workings of the performing arts as an economic activity. Mainstream neoclassical economics dominates this scientific arena and subsumes under its principles the phenomena that are observed in the field. The ideal of theoretical unification underlies the endeavours of economists, so the aim is to apply the derivational patterns used for other industries also to the performing arts. This does not allow for the inclusion of much specific information coming from the pratice itself, so many idiosyncrasies of the performing arts are left out of consideration when economic theories are constructed. By showing how the economic study of the performing arts has been developing so far and by exploring some of its shortcomings, the aim is to appeal to alternative economic approaches to artistic fields. Approaches that incorporate more relevant information regarding the actual way the arts work.

-pabrainlest po

13. Monologue about the education​

A speech that is given directly to the audience or another character. For example, a scene that captures a president's speech to a crowd exhibits a dramatic monologue that is both lengthy and important to the story's plotline.

14. example of monologue​


Jim: (Hesitant) Are you sure this is the man?

Bob: Yes Im sure! Now shoot him! (Angry)

Jim: (Shoots gun) (Panics) What have I done!... I killed a man!

Bob: (Snickers) Yes you did, and I must also shoot a man to get rid of... witnesses.

Jim: (Scared) Jim! No please no!

Bob: (Shoots) Sorry, I had to Jimmy Ol' Friend

15. monologue about covid19​



As has been echoed in other posts on in-Training and beyond, the novel coronavirus pandemic has created fear and panic across the globe. It has propelled racism and xenophobia directed towards Asians and Asian-Americans.

16. Monologue are the example of interpersonal communication


Yes, In most theatres, a monologue is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience. They are mostly said by a narrarator.





because monologue is in interpersonal communication. Monologue - a form of speech, is a result of active speech activity, designed for passive and mediated perception

17. Monologue speech About the story of kish

"my father was a hunter before. it's not that I am just a kid I can't defeat a bear and can't bring home a meat"

18. what was the monologue all about


In theatre, a monologue is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience. Monologues are common across the range of dramatic media, as well as in non-dramatic media such as poetry.


sana po makahelp.

19. an example of how to make a monologue about child labor

The main reason for child labour is poverty. Most of the country's population suffers from poverty. ... They send their small children to work in factories, homes and shops. They are made to work to increase the income of their poor families at the earliest.

20. what was the monologue all about brainly

[tex]\purple{\overbrace{\underbrace{\tt{ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: QUESTION \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: }}}}[/tex]

what was the monologue all about

[tex]\orange{\overbrace{\underbrace{\tt{ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \:ANSWER\: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: }}}}[/tex]


» In theatre, a monologue is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience. Monologues are common across the range of dramatic media, as well as in non-dramatic media such as poetry.


21. non example of monologue and dialogue


Polonius' speech to his son, Laertes, before Laertes goes to France. there are 3 Types of monologue

1.Dramatic monologue : It refers to a speech given by a character directly to the audience or another character with the purpose of revealing specific the intention of his action. ...2.Soliloquy: ...3.Internal monologue.

22. Examples of snow white monologue


I couldn't be destined to spend the rest of my days alone in a garden. Someday, A prince will come on a tall white horse and he'll carry me away from the castle of my stepmother. He'll be brave,handsome and strong.

23. ACTIVITY NO. 3. In any CLEAN and NEAT paper, WRITE a monologue about the love of daughter/son to their father. EXPRESS your feelings without saying bad words. ​


ano ba sagot Jan diko rin alam eh

24. example of monologue

panget ba ako? kapalit palit ba ako? then why?

Tonight, your faces will glow with wonder

25. what was the monologue all about brainly



In theatre, a monologue is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience. Monologues are common across the range of dramatic media, as well as in non-dramatic media such as poetry.


sana makatulong. ;-)

26. example of monologue​


Dramatic literature.



Dramatic monologue.

Interior monologue.




When a conversation stops and shifts focus to a single character's speech, it is usually a sign of a monologue. In this situation, a group conversation between friends turns into one girl's response; a monologue addressing bullying and the bully himself


Robert Browning's “My Last Duchess”.

My Last Duchess by robin browning

28. give 3 examples of dramatic monologue piece

1. A single person, who is patently not the poet, utters the speech that makes up the whole of the poem, in a specific situation at a critical moment […].2. This person addresses and interacts with one or more other people; but we know of the auditors' presence, and what they say and do, only from clues in the discourse of the single speaker.3.
 The main principle controlling the poet's choice and formulation of what the lyric speaker says is to reveal to the reader, in a way that enhances its interest, the speaker's temperament and character.[1]

29. example of monologue​


"Am I to be Blamed?"

They're chasing me, they're chasing. No, they must not catch me. I have enough money now.

30. Examples of Short Monologue

the monologue of Shylock is short 

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